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15 days...The clock is ticking...Save Tookie!

by Campaignto End the Death Penalty
People around the country are taking action to stop the execution of
Stan Tookie Williams, the California death row prisoner who is scheduled to
be executed on December 13.
Campaign to End the Death Penalty Action Alert

Stop the execution of Stan Tookie Williams!

There's only 15 days left to save Stan Tookie Williams.
People around the country are taking action to stop the execution of
Stan Tookie Williams, the California death row prisoner who is scheduled to
be executed on December 13.
From now until that date, we will send out a regular action alert to
report on events held in support of Stan, let people know about efforts
currently underway, and how you can get involved today.
If you or your group have an event to report about, or activities
planned, please e-mail us at marlene [at]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- Reports and news about Tookie
Build for the National Day of Action
NAACP steps up efforts to save Stan
Activists rally at San Quentin to save Tookie
Why a Tookie Williams?
122nd death row prisoner exonerated
Abolitionists protest pending execution in Maryland
New song for Stan
1,000th execution expected on November 30
Educators for Tookie -- Sign on now!
Donate much needed funds for our efforts
- Upcoming events
- Where to find more information

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



In conjunction with World Cities Day Against the Death Penalty, the Campaign
to End the Death Penalty, working with the California Save Tookie Committee,
is organizing for a National Day of Action to Save Tookie on November 30.
Dozens of events have been organized, across California and the country, to
urge Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to grant clemency to Stanley Tookie
Among the events are a rally at City Hall in San Francisco with Stan's
long-time advocate Barbara Becnel; a picket at Republican National
Headquarters in Chicago; a musical "Speak Out" for Tookie at the University
of Wisconsin's Madison campus, featuring exonerated Illinois death row
prisoner Darby Tillis playing "Death Row Blues" on the harmonica; and a town
hall meeting in Boston, featuring Professor William Keach of Brown
University, who previously nominated Williams for the Nobel Peace Prize in
Everyone who can should get involved in building for the largest
possible turnout for these events.
The Campaign has produced model press releases for the day of action, to
help activists publicize their events. E-mail Noreen [at] to
get a copy. The press releases will also be posted at
November 30th is also likely to be the day that the 1,000th person is
executed since reinstatement of the death penalty in the U.S. Robin Lovitt
is the prisoner on Virgina's death row who could be the 1,000th victim.
Virgiania has the disgusting distinction of executing the second-highest
number of people in the country, following only Texas. Activist should speak
out and hold signs against this outrage at all of our Tookie events.
Below, you can find a listing of November 30 events we know about.
There is also a calendar listing and contact information for Tookie
supporters around the country at:
This is the next step in the fight to save Tookie, so let's make sure
the Day of Action is a success!


>From the NAACP press release: " Bruce Gordon, president & CEO, National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), said today that
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should spare the life of Stanley
Tookie Williams, who is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on Dec.
13. Williams, who maintains his innocence, has been nominated five times for
the Nobel Peace Prize and four times for the Nobel Prize for Literature for
his series of acclaimed children's books...
"Gordon said the NAACP will lead a multi-city two-week crusade to
convince Schwarzenegger that Williams should live to continue his work in
helping young people make positive choices and avoid the gang life that he
once lived."

Read the full article:


>From the Final Call: "Under maximum police surveillance, approximately 2,000
people saturated Point San Quentin Village for a Nov. 19 rally to save
five-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and death row icon Stanley Tookie
Williams from execution Dec. 13. During the three-hour 'Save The Peacemaker'
rally, cries of 'Clemency for Tookie' and 'End the Death Penalty!' could be
"Situated just outside San Quentin State Prison's Eastgate, the
rally-goers, who hailed from various racial, gender, age, religious and
organizational lines, presented their demands for clemency, despite
consistent technical difficulties and under the constant buzzing of
helicopter blades."

