Indybay Regions North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area California United States International Americas Haiti Iraq Palestine Afghanistan
From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

SF events 3.25 US now printing $ secretly

by financial collapse
important events:
fun events:
more events:
eco events: Sustainable World Coalition 390 27th St Oakland Marin Peace and Justice Center Palo Alto Peace and Justice Center MARCH activism

Friday March 24th
6:00pm SF: Community Teach-in on State of Philippines
7:00pm Oakland: Iraqi Women Say No to War
7:30pm Palo Alto: Screening of "The Real Dirt on Farmer John
Saturday March 25th
12:00pm Berkeley: Fundraiser for Anti-Racists Arrested Fighting the Minutemen
6:00pm SF: Benefit Show for the Doe Family


Benzene in Some Soft Drinks Prompts Call for Halt on Sales in Schools

Fluoride conference reveals fraudulent science behind mass fluoridation

Former Forest Service chiefs’ opposition adds further weight against sale of public lands

Carbon cloud over a green fuel
An Iowa corn refinery, open since December,
uses 300 tons of coal a day to make ethanol.

China slaps a tax on chopsticks
Charges on goods unveiled in bid to preserve environment

Groups Demand Water Rights, Cite Millions of Deaths

*Exxon Exxposed*

Massive Gas Pipeline to Pierce the Amazon

By Rainforest Portal, a project of Ecological Internet, Inc.
March 22, 2006

Project Will Devastate South America's Rainforests, Water & Climate

Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina plan to build a massive natural
gas pipeline of up to 9,000 km in length from Venezuela to
Argentina through Brazil's Amazon rainforest. Construction of
the pipeline would be the most ambitious physical infrastructure
initiative in South America's history, costing up to $25 billion
and taking up to seven years to build. The pipeline would pierce
the heart of the Amazon and ensure its destruction as a large,
operable whole. Large areas of pristine rainforests will be
destroyed during construction, and new roads will open the rest
for colonization by ranchers and loggers. The multitude of
waterways traversing the Amazon will be polluted during
construction and inevitable pipeline leaks. The pipeline will
contribute to global warming through deforestation and oil
production to access the gas. The similar existing Camisea gas
pipeline through rainforests in Peru - which was touted as a
model of sustainable development, environmental protection and
respect for indigenous peoples - offers a cautionary tale of the
damage caused by gas pipelines during construction and their
operation. In three years of operation is has already
experienced five major spills, severely damaging the environment
and local communities. The proposed pipeline is a major threat
to the existence of the Amazon rainforest, as well as regional
and global ecological sustainability. The leaders of Brazil,
Venezuela and Argentina must be called upon to scrap plans for
its construction. Take action now:

Fresh Water Shortages Damage Environment Too*
Peak Oil is Now Official Suburban Bureau
Mexico's supergiant Cantarell oilfield is now in decline.
Can the rest of the world make up the shortfall?

Rachel's News #847: Law of the Commons

In what is a not too subtle dig at Bush's subpoena of their search
records, Google is getting their own nasty dig at 'W' before the
gag orders go into effect.

I don't know how long this will work, but go to and type in the search word: asshole

Don't hit the "search" button, hit the "I'M FEELING LUCKY" button
right below the Search. Turn your speakers on.

The oil is going, the oil is going!

here is a "Pacific NorthWest" yahoo group dedicated to getting free
speech.. banner drop and other means

North Korea Says US Does Not Have Monopoly on Pre-emptive Strike

After reviewing several robbery reports, and talking with several victims, as well as two reformed muggers, I found out that the B.A.R.T. system is used as a getaway in many cases where people were robbed and mugged in north and west berkeley.
All a mugger has to do, given BPD's standard five minute response(a good response time for any large city) all a criminal has to do is make it to north berkeley bart and they can vanish.
People around these areas need to be on the alert, M

Orwell's Internal Revenue Service
The Internal Revenue Service is quietly moving to loosen the
once-inviolable privacy of federal income-tax returns. … If it succeeds,
accountants and other tax-return preparers for the first time would be
able to sell information from individual returns -- or even entire returns
-- to marketers and data brokers.
IRS plans to allow preparers to sell data

New Poll Finds 86 Percent Of Americans Don't Want To Have A Country Anymore

Grand Opening of Dachau Sounds Familiar
  Dachau's 73rd "Grand Anniversary" Celebrated
  Feds Schedule $385 Million Concentration Camp To Be Built By Halliburton Subsidiary

Background: friend just got offered a summer internship at $30 an hour. He
wants more money, but has no other offers.

Friend asks me to take a look at the response he's planning to send. It
says something like "Is the salary negotiable?". I point out his email
makes the job the prize, which is wrong. He's the prize!

Rewrite to something like "I believe $35 a hour is a reasonable offer for
someone with a masters degree, especially considering that I will have to
purchase a car for this internship." (Always give a reason - See Robert
Cialdini's book Influence: "Can I use this copier?" 20% of people say yes.
"Can I use this copier because I have to make some copies?" 70% of people
say yes.)

Company calls back an hour later with an counter offer of $34. My friend is
Electoral Dysfunction
One Florida official exposes a gaping flaw in the electoral system – and is ignored by everyone, including California

Conquering the Silk Road:  US Geostrategy and the Confucian-Islamic Connection
Much has been said and written about the neoconservative 'Project for A New American Century', yet the geostrategic import of this project has only emerged in bits and pieces. However, the pieces do indeed fit into a comprehensive design for continued American predominance and hegemony in world affairs. The long-term objective of this project is the containment and possible elimination of a rising China, as America's greatest perceived geopolitical threat. The means via which the US intends to obtain this goal is through a bold (and foolish) attempt to conquer the ancient 'Silk Road'. Read More >>>

The First Rules of Holes 20 March 2006

“There is an old military doctrine called the First Rule of Holes: if you find yourself stuck in one, stop digging.”- The late Rear Admiral Eugene Carroll, U.S. Navy

Considering how much President Bush admires war, it’s surprising he doesn’t heed to Admiral Carroll’s paradigm. From domestic to international policy, Bush seems to keep digging himself deeper into a trench he has little hope of getting out of. Admittedly, he’s been able to temporarily halt scrutiny into his warrantless eavesdropping program, but only because the press, public and Congress is shocked and awed by the mammoth incompetence of his administration. While giving a speech in Cleveland Ohio on Monday, Bush defended his Iraq record, saying he could "understand people being disheartened" but appealed to Americans to look beyond the bloodshed and see signs of progress.,,329437977-103550,00.html

'Iraq was awash in cash. We played football with bricks of $100 bills'

At the beginning of the Iraq war, the UN entrusted $23bn of Iraqi money to the US-led coalition to redevelop the country. With the infrastructure of the country still in ruins, where has all that money gone? Callum Macrae and Ali Fadhil on one of the greatest financial scandals of all time

U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes


The Miami Herald is reporting that a new game based on Monopoly
<> is
taking a crack at Patriot Act and what creator Michael Kabbash describes
as the curtailed freedom that has resulted. From the article: /"The
object of the game is not to amass the most money or real estate, but to
be the last player to retain civil liberties. 'I've had people complain
to me that when they play, nobody wins. They say "We're all in
Guantanamo and nobody has any civil liberties left," he said. 'I'm like
"Yeah, that's the point."'

