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Indybay Feature

Protest American Aid to Israel

by Umar ben-Ivan (umarivan [at]
Americans are in need of a wake-up call.We need direct action to protest the billons of dollars of military aid to Israel.
Palestinians are being murdered with US made bullets. Civillians are being bombed with US made bombs, you are paying for all of these things.

We must mobilize in opposittion. We are calling for what is called The Bridge Project. That means, within the next 30 days, doing sit-ins during rush hour at bridges and other high traffic areas throughout America.

We urge the brothers and sisters in the Bay area to unite with us in this struggle.
by With In
the next 30 days? I don't suppose you could be more specific.
by With In
the next 30 days? I don't suppose you could be more specific.
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