Read the full article:


>From columnist Earl Ofari Hutchinson: "In a candid, and revealing moment,
Stanley "Tookie" Williams told a visitor at San Quentin prison that he
helped found the notorious Crips street gang because he wanted to smash
everyone, make a rep, get respect and dignity, and that he wanted his name
to be known everywhere. He got his wish in more ways than he ever dreamed
of. The demons that drove Williams in his reckless push for identity and
prominence also drove him to become the nation's best known condemned
prisoner. He faces execution December 13 for multiple murders."

Read the full article:


>From the Philadelphia Inquirer: "A 47-year-old South Philadelphia man who
spent 16 years on death row in a triple slaying has been released from
prison after a jury acquitted him in a new trial, becoming the 122nd death
row prisoner to be exonerated since reinstatement of the death penalty in
1976. Harold C. Wilson had always denied that he killed two women and a man
with an ax inside a drug house in 1988. He wept when Common Pleas Court
jurors announced their decision Tuesday."

Read the full article:


>From the Baltimore Sun: "Just nine days before convicted killer Wesley
Eugene Baker could be executed for the 1991 shooting of a Baltimore County
woman, death penalty opponents gathered outside the governor's mansion in
Annapolis yesterday to protest the scheduled execution and call for an end
to capital punishment in Maryland.
"'We're here to tell the governor that there are no throwaway people,
that cold-blooded killing by the state is no better than cold-blooded
killing by a professional murderer, by a thug in an alley or by a resident
of Iraq,' Terry Fitzgerald, an organizer with the Baltimore Campaign to End
the Death Penalty, shouted to the nearly 30 protesters outside Government
"The demonstration was the first in a series of events that death
penalty opponents have organized leading up to the week of Dec. 5, when
Baker is scheduled to die by lethal injection."

Read the full article:,1,5509663.story?c


Nate Dogg, Snoop Dogg and Jamie Foxx have recorded "Real Soon," a song about
Stan, his anti-gang efforts and his struggle against execution. Listen to it
and use it at meetings and demonstrations. You can also here Snoop Dogg's
speech at the November 19 protest at San Quentin.

Listen to the song at the Save Tookie Web site:


The 1000th person to be executed since the death penalty was reinstated in
the 1970s may take place on November 30th. Virginia death row prisoner Robin
Lovitt is scheduled to be put to death on November 30. Anti-death penalty
activists have various actions, vigils and speakouts planned to take place
across the country. For more information, go to: For a listing of events nationwide, go to
The November 30 Day of Action events planned for Stan Tookie Williams
can help draw attention to the fight overall for abolition and the need to
stop once and for all this senseless barbarity. People organizing activities
for November 30 for Stan should come up with creative ways to tie in the
question of the 1,000th execution.


More than 120 educators have signed on to a letter urging California Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger to grant clemency to death row prisoner Stanley Tookie
Williams. We took this initiative in the hopes that the collective voice of
educators would send a powerful message calling for clemency.

To download a copy of the Educators for Tookie letter, visit

To sign the letter, send the following information to akim007 [at]
Name, Title, Name of institution (for identification purposes only), Home
address, City, state and zip, E-mail address


The Campaign would very much appreciate any donations to help offset the
costs of organizing to stop the execution of Stan Tookie Williams. The
Campaign is sending Shujaa Graham, a former San Quentin death row prisoner,
and Alice Kim, a national organizer with the CEDP, to California to help the
on-the-ground efforts to stop the execution.
We are asking for your help to cover these expenses - so please send
what you can today. Checks can be sent directly to our P.O. box: CEDP, PO
Box 25730, Chicago, IL 60625.
If you would prefer to donate online, you can go to our Web site at and click on the donation button for
instructions on how to do it.
Thank you all!!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


- EVERY WEEKDAY - Hawthorne, Calif.
John 8:7, No Death Penalty candlelight vigils for Stan "Tookie" Williams
Every weekday at 6 pm, 14501 Hindry Ave., at the corner of Hindry and the
405 Fwy (between McDonalds and Costco).

