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Indybay Feature

Analysis of Attack

by christopher mitchell, TwinCities IMC
These attacks are the natural and logical conclusion of global capitalism.
On Tuesday morning, their was a coordinated attack by unknown people on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Also apparently relevant is a fourth plane crash near Pittsburgh. At this point, the WTC has collapsed completely and there is no consensus as to whether more destruction is imminent.

What follows is a quick analysis of the situation and the coverage by the mainstream media.

As of now, few people believe this could be an extraordinary coincidence. It appears that some group effectively coordinated an attack that destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon using hi-jacked commercial airliners. All we know is that no one has claimed responsibility.

As soon as the scope of the attacks became apparent, these attacks were appropriately termed terrorist attacks. However, everyone should keep in mind that the term terrorist attacks are not used when the United States uses military jets and missiles to blow up a pharmaceutical plant in the Sudan or civilian targets in Iraq. My use of the word terrorist is not intended in any way to suggest these attacks should be viewed in dissimilar ways.

Anti-Arab Sentiment
That being said, the reaction of many news stations (perhaps NBC most notably) was to immediately begin talking about Islamic Fundamentalist terrorism with a focus on Palestinian groups. This was aided by a news agency reporting the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine took credit for the attack. However, a DFLP spokesperson later said that was false and the DFLP had no connection to the attacks.

Nevertheless, NBC often showed footage of Palestinian groups in the West Bank celebrating the attacks on the United States. They probably could have shown pictures of right-wing militias scattered throughout the Great Plains celebrating an attack on Washington D.C. and New York, but they did not. They chose to show Arab groups at least partially because every time an apparent act of terrorism occurs involving the United States, the first group of people scape-goated are the Arabs. This was true of the aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing though Arab groups had no ties to those who were convicted and executed for the crime.

While NBC and others show pictures of Arab groups celebrating, these media outlets rarely inform their viewers while certain Arab groups celebrate attacks against the United States. Having traveled in Palestine, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon, I am familiar with Arab sentiment in that part of the world toward the country I live in. Arabs in general, and specifically Palestinians have many reasons to hate the United States. It is the United States backing that allows Israel to continue its occupation of Palestinian lands. It is the United States that singularly blocks the United Nations from responding to Israeli aggression against Palestinians. And it is predominately American media sources that demonize all Arabs (but particularly Islamic Palestinians) as being crazed terrorists bent on destroying democracy. So we should not be surprised by the positive reaction of some that the United States has been damaged in terrorist attacks.

In fact, so long as the United States remains committed to using several times its share of the world
by carlos sempere (ibiza109 [at]
I was glad to read this; it's entire true. I'm even gladder you said it without sounding like you were happy about it (intended or not). I've been expecting something big to happen against the US for a very long time; on an internation scale, we certainly deserve it. But we must remember the smaller scale, that of individuals, in which these acts can never be justified. I don't think it's fair to say that workers there deserved it, much less the airplane passengers. Almost everyone in the world acts in what they believe is good faith - even capitalists and fascists.
So, I'd just like to add that we should be very careful with our words and actions. Here in Berkeley, the pro-Palestine students are sure to be scared of undue repercussions, and we're all pretty much exposed. Take care, everyone.
by Winnie
These attacks are NOT the natural consequence of capitalism. To think so would show complete ignorance of the basis behind capitalism. These attacks are the direct effect of a group so bent on destruction that they murder thousands of innocent people. Your analysis is false, inflammatory, and childish.
by Bodzin
Winnie, You tell the author to show some respect. But the way to honor the dead is to truly find the root of the conflict, and solve it, not to jump on the foolish bandwagon that says that the terrorists were "pathological."

We are all born alike. Why do some of us turn into violent people who feel justified committing mass murder?

In this case, we don't know who did today's violence. But we know that the U.S. has been actively assaulting people all over the planet for decades. We just pulled out of the conference against racism. We just bombed Iraq again last week. US weapons are used daily to kill Palestinians.

To stop violence, you need to start by looking in the mirror.

by Human
There is no such thing as innocents deserving violence. Israel and the
Palestinians both choose to continue there cycle of violence, they need to
stop looking for others to place blame on, and blame themselves.

