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From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Here's the full text of the original charter of the neo-fascist Pioneer Fund!

by {Fwd}
The far-right-wing 'Pioneer Fund,' founded by open admirers of Hitler in 1937, has provided at least a million dollars to the Anti-immigrant group F.A.I.R., who in turn paid one of the co-authors of the anti-immigrant Prop 187 in California for nearly two years leading up to the Prop 187 campaign (most of Prop 187's provisions have since been struck down by the courts as unconstitutional).

Here's the exchange that ensued when their original incorporation papers were posted on the anti-mexican message board hosted by the California Coalition for Immigration Reform. [ ]
by {fwd}
Apparently the text was too long to go in the same article as the photo. See the text article directly above this one in the newswire.

Here's the link to the information about the neo-fascist Pioneer Fund and their support of the leading national anti-immigrant organizations:

Here's the link to the CCIR website where you can comment on their eugenics-based fears/hatreds:
by {Fwd}
Photo: Barbara Coe, head-honcho of C.C.I.R., a California anti-immigrant group that hosts an online message board that seems to be devoted to swapping anecdotes about illegal aliens and calling for their deportation, and in some cases advocating outright race war against them. C.C.I.R.'s main claim to fame is its support of Proposition 187, the 1994 measure that attempted to kick 'illegal' kids out of schools and deny 'illegal' people access to social services, even though they pay taxes. [ {Fwd} photo copied from earlier CCIR-related spoof on Apologies to the uncompensated photographer ]
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