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Terry Greenblatt of leading Israeli women's peace group, Bat Shalom, speaks

by Jaguar Johnny (webmaster(at)
Terry Greenblatt of leading Israel women's peace group, Bat Shalom, speaks out at a recent Jewish Film Festival in San Francisco Bay Area.. KPFA Flashpoints Radio.. (16 min)
Tuesday, July 31, 2001 - Start Audio \"for
-00:00 Terry Greenblatt of leading Jewish Women\'s Peace group, Bat Shalom speaking out at a recent Jewish Film Festival in San Francisco. (16 min)

Audio this whole July 31 show (scrollable)
Read July 31 show review w audio link
Audio this Terry Greenblatt speech (scrollable)
Flashpoints website/ show archive

\"Dennis KPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley
Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine
-produced by Dennis Bernstein
online live 5-6pm Pacific time weekdays at

Friday, August 10, 2001 - Start Audio \"for
-00:00 Noelle Hanrahan: Macedonia attacks ethnic Albanian village in retaliation for terrorist attacks.. w Professor Junowski(sp?).. (joined in progress) NATO scheming (link2) to occupy Macedonia.. the US military is behind these \"terrorist\" assaults.. Now w Sarah Flanders of the International Action Center: the \'Albanians\' a guerilla invading force commanded by the US.. Macedonia under ever-increasing demands.. what does NATO seek to gain by destroying the sovereignty of Macedonia? Prof Junowski: The US sees its interest as having Macedonia exist as a NATO protectorate rather than as an independent Macedonia.. why? check out US-VP Dick Cheney\'s company\'s Balkan project: the AMBO Pipeline Corporation (link2) (link3) (link4) .. financial interests in Macedonia.. Flanders: there is no end to the US involvement.. intra-imperalist rivalry, mostly between Germany and U.S... the US involved not to bring peace, but ever spiraling war..
-10:10\"Dennis Dennis Bernstein: w Marlene Tobias.. Break the Silence Mural and Art Project (link2) (link3) (link4).. in Bethlehem.. to paint a mural, with the Palestinian artists: THE HISTORY OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE.. spans four floors.. from before the creation of Israel in Palestine.. \"photo Marlene: today i feel the presence of the (US MADE AND PAID) Israeli military weapons trained on us here.. Yesterday, a funeral for a 19-year-old boy killed when a bomb he was carrying exploded.. (When we heard about the Jersalem bomb going off) people got very very scared here.. afraid of Israeli military retaliation.. the dancers saying: "we\'re gonna die tonight".. we said,\"Yeah we might\".. Israelis are shelling every night.. gun battles.. last night helicopters circling Bethlehem from 1AM to 4:30.. no one can sleep.. rockets might be fired.. but still some people are celebratory about the Jerusalem bombing.. jubulating.. as an American that\'s hard to take.. (as with some Israelis, these people are in deep spiritual crisis).. an incredible level of desperation among the people here.. they feel it can\'t be just Palestinians killed.. (kindly pray for them.. see them all happy, Arab and Jew).. it\'s a painful, painful situation.. this is a very, very, poor place.. dry, poor, trash around.. \"SF homes carefully tended inside, outside crumbling.. an incredible the laughter, the passion, the enthusiasm here with those working on the mural.. \'heaven and hell running a tight race\'.. the people warm and generous, treat us like royalty, so much care and generosity.. at the same time, this is an open prison.. 5 minutes in every direction, the road stops.. one man we talked to last night hasn\'t left this little area in five years.. an incredible inner joy though with the people here.. incredible dicotomy all the time.. a feeling of being safe here (at the mural project building), internationals going in and out all the time.. friends, relatives being shot, shelled, attacked with missiles just minutes away.. Marlene: I don\'t regret coming here one moment..
-22:35 Noelle Hanrahan: w Miguel Molina and Sherrie Gendleman(sp?), members of the KPFA Local Advisory Board (LAB).. Sherrie: we are channel between our community and our station..
-28:00 w LAB member David Landau, about CA Senator John Burton, the most powerful California state legislator.. Bessie Wash trying to play footsie w Sen Burton.. Burton not impressed.. a good chance Pacifica playing fast and loose with KPFA\'s money.. now w LAB member Carol Spooner: we are meeting with people, talking with people, finding out how KPFA can better serve its community.. Sherrie: (Thanks to Senator Burton and the CA legislature), the CA Attorney General authorized lawsuits filed on behalf of KPFA vs Pacifica, (Carol details the AG\'s list of concerns).. the function and activities of the LAB.. Molina: we are looking for ways to reach out to being in more people from the low-income communities, e.g the homeless..
-46:30 Carol Spooner: we\'re looking to find two community representatives to sit on the Program Council call 707-526-2867 or 510-848-6767 ext 626: apply to be an official community voice on the LAB Program Council.. also: August 15th through October 15th seeking nominations for the LAB .. a substantial time committment.. hear these folks.. announcements again on Larry Bensky\'s Sunday Salon September 2nd.. mo info (site down Friday eve)
-51:30 Noelle Hanrahan: live w Kathy Kelly, of NGO Voices in the Wilderness, who is fasting in front of the White House: 50 US and British war planes attacking Iraq today.. an illegal action in violation of international law.. this is a glimpse into what the Iraqi people have endured.. day 5 of a 40-day fast.. go sympatico: fast September 10-14th the last 3 days
-55:02 End today\'s show.. today\'s review by john lionheart

Audio this show (scrollable)
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KPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley
Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine
-produced by Dennis Bernstein
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