Rest of article here

"The board game that brings the thrill of trampling the Constitution
right into your home... newly updated for 2006 to include NSA wiretaps
and renewal of provisions"

Second Death of Rachel Corrie

50,000 For Our Forest!

Thu Mar 23

# Thu, Mar 23, 2006      5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A Special Evening of Venezuela Solidarity
Leaning Tower of Pizza 498 Wesley @ Brooklyn Oakland

# Our Beautiful World is Dying march 23 6:00pm-10pm $0

This Beautiful World Is Dying
Artwork by Josh Barry
At the Seventh Heart
Opening Reception
March 23, 2006, 6-8 p.m.
Runs through March 6th-23rd

Slinky nymphs, lithe pixies and gorgeous mermaids are some of the
inhabitants of Josh Barry's altered universe encapsulated in This
Beautiful World Is Dying. They play and gesture, sucking the viewer
into their dying world. What is killing their world? Perhaps it is
heartache or worse, apathy. The entropic imagery in each work could
be an obvious reference to death, but in Barry's case entropy also
references life. The imagery is full of nostalgia for a better time,
a better world, or a world better left to the imagination.

Although Barry has created 15 pieces for the Seventh Heart gallery,
his work is truly conceptual. His stories are where his art
resides. These stories are taken from personal experiences but
portrayed by archetypal characters. The characters are delightful
and belie some of the difficult subject matter that inspires Barry's

Josh Barry lives and works in San Francisco. He is originally from
Bermuda and has lived in San Diego and Chicago. All of the places he
has lived have affected his work. Barry has his BFA from the Windows
Arts Academy and the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.

Melinda Moshuk Independent Curator San Francisco, CA 415-794-5835

the Seventh Heart 1592 market sf 415-431-1755

# 3/23 6:30 pm FREE lecture/panel discussion w/ members of the Black Panthers @ Yerba Buena 3rd @ Mission/Howard

# Voices of Dissent: Activism & American Democracy
Screening & Discussion with Filmmaker Karil Daniels
Thursday, March 23 7:00 PM
New College Cultural Center
766 Valencia Street, San Francisco

Filmmaker Karil Daniels screens her award-winning video documentary about defending our First Amendment rights and civil liberties against government attempts to repress democracy and our freedom to dissent. The film includes many of the surprising and creative ways Americans have found to express their views in dissent against the Bush administration policy of war in Iraq.

After the screening, join a discussion with filmmaker Karil Daniels about what we can do to protect authentic democracy.

This 42-minute documentary has been honored at 8 film festivals. Proceeds will support plans to expand it to full feature length.

Admission: $8 General / $4 Students & Seniors

Using events, theater, song, dance, comedy, satire, music, poetry, interviews with many well-known personalities and the wisdom of our founding fathers, VOICES reminds us of our roots and the importance of protecting authentic democracy. Featuring Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson, Al Franken, Arianna Huffington, Daniel Ellsberg, Medea Benjamin, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Ambassador Joseph Wilson, Norman Solomon, Will Durst, Rene Hicks, Starhawk, Drew Dellinger, Ron Kovic and many more.

Karil Daniels is a long-time activist film & video maker. She is a founding member of the Film Arts Foundation and a current member of the Board of Directors of Bay Area Women in Film and Television.

This event is co-sponsored by New College Center for Education and Social Action, and the film is a sponsored project of the Film Arts Foundation, a non-profit organization.

For more information, contact Jon Garfield, New College Center for Education and Social Action at 415-437-3425 or jon [at]

See also:
Karil Daniels, Point of View Productions, 415) 821-0435

Fri Mar 24

# [bacorr] ALERT!!! Right wing Christian fundamentalist bigots are coming to San Francisco
ALERT!!! Right wing Christian fundamentalist bigots are coming to San Francisco this Friday and Saturday to hold a fascist mega-pep rally called "BATTLECRY FOR A GENERATION." They are recruiting youth and their rallying cry is "Reclaim the values that made this nation great." (Like slavery, genocide, racism, and imperialism)

Their first rally is Friday afternoon (2:30) at San Francisco City Hall. Please arrive at 2:00 pm on Friday and bring drums, noisemakers, voices, banners, large signs, and your determination to drive Christian fascism out of S.F.!!! Then they will be at ATT/SBC Park Friday night (7PM) and all day Saturday (8AM-9PM). Check out their website -- they truly want a theocracy: "...there are young people that love God and want to build the future of our country on Biblical values. We want the world to know this is the purpose of our gathering....[!!!!]", as always they are promoting an anti women homophobic ideology.

# There is going to be a rally of Right wing fundementalists tomorrow at City HAll..."Battlecry" a charismatic Christian sect, is convening "prayerfully" on the steps of City Hall at 2 to offer the usual nostrums about sin, the love of Jesus and the ills of humanist secularism. Go here to get more details (and also to read some florid rhetoric from our Friends in Jesus who have discovered Indybay and are gleefully posting on it.)
There will be a press conferance organized by BACORR, World can't Wait, Not in Our Name, and Code Pink. Tom Ammiano who introduced a resolution(which is attached))  condemming their anti-queer, anti-choice subtext, will be speaking as well. Toni Mendocino is speaking for BACOOR.
If you can make, that would be great.

Poetry began in the matriarchal age, and derives its power from the moon, not from the sun.
No poet can hope to understand the nature of poetry unless he has had a vision of the Naked King crucified to the lopped oak, and watched the dancers, red-eyed from the acrid smoke of the sacrificial fires, stamping out the measure of the dance, their bodies bent uncouthly forward, with a monotonous chant of: 'Kill! kill! kill!' and 'Blood! blood! blood!'

