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Flashpoints Radio Aug 21: Haiti Update; CIA on Campus USA; North Bay Progressive

by Jaguar Johnny (webmaster(at)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio Aug 21, 2001 (link to audio in 'full story' text below)
- US led economic embargo of Haiti: Haiti's crime: DEMOCRACY (25 min)
- CIA secretly hires University of Illinois to develop a computer model for the global spread of AIDS (12 min)
- Activists launch 'North Bay Progressive', an environmentally friendly newspaper (14 min)
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2001 - Start Audio \"for
-00:00\"Dennis Dennis Bernstein: Haiti update w Flashpoints reporter and independent filmmaker, Kevin Pina, and with Pierre Laboisier(sp?) of the Haiti Action Committee: \"photo Kevin attacked while riding a motorcycle in Haiti recently (relates the incident).. about the attempted coup in July.. Pierre: in 1998 a (right wing) organization from Haiti came here, met with Jesse Helms.. try to disrupt the (democracy) movement.. Dennis: Aristide abolished the military.. Pierre: the military created by the U.S., fueled by the U.S... there to put down the labor movement, the womens\' movement.. \"Poorover 5000 people were murdered by these guys.. Kevin: I\'m working on a new documentary.. about the many problems facing poor Haiti.. Dennis: what impact is the U.S. led economic boycott against Haiti having? Kevin: (the purpose of the boycott) to make people suffer because of their embrace of democracy (election of Aristide).. about Aristide\'s new literacy campaign.. Cuba helping Haiti.. Pierre: the economic blockade a scandal and an outrage, Haiti having to pay interest on loans that have not been received.. you can help, call 510-483-7481
-27:00 Noelle Hanrahan w Professor Francis Boyle of Illinois University School of Law,: how the political science chair at UI tryed to get Prof Boyle fired for blowing the whistle on CIA secretly hiring 2 UI faculty to develop \"Universitycomputer model for the global spread of AIDS.. about the CIA using UI to develop a new lie detector test, using UI students as guinea pigs.. protestors at UI immediately arrested.. they did the best they could to keep these things secret.. Prof. Boyle had to file a state \"freedom of information\" request.. Boyle: I got a copy of the two contracts, it was appalling.. the 2 faculty members had to spy on AIDS conferences for the CIA.. violating ethics standards.. it\'s money, the university wants the professors to go out and bring in money.. the University got 51% of the contracts off the top.. that is why they prosecuted the students to the wall.. how we fought it, we send out subpenas to university administrators to come in to court and detail the ties between the CIA and the University.. the University immediately withdrew their charges against the protestors..
-39:45 Peter Phillips of Project Censored, Suzanne Rigalato of the Sonoma Peace and Justice Center, and Will with North Bay Media Collective.. Suzanne: about the non-coverage of the recent gathering of powerful white guys at Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio.. Will: there is a lots of news not getting covered by our local press. labor, environmental stories.. 500 subscibers.. this paper will be sponsored by readers.. Peter: about the annual meeting at Bohemian Grove..\"old the place where race, class, and gender discrimination are rampant.. this year over one thousand people there protesting.. for a sample copy of the North Bay Progressive call: 707-525-1422.. Writers and contributors welcome. Dennis: I want to urge people to support this enterprise.. be at the starting gate of a brand new publication.. And be sure to catch our special tomorrow at 5PM on the \'Future of Democracy Now!\', cohosted by Laura Flanders
-54:00 End today\'s show.. today\'s review by john lionheart
Audio today\'s show (scrollable)
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