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F.B.I. Shuts Down Websites on Orders of Zionists

by Ernesto Cienfuegos (LaVoz [at] Aztlan.Net)
InfoCom Corporation in Texas raided by scores of
federal agents. Zionist directed action is
designed to hurt the Palestinian cause.
F.B.I. Shuts Down Websites on Orders of Zionists

InfoCom Corporation in Texas raided by scores of
federal agents. Zionist directed action is
designed to hurt the Palestinian cause.

Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, Alta California - September 6,
2001- (ACN) La Voz de Aztlan has learned that
approximately 50 federal agents are still inside
the business offices of an Internet Service
Provider after an early morning raid yesterday.
The InfoCom corporate building in Richardson,
Texas was first surrounded and then evacuated in
the early morning hours. The FBI has shut down
servers that host many websites serving the
refugee Palestinian community. At least one of
the websites was for the purpose of charity. The
website for the Holy Land Foundation raises
funds in the United States to help countless
Palestinians that have been adversely affected
by Israel\'s racist apartheid policies. Other
websites that have been shut down include those
for the Muslim Students Association, the Islamic
Society of North America, and for the Islamic
Association for Palestine

This is an ominous development and a trampling
of the First Amendment Right that should anger
every decent American that believes in the U.S.
Constitution. There are extremely powerful
elements in our society that are now utilizing
the police powers of the federal government to
suppressed freedom of speech, expression and of
the press. There have been repeated attempts by
Zionists to shut down La Voz de Aztlan as well.
Recently the Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon
Weisenthal Center made some comments in the
Jewish Journal of Los Angeles that were designed
to call the attention of the Zionist community
to our publication. Soon after the publication
of the rabbi\'s comments, we started receiving a
barrage of hate e-mail, computer viruses and
pressure from our own Internet Service Provider.

The raid on InfoCom Corporation came after
similar commentary by hateful Zionists who write
for the Wall Street Journal of New York. Writers
Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes, called upon the
federal government to shut down the web sites of
the Islamic Association for Palestine and of the
Holy Land Foundation which the FBI did yesterday.
Emerson and Pipes wrote in an August 13 column
in the Wall Street Journal: \"The time has also
come for the US to support Israel . . .\" \"The
federal authorities should use the tools it
already has in closing down these web sites and
organizations,\" they wrote.

The Zionist owned media in the United States has
a lot of power to influence the federal
government. They want to be the only ones with
the ability to disseminate information which
includes opinions about important issues
affecting the world such as the crisis in the
Middle East. They are very concerned about the
Internet because it is about the only truly free
medium that they can not control (yet). The
Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Weisenthal
Center, for example, has a multi-million dollar
budget exclusively to lobby the U.S. Congress
for laws that will enable them to control the
content of the Internet. Rabbi Cooper never
mentions the horrible pornography on the
Internet but focuses on websites like ours that
have published editorials critical of the
Zionists. Recently, a candidate for mayor of Los
Angeles admitted that he had \"put together over
18 million dollars for Rabbi Cooper\" while he
was Speaker of the California State Assembly.

We can not sit back and allow the Zionists to
gradually erode our sacred rights guaranteed by
the greatest political document men has ever
written and that is the United States
Constitution. Presently most of the members of
the U.S. Congress are in the pockets of
extremely wealthy and powerful Zionist business
interests. We must turn the tide and expose
these Zionist lackeys before all Americans are
enslaved and then it will be too late. We are
already suffering the consequences of the ever
tightening noose. We must act and we must act
Article published at:
La Voz de Aztlan
by SJA
It's clear from their attacks on La Voz de Aztlan that the Zionists are buddy/buddy with the white supremacist Anglo-Saxon ruling class of AmeriKKKa that want to continue their illegal occupation of Mexico Norte(Aztlan) because they support the Zionists continued illegal occupation of Palestine. Manifest destiny and Zionism are one and the same-RACISM!
by Pat Kincaid (laughter [at]
Wow, and I used to think these 'aztlan' folks were just some nutty Mexican-American separatists.

Ironic when it seems that half of Mexico is trying to scale the fence to come here. Imagine the look on the faces of all those people who came here, if they woke up one day to find out the U.S. has -left- them! :)

Anyways, as I started out writing, Aztlan has expanded operations into a full-blown anti-Jewish hate site.

by lobosolar
is possible to provide us with the url of that pages some contacts lets see if some mirroring counter caricates fbi plans
by Mulberry Sellers
As of about 3PM Pacific time, the Web sites for the Holy Land Foundation (, the Islamic Society of North America ( and the Islamic Association for Palestine ( were all online and had been updated within the last 24 hours.

I couldn't determine anything for the Muslim Students Association because a Google search on that name returns dozens of pages belonging to associations of Muslim students at individual institutions, and I had not the patience to wade through them all seeking the specific one cited in the above article.

Apparently the Feds' intent was to stage a fishing expedition in the hope of finding some pretext to prosecute the authors of some of the Web sites hosted by InfoComm, and to spread some intimidation around, rather than to shut down the targeted sites immediately. They probably don't think they have a legal pretext to do that yet.

The fools. All it would take would be a letter to the ISP claiming that the site they don't like is engaging in "copyright infringment" under the DCMA. Corporate powers have already used this method to squelch criticism. I suppose the logical conclusion is that the Feds aren't quite as "with it" as their slavemasters.

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