Robert Graves
"The White Goddess"

# Scott Ritter, Faiza Al-Araji, Medea Benjamin, & Ray McGovern "We Won't Get Neo-CONNED Again"
Fri, Mar 24, 2006   7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
First Unitarian Church of Oakland (Wheelchair accessible)
685 14th Street

Former Chief UN Weapons Inspector SCOTT RITTER,
Iraqi citizen FAIZA AL-ARAJI,
Founder of Global Exchange & CodePink MEDEA BENJAMIN, and
Retired Senior CIA Analyst RAY McGOVERN

ASL interpretation available.

Advance tickets: $15 suggested donation ($20 at the door). Advance tickets are available by phone at 415-255-7296 and online at

Ritter & McGovern will sign copies of the new book "Neo-Conned" after the talk.

SCOTT RITTER was the UN's top weapons inspector in Iraq between 1991 and 1998. Before working for the UN he served as an officer in the US Marines and as a ballistic missile adviser to General Schwarzkopf in the first Gulf war. He wrote the introduction to Neo-CONNED! Again, and will be signing copies immediately following the event.

FAIZA AL-ARAJI is a member of a delegation of Iraqi women visiting the US to educate Americans about the reality in Iraq and meet with UN and US officials to call for an end to the US military presence in their country. She is a civil engineer and blogger. She is a religious Shia with a Sunni husband, and mother of three. After one son was recently held as a political prisoner by the Ministry of the Interior, the family fled to Jordan. Her blog is

RAY McGOVERN served as a captain in the U.S. Army from 1962 to 1964 before working as a CIA analyst for 27 years. From 1981 to 1985 he conducted daily briefings for Ronald Reagan's vice president, George Bush, the father of our current president. Ray is a member of the Steering Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. He wrote a chapter in Neo-CONNED! Again, and will be signing copies immediately following the event.

MEDEA BENJAMIN is the co-founder of Global Exchange and Code Pink. She is powerful and charismatic human rights activist who has struggled for social justice for over 20 years. Ever since the tragic events of 9/11, Medea has been organizing against a violent response. In October 2002, she made national news for interrupting Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as he pitched his plans for war against Iraq to Congress. After the invasion, she traveled several times to Iraq to organize Occupation Watch International Center in Baghdad. At the start of 2005, Medea accompanied a delegation of U.S. military families to the Iraqi/Jordanian border to bring a shipment of humanitarian aid for people in Falluja and those most in need.

Co-sponsored by: US Tour of Duty , Global Exchange,CODEPINK, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee, KPFA and Light in the Darkness Publications.

For more information contact:
Phoebe Sorgen
(510) 528-9428
(415) 255-7296 tix

# Fri. March 24, 7:30 p.m. Earth Charter Marin Protect our Living Oceans
When the Whales Stopped Singing: The Impact of Human-Made Noise in the Ocean. George Taylor, Board President of Seaflow.
"The ocean is not quiet. Whales, dolphins and other ocean life are put at risk as humans invade the ocean with noises made by commercial and military technology. Off shore oil drilling, Navy sonar systems and diesel engines are just a few of the noise-making technologies which affect the delicate acoustic environment in the Ocean. The biggest new problem in the ocean-noise issue is that the oil industry, to find deposits in the outer continental shelf, wants to survey with an incredibly loud seismic air-gun system, which disrupts fish stock and whales for up to twenty hours at a time."
Find Out •How You Can Protect Ocean Life
The Redwoods, 40 Camino Alto, Mill Valley (at Miller) (across the street from Safeway)

# Nathalia Edenmont: Art Opening at the new blashtaus gallery, BOCA
Friday, March 24 6:00 PM
Location? Maybe Blue Room on Mission?
Blasthaus this week changed locations twice for this and/or another event.
keep changing it See or
SF, CA 94103 415 474 7973
March 24 to April 29 Opening Reception: Friday March 24 6PM

# Common Vision Benenfit, Santa Cruz, 3-24-06 Friday, March 24 8:00 PM
418 Front St Santa Cruz, CA view map
Common Vision, a non-profit group that plants fruit trees at schools, plays west african drums and dance, from San Diego to Nevada City from February to March on our annual Fruit Tree Tour, is having a benefit concert and community art auction in Santa Cruz on 3-24-06.
The event will be held at 418 Front St at 8 pm. This is an all ages event with a 10 dollar admission fee, but free admission for a art donation that can be auctioned in our silent art auction. Art submissions must be turned in by 5pm and ready for display. The theme of the art show this year is "Fruit Trees".
We will have some awesome performances including

Don Woulila
West African Drum and Dance
featuring master drummer
Bolokada Konde from Guinea

Common Vision
featuring the Fruit Tree Tour '06 crew
a multicultural educational performance
with storytelling, drumming, dancing, hip hop, and so much more!

Living Alliance of Love
an infusion of hip hop, trance, and dub music
featuring Johnny Dutro

Galactic Dub Council
featuring a slew of hip hoppers (Resonant Sun, Smiles a Lot, SUP126, Cerberus, Kalimama, Luke D, and more)
with integrated beats and live music!
break dancers and belly dancers, too!

Amber and Molly
Hip hop set with members Santa Cruz's Goddess Funk

There will also be a parade from Pacific Ave with the Santa Cruz Trash Orkestra

Please come and show your support!
This is your chance to donate some beautiful art or $ for a great cause, and shake your boooty!
more info at

# UNDULATIONS 3 Fri Mar 24 (one night only!!) Location: Mighty 119 Utah St SF. @ 15th St./ Potrero
Doors open at 9pm and spin until afterhours $15 pre-sale/$18 at the door
21+ only more info available at
Hosted By: Ultra Gypsy belly dance

come on out and boogie down at the event that you won't want to miss:  Undulations 3: A sultry evening of belly dance and exotic music..
\This friday March 24th.
@ Mighty, 119 Utah St.  in SF.
Doors open at 9pm
$15 adv./$18 @ the door
21+ ONLY!
Ultragypsy Dance Theater Presents!
jaw dropping dancing
sultry and amazing live musicians
rockin djs
sexy hot hipsters shakin it on the dance floor (that's you!)
Some of the sassiest, most chique and cutting edge vendors
and the world premier of Ultra Gypsy's new theatrical set..

# Fourth Fridays 9pm-2am SHINE @ 1337 mission b/t 9th & 10th
soma, sf FREE before 10 $5 after  21+ 4th fridays | every month

# LIVE HUMANS!! MAKING MUSIC!! Friday, March 24 9:00 PM
$5 for the heads (or your saucy equivalent)
at SugarBunni's, 1919 Market @ Grand in West Oakland (do not leave valuables in your car!)
....and how wonderful the rest will be...
LAZARUS (sf) (
2% MAJESTY (pdx) (
ALEC K. REDFEARN (providence) (

# Friday, March 24, 10:00pm
A domestic intelligence-gathering program is discussed.
Sunday, March 26, 4:30am
A domestic intelligence-gathering program is discussed.
Monday, March 27, 1:30am
A domestic intelligence-gathering program is discussed.
Tuesday, March 28, 2:30am
A domestic intelligence-gathering program is discussed.