A few years ago peace was approaching, then some fools decided to
restart the cycle of violence. Those in the world trade center have nothing
to do with this. They are 99% innocent victims of a foolish cycle of violence.

Today someone was walking down our street then started yelling at yet
another innocent saying "Fucking Arab". Hate is a contagious disease,
hatred or attacks on innocents is never justifed ever.
by Judy
Is this what happens to Clinton Bully revenge - remember Iraq? Is this what happens to Bullies? Or is this the government (like Hitler) looking for more power and control? Just like Oklahoma - set up (see Gore Vidal). Also, check out "The Incredible Bread Machine" for what governments do throughout history in every country in the world for power and control. Don't trust the government, the media (they are CIA operatives) - also with all their cameras, watching every move we make - I can't walk the Minneapolis streets without them following me everywhere, they have us monitored on computer, on telephone - so how could they miss this? It's a set up. Also, why did the building fall so symetrically? Who Benefits from this? The New World Order folks.
by tony (bingo [at]
i too believe that winnie misunderstood the point behind the authors article. maybe if it was prefaced with "the killing of anyone for any reason is wrong" then it would have made it more palpable. sadly i am with the author on his assesment that this sort of thing is the natural progression of what our country and it's practice and support of economic and environmetal waste, division and greed can lead to. in the end i feel split between the desire for those that committed this atrocity to be brought to some kind of justice(??) and for us as a society to realize that we cannot insulate ourselves from the world when we need to be a part of it. and when i say "be a part of it" i mean utilizing less of it's natural resources, providing whatever non-military help in finding peaceful solutions to regional/global conflicts and knowing that al of our decisions in life have an impact on our fellow inhabitants on this planet.

peace and love to all humans everywhere
by Shorona (shorona69 [at]
Thank-you for the brief alternative analysis. It was validating and comforting to read the feelings, thoughts and fears that many of us are having, voiced in public. The mainstream media has the resources to be most up to date with information about what is happening in the US related to the plane crashes, but the rhetoric that it, and government representatives, are using is frightening in it's short-term, US-centric, and retributive fervour.
Many of us are afriad at this time; not that there might be further attacks for unknown assailants, but for the likely continued attacks from the well-known sources of the American government and the capitalist war-machine; the potential for a contemporary form of McCarthyism; the increase of discrimination and racism against 'the new devils', Arabic (particularly Muslim) people.
I would like to be participating in some solidarity actions with Arabic people.
Against the efforts of the capitalist state and it's supporters to maintain the status quo at all costs, there is still a small hope that from a tragic and extaordinary event like this, there could be a hopeful shift to a greater understanding of the forces that are making people suffer unnecessarily and leading us toward the destruction of our own environment.
earthlove and hope,
I am glad to read people's reasoned responses (aside from Winnie's). There are things that we can do (action always makes me feel better) to support the people who are going to be and have been being targetted. Everyone should be supporting arab/arab-american businesses. White and obviously non-arab people can approach arab and arab-american businesses, neighbors and non-profits and let them know that you support them. Figure out if you're willing to protect people and in what ways (against mobs, after vandalism, just as an ear if they are being harassed, potentially housing people if necessary - up to figuring out how you will deal if people start getting rounded up for detention camps), and then inform people of what you are willing to do. This can be an opportunity to broaden links and connections between communities.
by richard (fieldbrook [at]
Dear Lord of War
Your son was wrong when he said to turn the other cheek.

We need to kill ten thousand kids of the enemy.

Make that 20,000!

But with your help it could be 30,000!
by jason
You should really learn a bit about capitalism before attacking it. Capitalism is the only moral economic system that the world has ever known. It acknowledges the basic human rights that we all have (life, liberty, property) and does not include the right to enslave another person. All other political and economic systems insist that each person is to some degree a slave to others whether its society, the government, etc.

I'll agree that our government's past actions are in some way responsible for the feelings of hatred that others in the world feel towards the United States, but those past actions were in direct violation of our own constitution and in no way are related to capitalism. Our country has descended so far from its capitalistic roots that at best we're a mixed socialist/capitalist society.

Capitalism advocates the free and mutually beneficial interaction of individuals as well as nations. It also advocates the use of force only in a retaliatory manner.

See for more information on what capitalism REALLY stands for.

- A proud capitalist.
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