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International Action Center call for protest at Bohemian Grove Saturday July 14

by Jaguar Johnny (webmaster(at)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio July 12, 2001: (link to audio in 'full story' text below)
- Interview w human rights lawyer from Belfast. (10 min)
- Robert Knight, of WBIX (WBIA radio in exile) on Vieques (7 min)
- Middle East Childrens Alliance reports live from Palestine (9 min)
- GWBush's medicare drug discount scam (13 min)
- Bohemian Grove protest this Saturday w the International Action Center. (13 min)
Thursday, July 12, 2001 - Start Audio \"for
-00:00\"Dennis Dennis Bernstein: interview w human rights lawyer from Belfast.. on the Orange Protestant men marching through Catholic neighborhoods.. loyalist paramilitary.. people having pipebombs, petrol bombs thrown into their homes.. riot in Portadown last night.. attacks on individuals.. houses set on fire with people inside.. everyone is angry tonight.. the unwanted marches like rape.. the whole community is traumatized.. they have to stay inside and hide
-10:20 Dennis: Fired WBAI host, Robert Knight, now of WBIX (WBIA radio in eXile), reports on Texas refusing today to become the next Vieques.. developers and ranchers say no to bombing on Padre Island.. Vieques is very important to the US military, the radar on Vieques is unique, and the submarine control center is there in case of nuclear war.. only the bombing and amphibious landing aspects would have been moved to Padre Island
-17:00 Dennis: Berkeley\'s Penny Rosenwasser (Middle East Childrens Alliance) reports live from the West Bank in Palestine with Israeli jewish women, monitoring Israeli checkpoints for human rights abuses. At least 20 medical deaths in the last six months due to checkpoint delays; two died yesterday, a baby born at a checkpoint died, an elderly man with a heart condition died.. interview with one of the monitors, Dee: today was unusually quiet compared to other days.. People are sometimes made to wait for hours in the rain or broiling sun.. Ambulances forced to wait for long periods.. you can see how checkpoints serve not security, but are more for humiliating people.. scaring people, showing them who\'s in control.. \"jeffsoldiers pointing loaded guns into the cars.. Yesterday Rabbi Asherman of Rabbis for Human Rights, and Jeff Halper (link2) of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions arrested for laying down in front of bulldozers.. tomorrow Penny visits the caves where over 500 Palestinians had their homes destroyed last week..
-26:20 Dennis: on Bush\'s plan for discount (drug) cards for Medicare recipients.. w Quentin Young, M.D. and Don McCanne, M.D. of Physicians For A National Health Plan. A typical Bush scam.. There is no government committment at all.. this is a gimmick.. an annual fee, paltry savings.. Dr. McCanne of Orange County who quit his practice to lobby for increased access to medical care: endless numbers of people here in this county with no insurance, with impaired access.. Dr. Young: a marketplace scheme.. absolutely no funding.. totally ineffective.. California Congressman Pete Stark released a study today.. some of the prices are actually higher than existing.. You can go across the border to Mexico or Canada and get 60% savings.. in Canada because of Canadian government programs.. but Bush wants to enrich the super-rich.. drug company marketing costs are TWICE their research and development costs.. spectacular rewards to drug company executives.. one executive just got $270 million dollars in stock options.. we must end the exorbitant overpricing.. Dr. McCanne: drug prices are much less in Mexico.. Mo Info: Chicago 312-782-6006
-39:50 Dennis: \'Bohemian Grove\' protest this weekend Saturday.. interview w Richard Becker, of the International Action Center. Bohemian Grove is an elite club for the rich and powerful, an ALL MENS CLUB... This is where global decisions are made.. Where: in tiny Monte Rio, California, 5 miles west of Guerneville (map) (local transit).. so small once you get there you will have no problem finding the protest.. there\'s a 2PM rally in the parking lot w activists Barbara Lubin, Henry Clark, many more.. past Bohemian speakers have included: Edward Teller, Malcom Forbes, George Shultz.. this years attendees: the big warmakers, corporate CEOs, lots of Bush people, political henchmen, George Bush 1st, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney.. it\'s the 212th anniversary of the French revolution and the storming of the Bastille.. these are the modern monarchs, the kings of capital.. they will fly into the Santa Rosa airport, no heliport in Monte Rio.. the back roads in.. elaborate security.. the protest is at the main entrance.. you are encouraged to come.. buses leaving SF at 11am.. 415-821-6545 for bus reservations. leave at 11am back at 8pm.. Monte Rio a beautiful place for a protest!.. ALSO, SF protest against world\'s #1 war criminal Henry Kissinger.. the world is closing in on Kissinger, because of the bombing of Cambodia, what happened in Chile, etc.. protest 11:30am-1pm July 18th.. info CALL 415-821-6545.. Fairmont hotel, California and Mason, SF.. take the cable car off Powell Str. Bart or the #1 California Muni.. Kissinger has grown immensely rich, a war criminal, enriched himself illegally, he should face justice
-52:40 End today\'s show
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