This Week on NOW: Eyes of the Eagle

Friday, March 24, 2006 on PBS
(Check local listings at


This week on NOW:

* Eyes of the Eagle
NOW investigates a little-known Pentagon program that's been secretly
snooping on Americans with the help of local law enforcement.


"Eyes of the Eagle"

How far can the Pentagon go to flush out terrorists in our midst?
NOW takes a look at a little-known Pentagon program created by Paul
Wolfowitz called TALON, short for "Threat and Local Observation Notice."
TALON has been keeping tabs on a wide range of innocent Americans,
from student protesters to even one 79-year-old grandmother. Critics
allege that much of the information generated has been unreliable --
particularly from their close collaboration with local law enforcement.

"First, they were doing stupid things which should just piss people off
in terms of a waste of time and energy, " William Arkin, a former
military intelligence analyst and past consultant to the United States
Air Force told NOW, "But second, they were violating their own rules and
the law." Is the Pentagon's eye on you?


NOW Online
Starting Friday morning, the NOW web site will follow up on the TALON
story with exclusive features and information, including:

* A comprehensive look at TALON and other ways the government has been
keeping tabs on American dissent and dissenters.

* A closer look at documents shown on the broadcast, including the Paul
Wolfowitz memorandum recommending stronger civil liberty protections for
the program he created.

* An update on the domestic spying controversy

* Our NOW online poll: Should the Defense Department be keeping tabs on
anti-government activists?

Sat Mar 25

# Join us in Flagstaff, AZ on March 25th! - March for Sacred Sites and Immigrant Rights!. More info at,

# Farm Sanctuary's Farm Animal Forum
You may already have heard about our upcoming Farm Animal Forum at the Ramada Plaza in downtown San Francisco on Saturday, March 25. It promises to be an exciting and educational event filled with passionate guest speakers, delicious vegan food, informative activist training sessions, a wide variety of merchandise, and opportunities for networking.
We are still in need of volunteers to assist with set-up, clean-up, registration, security, and/or staffing merchandise tables on Saturday. There are 2 six hour shifts: 8a.m.-2p.m. and 2p.m.-8p.m. Individuals who volunteer on Saturday do not need to register for the conference and are able to attend presentations and/or participate in activities either before or after their shifts. Volunteers will be provided with a boxed lunch. We are especially in need of volunteers for the first shift. More information can be found on the website:

Visit our website at
Sign up to be a member of our Activist Network at 

# 3/25: Todd Chretien 4 Senate vs. Feinstein (bernal heights)
Meet Todd Chretien, an able thinker and credible candidate for U.S. Senate.
He's boldly opposed to continued U.S. military presence in Iraq. He tackles
issues other than Iraq. Visit his website:
Todd's the March 25 program at Bernal Heights' monthly community forum, Bumpin'
Bernal Heights. 1 pm. 189 Ellsworth St. (off of Cortland).
hosted by Bumpin' Bernal Heights 415-948-4265 telekosmos

# Sat, Mar 25, 2006      2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Scott Ritter, Medea Benjamin, Fernando Suarez, Ray McGovern, & Faiza Al-Araji of the Iraqi Women Speak Out Tour
Vets Hall 846 Front St Santa Cruz

# Sat Mar 25 5pm FLASH MOB SUCKAS!! (downtown / civic / van ness)
Paper Airplanes In San Fransisco At the san fransisco shopping center (on market st @ 5th)
march 25 at 5pm exactly
make some paper airplanes before hand, then go to the highest floor in the mall (10th i believe) and toss the airplanes at exactly 5 pm then quickly disperse

# Mind Strata: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Sex
Saturday, March 25th 6:00 pm-11:00 pm Free

This is an exhibition which brings together a collection of artists
who have been asked to make new works which deal with inherited
social baggage. The specific focus is on the artists' reactions to
the mid-20th century attitudes towards sex and sexuality that have
been passed down to them as received wisdom. This group of artists
chooses not to treat them as such, but rather to mine them as a rich
territory for criticism, re-evaluation, and amusement.
Mind Strata is a group of Bay Area artists that formed in 2006 to
carry out a series of conceptually based exhibitions. Upcoming shows
include Mind Strata: The Collision Point at the Works San Jose in
September 2006, and Mind Strata: Office Dreams, which is currently on
view at the I Magnin Building
(2001 Broadway) in downtown Oakland.
The artist reception will be held on Saturday, March 25th from
6-11p.m. It is free and open to the public.
Viewing at the Garage is by appointment only, please visit for more details.
The Garage
2830 Pacific Avenue (between Divisidero and Brodrick)San Francisco

# Don't forget about the Marin Raw Food potluck this Saturday evening at 6pm.  We have an excellent speaker, Don Weaver, back by popular demand, who will begin at 7pm.

The new location is at the La Plaza conference room.  4340 Redwood Hwy, San Rafael (Terra Linda) 94903.  There is a $3 donation required for each potluck participant.

Directions:  101 to Smith Ranch Rd.  Head East and turn right onto Redwood Hwy. at the first light.  (Not counting the light for 101 if you are coming from North of San Rafael)  Take the second left (immediately after the first left) driveway just south of Mitchell Rd.  The conference room is all the way at the back of the complex.


We hope to see you there!  The following is the bio for our speaker....

Veganic Eco-Gardening for Personal-and-Planetary Health" by Don
>Don Weaver returns to inform and encourage us to surrender to a
>healthy Spring Fever and the urge to plant our own
>mineralized-organic gardens and fruit trees. He thinks that generous
>local and global soil remineralization with rock dust to grow
>high-quality crops and trees is a primary key to regenerating the
>socio-ecosphere. Having 29 years as a healthy raw fooder and organic
>gardener, Don is glad to share his experience and thoughts, and to
>answer any questions. He also offers two free books online at
>, and will bring a few 50-bags of rock dust for
>those wanting to take some home; cost will be about $15/bag. If you
>want more than one bag it is a good idea to let Don know in advance: earthdon@yahoo

# Sat, Mar 25, 2006      7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
IRAQ: The Power of Truth in a War Based on Lies w/Scott Ritter, Faiza Al-Araji, Medea Benjamin & Ray McGovern
First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall (Wheelchair accessible)
1140 Cowper Street Palo Alto