- NOVEMBER 28 - Chicago
Film screening of "Redemption"
At 5 pm, University of Chicago, School of Social Services, Room W1, 60th and

- NOVEMBER 28 - Moraga, Calif.
Learn More about Stan "Tookie" Williams
General CEDP meeting about Stan, and to help plan for the November 30
National Day of Action. At 6 pm in Dante 114. For information, call
510-295-3290 or e-mail cedp [at]

- NOVEMBER 28 - New York City
Emergency Planning Meeting to Save Tookie
At 9 pm at Columbia University, in 212, on the first floor in Lerner Hall
(the student center at 115th and Broadway). Call 617-917-1966 for

- NOVEMBER 30 - Nationwide
NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION FOR STAN (please send your information)

Austin, Texas - Rally and tabling on the University of Texas campus.
Featuring a display with Tookie's picture alongside other peacemakers like
Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King. Starting at 10
am, with a rally at noon, on the West Mall.
For information, e-mail RandiJ42 [at] or call 210-274-6369.

Baltimore - Live From Death Row, with Maryland death row prisoner Vernon
Evans. At 7 pm at the First Unitarian Church, 514 N. Charles St. (north of
Franklin St.). For information, call 410-271-1099 or e-mail
SaveVernon [at]

Berkeley, Calif. - Special screening of "Remdeption", introduced by Elaine
Brown (Green Party activist, former Black Panther Party chairperson), Aimee
Allison (Oakland Green Party, Persian Gulf War Contentious Objector) and
Michelle Simon (Campaign to End the Death Penalty). At 7 pm at the Black
Repertory Theater in Berkeley, 3201 Adeline Street, near Ashby BART. Tickets
are $2-$20 sliding scale. Sponsored by: Campaign to End the Death Penalty,
Education Not Incarceration, Ella Baker Center -- Books Not Bars, Green
Party of Alameda County, International Socialist Organization, Malcolm X
Grassroots Movement, and Solidarity Bay Area. For more information, e-mail
shelly245 [at]

Boston - Speakers panel and discussion on the struggle to save Stan.
Featuring author and activist William Keach (one of the people who nominated
Stan for a Nobel prize), and an exonerated death row prisoner. At 6:30 pm at
Cabral Center, 1st Floor, African American Institute, Northeastern
University. Take the Orange Line to Ruggles Station, or the Green Line to
the NU T- Stop.

Chicago - Press conference and protest at Republican National Headquarters,
32 W. Randolph, at 12 Noon.

Columbus, Ohio - Screening of "Redemption." At Ohio State U., 3 pm, MLK
Lounge, Hale Black Cultural Center (153 W. 12th Ave.). Sponsored by the
Campus Committee to Save Tookie Williams.

Fremont, Calif. - Demonstration on the Steps of Mission San Jose. At 7:15 am
at 43300 Mission Blvd. (at the intersection of Washington). For information,
call Faye at 510-791-8186.

Holyoke, Mass. - Screening of "Redemption." At 11 a.m. at Holyoke Community
College, Donahue 378.

Los Angeles - Rally and press conference. At 9 am at Los Angeles City Hall,
200 North Spring St. A march to the Governor's office (300 S. Spring St.)
will begin at approximately 10am.

Madison, Wis. - Rock Out/Speak Out to Save Tookie. A free show featuring Si
Kahn, songwriter and social activist; Darby Tillis, exonerated death row
inmate; Adrian Lomax, recently released Wisconsin prisoner and prison rights
activist; and local hip-hop artists. At 8 p.m. at the Orpheum Theater Stage

Moraga, Calif - Information tabling at St. Mary's College at 11: 30 a.m.-2
p.m. There will be laptops and cell phones available for students to email
and/or call the governor's office.
At 8 pm, there will be a showing of the movie "Redemption" and a
discussion afterwards, in Galileo 201.

New York City - Press conference and protest for Stan at John Ashcroft's New
York City appearance. Featuring Anthony Papa, activist against the
Rockefeller Drug Laws, Yusef Salaam, exonerated in Central Park jogger case,
and others. At 5:45 pm at 115th and Broadway. Sponsored by Save Tookie
Committee NYC (Vieques Brigade, Free Mumia Coalition-NYC, Justice Committee,
Campaign to End the Death Penalty, NYers Against the Death Penalty, Green
Party, International Socialist Organization).

