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Indybay Feature

no more cops in quebec

by anonymous
after being bombed with chemicals for 2 straight days, someone communicates in one of the only mediums that will convey their message
by me
Ok....just remember this when two guys are holding you down and a third is raping your giirlfriend..oh sorry.."signifigant other" in front of you....
by Fu Bar
Rape is a crime of the capitalist system. It is the reaction of a weak mind to cultural disenfranchisement. Rape, murder, and cops are all symptoms of the same problem: abridgement of personal sovereignty.

People living autonomously would have no need to resort to unproductive violence to regain a meager bit of control in their life.
by anonymous
a community does not need organized armed thugs to stop rape. we DO have those and all they do is intimidate and traumatize people who report rape crimes ... that is commonly referred to as the 'second rape' ... what is needed is a larger overall community that is opposed to rape and does not let it happen. interesting, though, that this is your conception of life without law. who's the sicko?
by liberation
Name one rape that a cop has prevented.
Cops are the most reactionary apparatus of the state.
Therefore their purpose always occurs after the fact.

by liberation
The purpose of police almost always occurs after the crime has been committed.
Law enforcement is one of the least efective means for solving societal problems.
by voodoo (voodoo [at]
... one asinine post, followed by a host of more observant posts. :}

by archan
let's say that someone is getting raped, and, somehow,
you manage to get a cop there before it's over. let's say
it's a male cop (pretty good odds it would be).
aside from the fact that this would in no way stop the
incident from being traumatic (there's more to rape than
just the physical part... much more), and aside from the
fact that cops the world over have a terrible record on
lifting even a finger to do something about sexual abuse...

*what guarantee do you have that the cop hasn't raped
someone himself?*

there are some reasonably well covered up scandals in
toronto, including female cops regularly beaten at home
by the male cops they married. and allegations that some
toronto cops have hired and raped strippers. the former
was reported in one of the smaller media outlets, the latter
reported by street activists.

i've met and been told about an inordinate number of
extremely misogynist cops. which is no surprise. being a
cop's about power. misogyny and rape are about power.
capitalism's about power. cops exist to protect capitalism.
capitalism is just one embodiement of our society's
alienation from itself and people's alienation from
eachother and themselves. an example of how everything and
everyone, be it happiness, a forest, the self, or a womyn,
is completely objectified in so many people's minds.
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