# Japan Meets Oakland Saturday, March 25 8:00pm-10:00pm $10
YLEM hosts a multimedia event featuring the noted Japanese musician/
sculptor/architect Akio Hizume in his first Bay Area appearance.
Joining him will be San Francisco Bay Area musician/performance
artists Tim Perkis, John Bischoff, Kenneth Atchley, and Kattt Sammon.
Join us for this multimedia extravaganza of images, new sounds, solos
and duets. 21 Grand 416 25th St Oakland 510-444-7263
21 Grand is located at 416 25th Street (at Broadway), Oakland, CA 94612
lorenmea 510-444-7263

# Big community art show at
This will be a wonderful night of music, art and film.
This is a non profit community event showcasing over 50 artists.
please come out and support local ART!!!
Saturday March 25, 8pm to 1 at Art SF 110 capp @ 16th
$5-20 sliding scale Music: Cuba live band, the Dedications dj 7 ate 9
tag team set by Miss Blyss and Double 00 J. Tonal (
Experimental Opera preformance by Ashley Knight
FILM installation Douglas Katelus Gwendolyn Dearborn the "hala"
Over 40 artists showing photography, mixed media, painting, sculpture, textiles, and fashion.

# Bénèfice!     A Benefit for La Vache Enragee Productions
Saturday, March 25th, 9:00 - midnight
Cafe La Onda 3159 16th St (bet. Valencia and Guerrero) in SF
Entertainment provided by:
 Dumb Clothing / SilverLucy urban fashion show The Galactica Orchestra original jazz
Afi Ayanna soul vocals n.o.madic tribal belly dance
Aima of The Mamaz conscious hip-hop / spoken word
                                  The Genie scratch guitar / beatbox
$10 Donation requested.  No one turned away for lack of funds
All donations go to La Vache Enragee, a 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit Corporation.
All donations are tax-deductible. All ages are welcome.
For more info call 415-812-7224  or go to

# Next Anon is Saturday, March 25, 2006 ~ Sensuellevation! ~
Details soon! -

285 9th & Folsom/SF

Suggestive Donations:
$10 b4 10:30/ $15 - Heightened/ $20 - Hesitant

- RADIOHIRO (Kollektiv/CHGO)
- DAVID STARFIRE (Radio Assassins/LA)

Plus the Sensuous HandMaidens  from
XOX BURLESQUE invite you to undergo the
(Arab Flamenco Funk Live!)
- PLUS ONE (UpSideDownTempo)
- AtoMikDoG - Hardware Live-Set (369rekchordz)

- BROOKE BUCHANAN/ "Secret Exposures"
- RUBY PEARL / Fabled Lips
- JOEGH B & LAEL/ Lingeried Sensuwall
- CLAY CHOLLAR/Airbrushed Booty Parlor
- OCEANA/ Painted Faces
- DEE DEE RUSSELL/ Goddess of Pink
- The (Once Again!) Re-Designed Roof Garden

÷ Did you know that the ANON gallery is available for rentals?  If interested, contact joegh [at]

÷  Also, if U R (or know someone who is) a stellar web designer, OR a back-end ninja, (& even if you don't need the work right now) drop Spoon a line at spoon [at]

# Mar 25-26:Giving Good "NO"

Sun Mar 26

# Do you oppose the war? Why pay for it?
More than half of our federal income taxes are used for militarism.
Find out more about this form of conscientious objection
at an introductory workshop.

San Francisco, Sunday March 26, 2-5pm
San Francisco Friends Meeting
65-9th St. between Market and Mission
(Near Civic Center BART)

Northern California War Tax Resistance

# 2050 Bryant @ 18th has confirmed our reservation request 2:00-5:00 p.m. for Sundays March 5, 12, and 26th.  there is a benefit concert there on the 19th, so we'll have to plan to be somewhere else that day.
to subscribe to Bay Area Hulahoopers, send a blank email to:
bah-subscribe [at]

# Now-Time Venezuela: Oliver Ressler, Dario Azzullini, and Chris Gilbert in Conversation
March 26, Berkeley Art Museum Theater, 2pm
 Together with Matrix Curator Chris Gilbert, Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler will discuss their new video project on occupied factories in Venezuela. The project initiates the year-long Matrix cycle "Now-Time Venezuela: media along the path of the Bolivarian process." The cycle will present works that both document and contribute to the process of political, cultural, and economic transformation in contemporary Venezuela.

# 3/26: Salt Pond Tour (menlo park)
Salt Pond Tour
a guided walk starting at Bayfront Park in Menlo Park
Sunday, March 26, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Did you know that the largest tidal wetland restoration project on the West Coast is happening right here in the San Francisco Bay? Hear more about this project and view some of the salt ponds acquired by the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Geared towards adults. Free. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. Call 510-792-0222 x43 for reservations and directions.
Location: Meet at Bayfront Park, Menlo Park
Contact: Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 510-792-0222


Come explore Pandora's Trunk, a unique trunk show and boutique
featuring handmade fashion goods, books, and art, homemade truffles, and a deluxe spa, footcare, and massage corner. You'll have the opportunity to chat with and purchase high quality goods from talented local designers and artists, while sampling decadent chocolates and sipping on complimentary drinks. All while listening to the sounds of our favorite hot violist. See you there!

Spa Dee Dah doing full-body massage and luxurious foot care, $1/minute

Rachel from selling art prints, t-shirts, handmade hat, and luxe underwear

Decadent chocolate truffles by Fuzzy: Philippe

Jazzboogie Accessories by Erin

Sprocketbooks by Gina
miranda caroligne - one-of-a-kind neoarchaic creations

March 26th, 3-7pm free!
916 Natoma Street, at 10th Street San Francisco

# Monkey Chant Circle Song: Oakland, Sunday March 26, 7-10pm
The group that has done the monkey chant workshops and performances at Burning Man for the last five years is inviting you to come and play with us this weekend.
Sunday, March 26 , 2006 : 7-10 pm. YES, WE LOVE IT, THIS SUNDAY!
Monkey Chant, Toning, Beat-Box, Circle Song
Anyone who chooses and Gamelan X (a.k.a. One People Voice)
One People Voice Box, 2509 Myrtle Street, Oakland, Ca. 94607. (We're almost 2 blocks north of West Grand on the left hand side.) 510.832.1631 Celebrate the Voice and the Circle. Connect and Reconnect.
COST: FREE. (Donations Not Expected, Nor Refused.) Gamelan X

# Free Film Screening - Inside San Quentin Sunday, March 26 8pm free
The Arena - Inside San Quentin
A special screening of Marino Colmano's gripping photofilm.
Existence inside San Quentin Prison in Marin County, California is
explored in intimate detail in this photojournalism exposé.
Made Possible By Lucid Media 318 N. Carson St., No. 208 Carson City, NV 89701
Space Gallery 1141 Polk St San Francisco 415-377-3325
On Polk Between Sutter and Post St
raym 415-377-3325

Mon Mar 27

# March for Peace
Monday, March 27, 2006 (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Oakland, California

OBJECTIVE: A 241 mile march that aims at ensuring that the Latino voice of opposition to the War is heard loud and clear across the Americas.

