Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

M4: Generations of Struggle (Kent State)

by Studio 220 (salim [at]
Watch a video about the May 4th, 1970 Kent State shootings in Ohio.
<font color="#FF0000" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><b>M4: Generations
of Struggle</b></font><br>
<img src="/im/ksupulitzer.jpg" align="left" width="125" height="125" vspace="2" hspace="5" border="0" alt="kent state shootings"><font face="MS Sans Serif, Verdana, Arial" size="-2">April
- June 2001: In the last few months, civil disobedience has been on-going in Cincinnati,
Ohio, since Timothy Thomas, an unarmed black youth, was shot to death by a white
police officer. <br>
Thirty years ago, uprisings throughout Ohio were becoming common. Sparked by racial
tension and the civil rights movement, as well as the student-led anti-war movement,
there were actions in Cincinnati, Columbus, Kent, Cleveland, and across other
parts of Ohio. <br>
As the anti-authoritarian movement worldwide gains momentum, the lessons of the
past should not be forgotten. Bringing the struggle back to local communities
is challenging but promises the best potential for a sustained resistance to unchecked
global capitalism. <br>
Studio 220 has released this video,
"M4: Generations of Struggle," as a historical record of the police
repression experienced in Ohio during the 60s and 70s. On May 4th, 1970, four
protesters were killed and nine others wounded when Ohio National Guard opened
fire on a crowd of protesters at Kent State University. Read this chronology
for more background information, or look at the May
4 Center
. <br>
<b><font color="#FF0000">WATCH NOW:</font><br>
</b>There are two versions of the video... a 28k/56k version for modem users and
a Broadband version for users with cable, DSL or better.<br>
[ <a href="/display.php?id=100383">Watch Part 1 / <a href="/display.php?id=100386">Watch
Part 2 ]<br>
<b>28k/56k MODEM VERSION: </b><br>
[ <a href="/display.php?id=100384">Watch Part 1 / <a href="/display.php?id=100387">Watch
Part 2 ]</font>
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