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Response to Bush's Speech

by christopher mitchell (peaceyo [at]
When everyone is free, no one will die from government terrorism, or terrorism against the government. Today I mourn an extra few thousand extra victims from an unjust society than on the average day.
Response to Bush Speech

This is a response to the speech given by George Bush on Tuesday night following the devastating attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Bush begins by claiming that
by freedom guy
This attack has little to do with capitalism. It had to do with US support of Israel and US troop invitations by Saudi Arabia. That's what Bin Laden has been saying for years:

"This war will not only be between the people of the two sacred mosques and the Americans, but it will be between the Islamic world and the Americans and their allies because this war is a new crusade led by America against the Islamic nations." (Reuters, 2/20/97)

"The U.S. government has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal through its support of the Israeli occupation of Palestine." (Reuters, 5/11/97)

"The presence of the American crusader armed forces in the countries of the Islamic Gulf is the greatest danger and the biggest harm that threatens the world’s largest oil reserves… The infidels must be thrown out of the Arabian Peninsula." (The Washington Post, 8/31/96)

Nothing about capitalism. Keep in mind that Bin Laden used to be a businessman...
by christopher mitchell
Indeed, bin Laden used to be a businessman. My point was not that he was striking a blow against capitalism. My point is that capitalism creates these sorts of things. When the U.S. trains bin Laden because we want to secure the world for our capitalism and he comes back to attack the U.S. - this is all tied back to capitalism.

When I was in the mideast, it seemed to me that Islamic fundamentalism comes largely from the poorest, most oppressed areas - the people that the state has cast off. In these areas, some people begin to cling to a misrepresented Islam because there is nothing else to cling to. Another major contributer to fundamentalism is the encroachment of Western /consumer culture on certain areas of the world. The rise in fundamentalism is clearly exacerbated by global capitalism.
by Mark Nelson (mnelson [at]
Its more than a little bit unfortunate that "freedom guy"'s response, and Mitchell's reply both seem to imply the assumption that Osama bin Laden was behind this attack. Its just a little too early to close the case, especially when our notoriously accurate media is pushing the theory so hard. Remember reactions to the 1995 bombing.
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