WHAT/ WHEN: Fernando Suarez del Solar, Pablo Paredes, Camilo Mejia and Aidan Delgado will lead a coalition of the willing across this 241 mile quest for peace starting in Tijuana, Mexico, going through Marine Corps Depot Camp Pendleton to the Cesar Chavez burial site in La Paz, CA, culminating in The Mission district of San Francisco with a memorial ceremony and blood drive.
The March will begin on 12 March 2006. The coalition of the willing will arrive at La Paz, CA on 22 March 2006 and culminate in San Francisco from 26 March 2006 to 27 March 2006.

WHY: Latinos represent nearly 15% of the US population and 11% of the US military, with many serving in combat or hazardous duty occupations. In addition, an estimated 20% of the fallen service members in the early months of the invasion were Latino. With the continued growth of the Latino population and its vital importance to the future of this country, it is time the Latino community become an active and vocal part of the 60%+ of US citizens that oppose this War. It is also time to show the Latino community that they have a voice and a right to fight for peace and stability. Fernando Suarez Del Solar is committed to self-sacrifice. At 50 years of age he cares more about ending this war than even his own health. We make this call not only to the Latino population but to all those who agree with our message “No more bloodshed in Iraq”.

visit for more information

# Venezuela from Below - a film by Oliver Ressler & Dario Azzellini
Screening & Panel Discussion
Monday, March 27, 7:00 PM
New College Theater
777 Valencia St, San Francisco
Oliver Ressler - Artist and co-director of the documentary film Venezuela from Below
Dario Azzellini - Writer and political analyst, and co-director of the documentary film Venezuela from Below
Chris Gilbert - MATRIX Curator

In Venezuela, a profound social transformation identified as the Bolivarian process has been underway since Hugo Chávez's governmental takeover in 1998. It concerns a broad process of self organization, from which has developed a progressive constitution, a labor law, new educational possibilities, and a number of further reforms for the impoverished majority of the population of what is potentially a wealthy state.

In Venezuela from Below by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler (2004; 67 min), the true actors in the social process are able to speak: workers from the oil company PDVSA, farmers from a newly founded cooperative in Aragua, loan recipients from the 23 de Enero barrio in Caracas, indigenous community members from the Orinoco river valley, and others. These are the people of the grassroots and they speak about what they did and what they are doing, how they feel about the Bolivarian process, and about their expectations and ideas in the search for a social and economic model beyond neo-liberalism. Following the screening, panelists will engage in discussion with the audience and each other about this film and Azzelini and Ressler's new video project about the on-going movement toward worker-controlled enterprises in Venezuela.

Donation Requested $5 (no one turned away due to lack of funds)

Presented by:
The Labor Video Project, LaborFest in conjunction with BAMPFA
Hands Off Venezuela Coalition, New College Center For Education & Social Action

For more information: (415) 282-1908 or email lvpsf [at]

Tue Mar 28

# City Guides' First Salon: Sex in Our City
Tuesday, March 28 -391 Grove Street at Gough
(Friends of the SFPL Headquarters) Doors Open 5:45
Several local wines will be on offer for tasting (hosted)
Eileen Keremitsis (The Barbary Coast)
Nan A. Boyd (author, Wide-Open Town: A History of Queer San Francisco)
Carol Queen (founder, Center for Sex & Culture)
Come, hang out with fellow Guides and others. Relax and Learn!
RSVP required: salon [at]

# 3/28: ecoVillage Coffee Hour, Tuesdays, 6 PM (oakland lake merritt / grand)
ecoVillage coffee hour: Every Tuesday at The Leaning Tower of Pizza, 498 Wesley (cross-street is Brooklyn). On the Lakeshore Avenue side of Lake Merritt. Hang out with neighbors. The ecoVillage Coffee Hour is the longest-lived activity on the ecoVillage calendar! No agenda. No decisions. Come join in the mix and enjoy community. Info: Directions: 510-444-6824.

# Life Moxie presents: Inspiration Point - Tue Mar 28 6:30p – 9:00p
HMO v. PPO - Your Healthcare Choices
SpiralMuse Home of WellBeing 3387-3389 22nd St @ Guerrero

# March 28th, 6:30 p.m.. at the Lindsay Wildlife Museum, the Contra Costa Watershed Forum is hosting the Creek and Watershed Symposium. Free admission. Open to general public. Please come and learn about what's going on in creeks and watersheds in central Contra Costa County. Meet representatives from local creek groups and see their presentations. The Forum's Volunteer Creek Monitoring Program will provide a presentation to show you findings from the Global Positioning System and Benthic Macro Invertebrate data collection efforts. Learn how to live with creeks in your neighborhood.
For more information, visit
or contact Kae Ono at kono or 925-335-1230.

# GREEN LIVING / Palo Alto /

In cooperation with the Palo Alto Adult School, Acterra is offering a "Green Living" class this spring, on alternate Tuesday nights, starting March 28 at Palo Alto High School.

Green Teams is a participant-lead class, and the discussion is all about sharing techniques for things we do in our daily lives to lessen our impact on the Earth.
Topics to be covered are waste, household chemicals, energy, transportation, water and community.

To get a better feel for what will be covered, take a look at
This class has been offered in the past at Acterra with the name "Green Teams."

To register, you must sign up at the Palo Alto Adult School website:
Green living is listed under the "General Interest" category.

Registration fee is $45, which includes a workbook. To sign up, see

With the rising cost of energy, concerns about global climate change and awareness of harmful chemical pollutants, more and more people are looking for ways to live more lightly on the Earth. Each session will highlight hands-on things you can do to reduce your impact on the environment--and save money in the process!

Instructors are David Coale, davidc, and Debbie Mytels, debbiem Please contact one of us if you have questions.

7 wks -- March 28 - June 13, 2006
No class April 11, April 25, May 9 and May 30.

Tuesday evenings, 7:30 - 9 pm
Palo Alto High School, Room 310

# Central Contra Costa County Creek and Watershed Symposium (lafayette / orinda / moraga)
Reply to: kono [at]
Date: 2006-03-17, 5:04PM PST

Wed Mar 29

# Hope to see some of your sweet faces in Turkey for the beautiful Solar
Eclipse Gathering in Southern Turkey on March 29th....
If you come to Soulclipse,the huge trance festie in Paradise Canyon, come
see me perform in the Chill Out ..............We are called SUNDARA and it
will be a sacred ambient journey with ethnic overtones and devotional
prayer ranging from Indian mantra to Ayahuasca/Orixa chants ,goddess
invocation ,mystical Rumi poetry, and some Jah luv dub stylee too......
And after the festival ,we can chill at the Rainbow Gathering or other
afterparties under the warm mediteranean sunshine .......!!!
So hope to see ya's there ! Blessings and smiles
Nalini of Sundara - Peace in every breath.

# Mar 29 2:55 am Free Solar eclipse over Africa 3601 Lyon @ Lombard, come camp out for free

# BACORR  and New College of California
Reproductive Rights Movie Night!  -  at the Roxie Cinema
Films & Discussion:  Leona's Sister Gerri   &  The Last Abortion Clinic                  
Wednesday, March 29, 7:00 PM
Roxie Cinema
3117 16th Street (between Valencia & Guerrero), San Francisco
$ 8 - General Admission / $ 4 - Students
“Leona's Sister Gerri” (1995), is an award winning film by Jane Gillooly.
This film tells the dramatic story of Gerri Santoro, a mother of two and the "real person" in the now famous photo of an anonymous woman on a motel floor, dead from an illegal abortion. Reprinted thousands of times on placards, and in the media, this grisly photo became a pro-choice icon.
“The Last Abortion Clinic” (2005)
Written, produced and directed by Raney Aronson-Rath.
The New York Times said "...'The Last Abortion Clinic,' gives a lucid picture of how the anti-abortion movement in states like Mississippi has worked so many hurdles into local laws that abortions are almost unattainable for poor women."
If you care about this issue NOW is the time to get involved.
Abortion has already been banned in South Dakota. Who’s next?
BACORR (Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights) is a coalition of organizations and individuals working for reproductive rights. Check out BACORR's website: or e-mail us at bacorrinfo [at] .
New College of California:
Roxie Film Center at New College:
For more information about this event call: Jon Garfield, 415-437-3425.

# comic strip artist TOM TOMORROW
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 (7:00 PM)
Booksmith 1644 Haight Street (Yahoo! Maps, Google Maps)
San Francisco, California 94117

comic strip artist TOM TOMORROW
reading & book signing for "Hell in a Handbasket"
Wednesday, March 29th at 7 pm

For years, Tom Tomorrow's acerbic and hilarious political cartoon, This Modern World, has been among the most recognizable and widely read comic strips in the country. In his first full-color compilation, "Hell in a Handbasket," Tomorrow looks unflinchingly at what America has become in the years since 9/11. "Hail, Tom Tomorrow." - Michael Moore.

Tom Tomorrow is the creator of the nationally syndicated cartoon strip This Modern World. His work appears each week in and in alternative newspapers across the country. He has also been featured in the New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, The New Yorker, Esquire, and elsewhere. The former San Francisco resident is a two-time recipient of the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award for Cartooning.

Booksmith author events are free and located at our San Francisco store (1644 Haight Street in San Francisco, between Clayton & Cole), unless otherwise noted. For further information, call 415-863-8688 or visit If you cannot attend an event and would like to order a signed copy of a book by an author included in our events calendar, please email or call our store.

# SpiralMuse NEW Moon Ritual – Wed Mar 29th  7:30p Potluck; 8:30p – 10:00p Ritual  
SpiralMuse Home of WellBeing
3387-3389 22nd St @ Guerrero San Francisco, CA  94110

Thu Mar 30

# Thu(3/30) 7:00pm
- David Ray Griffin, 9/11 The Myth & the Reality
- Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland

A Talk by David Ray Griffin
Thursday, March 30, 2006, 7:00 p.m.
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland

Price: $10. No one turned away at the door for lack of funds
Ticket Purchase: Tickets on sale beginning early March, 2006.
For more information,contact 510-368-0013.

# Thurs. March 30, 7 pm David Ray Griffin Speaks About 9/11
Prominent Theologian to Present Omitted Facts and Demand a Full Investigation
Standing by the principle that all suspects in a crime who had the means, motive, and opportunity should be investigated, Dr. Griffin raises disturbing questions and brings to light many omissions and distortions of fact in the official record of the official account – The 9/11 Commission Report. (Doors open at 6:00pm)
Grand Lake Theater 3200 Grand Ave, Oakland
Admission: $10 (no one turned away at the door for lack of funds)

# David Ray Griffin Talk: "9/11: The Myth & The Reality"

Thursday, March 30 7:00pm - 9:00 p.m. with Reception to Follow

10.00 & No One Turned Away at Door For Lack of Funds

Prominent Theologian to Present Omitted Facts and Demand a Full

Standing by the principle that all suspects in a crime who had the
means, motive, and opportunity should be investigated, Dr. Griffin
raises disturbing questions and brings to light many omissions and
distortions of fact in the official statement of the official account
- "The 9/11 Commission Report."

Some of the questions and omissions Griffin addresses:
About 100 times a year jet fighters routinely take to the air in
under 20 minutes to investigate aircraft in trouble. On 9/11, nearly
two hours passed without any interceptions. Why?

Why did the Twin Towers collapse straight down, totally, and at
virtually free-fall speed, given the fact that no steel-frame high-
rise building had previously collapsed because of fire and externally
caused damage?
Why did many witnesses, including many firefighters, report hearing
explosions before and during the collapses of the towers?

Why did World Trade Center Building 7, a 47-story steel-frame
skyscraper located over a block away from the Twin Towers, collapse,
even though it was not hit by a plane and had only a few small fires?

Why did the final report of the 9/11 Commission not even mention the
collapse of Building 7?

Please join us to hear Dr. Griffin's lecture, "9/11: The Myth and the

For more information contact 510-496-2700

For those of you living in other states or otherwise can't make it to
the theater that night, you will be able to receive a live web-cast
of the event by logging on to KMUD radio on the
evening of the event, at 7:00 p.m. pst. Please spread the word.

Grand Lake Theater 3200 Grand Avenue Oakland (510) 452-3556

For Directions see our event website homepage, and click on

911 - inside job. Demand investigation! - - - - - -


# The Hidden Costs of Plastic:  A Presentation by Green Sangha
    At the Green Model Home, 205 Montego Key, Novato
Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:00-8:45 pm
FOR General public and local owners of businesses
Andy Peri, M.A., and Stuart Moody, M.A., of Green Sangha, a non-profit environmental group
With John Shurtz of Green Builders of Marin and Eben Schwartz of the California Coastal Commission
1.  Film:  “Our Synthetic Sea” (10 minutes)
2.  Slides:  “Plastics:  Overtaking Our Planet” (20 minutes)
3.  A Nature Ware Party – examples of healthy alternatives to plastic packaging (old ideas, and new)
4.  A businessman’s perspective:  John Shurtz on how Green Builders of Marin is responding to the plastic pollution 
5.  Plastics in our oceans, plastics on our shores:  Eben Schwartz, Director of California Coastal Clean-up Day, on how our products get into the ocean, and some long-term solutions
6.  Summary:  Which do we want, short-term “convenience” or long-term survival?
7.  Music:  Acoustic music by composer and inventor Bart Hopkin of Experimental Music Incorporated, whose experimental instruments demonstrate creative re-use principles at their best
By donation Refreshments will be served

Fri Mar 31

# Fri Mar 31 6 PM SHAC 7 Defense Fundraiser
Join East Bay Animal Advocates for an evening to raise funds for the
SHAC 7 Defense Fund. March 31 6 PM
Location: The Albatross, 1822 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley

# *Picture Progress: a silent art auction benefit.*

*Date:* Friday March 31, 2006
*Auction time:* 6:30pm-10:30pm
Party to continue.

*Address:* Red Ink Studios
52 9th Street (btwn Market and Mission)
San Francisco Ca 94103
*Phone:* 415-861-3402
*Media Inquires:* 707-322-4861

*Event website:*

*Short Description:*

Don't miss the The League of Young Voters second annual silent art
auction, Picture Progress, on March 31, 2006. You'll see artwork from
some of San Francisco's best artists side by side with the city's young,
emerging artists. It will be an exciting show with over eighty artists
using a variety of mediums and styles. Drinks, food, jazz and great
company provided.

Short speeches by State Assemblyman Mark Leno, President of SF People's
organization Jane Kim and the League's California organizer Natasha Marsh.

Some of the participating artists are John Fortes, Lewis Watts, Ray
Potes, Norman Locks, Ian Scalzo, Justin Moore, Marlon Ingram, Sofia
Bowart, Shelby White, Terry Cunnif and Lars Rasmussen.

Every penny earned this night will go to support the hard work of the
League to ensure young people get out and vote across the nation in 2006.

# Bay Area Relocalize – Official Project Kick-off:

"Preparing Our Communities for the End of Cheap Oil"

Join us for the official launch event of Bay Area Relocalize, a
ground-breaking project of Post Carbon Institute that’s catalyzing
a regional transition away from over-reliance on fossil fuels.
Hear from leaders in the growing peak oil and community
relocalization movement, and learn about ways you can get involved
to bring the production of food, energy, water, and other vital
resources closer to home.

WHERE: The Forum @ Laney College, 900 Fallon St., Oakland, CA 94607

WHEN: March 31, 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm


· Julian Darley, Founder, Post Carbon Institute and author, High
Noon for Natural Gas
· Dave Room, Director of Municipal Response, Post Carbon Institute
and co-author Relocalize Now! (forthcoming)
· Jason Bradford, Founder, Willits Economic Localization Project
· Other panelist TBA
· Moderator/Introducer: Aaron Lehmer, U.S. Program Coordinator,
Post Carbon Institute

COST: $10 at the door, or FREE with your Relocalization Workshop
registration (see April 1 event notice)

For more information, please visit:


Full-Day Relocalization Workshop:

"Preparing Our Communities for the End of Cheap Oil"

How can individuals foster awareness in their community of the
need to live sustainably, and what can be done after they
understand this need? This workshop draws from the instructors’
experience in Willits, California, where the need to “localize” the
economy in terms of food, energy and basic goods production has
garnered broad political appeal. Learn how to frame messages around
common values, motivate action based on the tension between fear
and desire, and explore some basic “how-to” guidelines for
organizing communities around an economic relocalization agenda.

WHERE: Café Axe Cultural Center, 1525 Webster St., Oakland, CA 94612

WHEN: April 1, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Instructors: Jason Bradford and Brian Weller, Willits Economic
Localization Project

· Hands-on instruction from the Willits Economic Localization
Project organizers
· Morning and Afternoon Sessions Covering:
· Fostering public awareness of the need to relocalize
· Using the “Inventory, Vision, Plan, Action” process
· Conducting a local asset and natural resource assessment
· Mobilizing and activating your community
· Organic lunch!

COST*: $95 [includes March 31 evening kick-off] through March 17 /
$125 from March 18 - March 31

Please register ASAP – only 50 spots available!

To register, send each participant’s name, address, phone, and e-
mail, along with a check made payable to “Metafoundation” to:

Bay Area Relocalize
3048 College Ave. #1
Berkeley, CA 94705

* Limited 50% discount scholarships are also available to those
with limited income or from historically under-represented

For more information, contact

Aaron G. Lehmer
Program Coordinator
Post Carbon Institute
aaron [at]

'Learning to Live in a Low Energy World'

April 2006


# Happy Spring ~ Let the Sun Shine!!
SUNSET ~ Season Opener Sunday, April 2nd, 2006
Stafford Lake Park, Novato Ca. **Directions coming soon**
10am - ?? All welcome Artists:
J-Bird Galen Solar
special guest: RITHMA (Om Records, Terraform, Tweekin Records - )
+ more tba 415.820.1664

# Sunday, April 2, 12:30-3:00
David Ray Griffin, featured speaker
“9/11: Myth and Reality”
Annual luncheon of the Democratic World Federalist
First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
1187 Franklin Street (at Geary)
David Ray Griffin has put his formidable reputation on the line to scrutinize what he believed to be an inadequate and possibly disingenuous government investigation into the events of 9/11. Through his lectures and his books (The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions), Griffin's well-honed speculative outlook, acute logic, and unbiased predisposition are brought to bear on this troubling period in United States, and world, history.
Come hear one of the world’s most celebrated theologians speak about the greatest deception ever perpetrated on the American people—and what can be done about it.

Author, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions
Does the Bush administration's official story regarding the attacks of 9/11 contain gaps and misrepresentations? Has the public been deprived of facts that might shed light on how and why we were attacked? Griffin will delve into what he identifies as the "conspiracy theory" mind-stop that has disconnected Americans from the facts of this history-making event.
Common Wealth Club 11:30 a.m., Check-in - 12:00 p.m., Program
Club office, 595 Market St., 2nd floor, SF. Free for Members, $15 for Non-m
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in the past month

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