New York City - Candlelight vigil, protesting the 1,000th scheduled
execution since death penalty reinstatement. At 5:30 pm at Washington Square
Park, near the arch at 5th Avenue and Washington Street.

Northampton, Mass. - Screening of "Redemption." At 4 p.m. at the Media
Education Foundation.

Rochester, N.Y. - Rally and press conference. At 12 Noon in front of the
Hall of Justice, 99 Exchange St.

Sacramento, Calif. - Rally and press conference. At Noon at City Hall, 915 I

San Diego - Community forum on "Tookie, the Death Penalty and the Movement:
Continuing the Struggle for Social Justice." At 6 pm at Springfield College,
5348 University Ave. Sponsored the Serudj Institute of Effective
Socialization. E-mail tkalonji [at] for information.

San Francisco - Rally and press conference, featuring Barbara Becnel ,
Dolores Huerta, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, Assemblyman Mark Leno and many
more. At Noon at San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place.

San Francisco - Speakout at San Francisco State University, beginning at 10
am. Call 415-317-5063 for information, or e-mail sfstatecedp [at]

San Jose, Calif. - Rally and Press Conference. At Noon in front of City
Hall, 801 N. 1st St. Sponsored by the Black Student Union of San Jose City

San Rafael, Calif. - Vigil and demonstration sponsored by the Marin Chapter
of Death Penalty Focus. At 4:30 pm at San Rafael Plaza (adjacent to 1000
Fourth St.).

Santa Cruz, Calif. - Rally and press conference, featuring Mayor Cynthia
Matthews presenting a proclamation declaring the City of Santa Cruz to be an
official "World City Against the Death Penalty"; Councilmember Tim
Fitzmaurice, DPF, ACLU and more will give statements. At Noon at City Hall,
809 Center St.

Santa Cruz, Calif. - Panel with Angela Davis, Paul Ortiz, Lance Lindsey
(Death Penalty Focus) and a special performance by Rainbow Theater. At 7:30
pm at UC-Santa Cruz, Earth and Marine Sciences building, Room B206. For
information, call 510-325-0599 or e-mail iso_santacruz [at]

Seattle - Screening of "Redemption." At 12 Noon at Seattle Central Community
College Art Gallery, 1701 E. Broadway (in the main building, accessible from
the atrium). For information, e-mail vjambor [at] or call 206-851-4862.

Seattle - Screening of "Redemption." At 7 pm at University Heights Community
Center, Room 106, 5031 University Way NE. Donation requested at the door.
For information, e-mail vjambor [at] or call 206-851-4862.

Washington, D.C. - Screening of "Redemption." At 4:45 pm at the University
of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law, Building 39,
Room 204, 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW. For information, e-mail
benk516 [at]

Washington, D.C. - Town Hall Meeting Against the Death Penalty. Featuring
Rev. Lennox Yearwood (Hip Hop Caucus), Mike Lawlor (lawyer with Wesley
Baker's legal team) and Mike Stark (CEDP). At 6:30 pm at All Souls Church,
16th and Harvard Streets, NW will be speaking.

West Hollywood, Calif. - World Day Against the Death Penalty Day Program,
featuring Mayor Abbe Land, Mayor Pro Tempore John Heilman, Assemblyman Paul
Koretz, Mike Farrell, and more. Begins at 2 pm at West Hollywood
Comprehensive Services Center, Plummer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd.

Woodland, Calif. - Press Conference. At Noon at the Yolo County Courthouse,
725 Court St.

- DECEMBER 1 - Baltimore
Prayer Service Against the Death Penalty
At 6:30 pm at St. Vincent DePaul Church, Fayette and Fallsway. For
information, call 410-271-1099 or e-mail SaveVernon [at]

- DECEMBER 1 - Columbus, Ohio
Speakout for Stan Tookie Williams
Including readings from letters written to Tookie Williams and his books. At
Noon at the Ohio Union, Ohio State University. Sponsored by Campus Committee
to Save Tookie Williams

- DECEMBER 1 - Greensboro, N.C.
Screening of Redemption
At the University of North Carolina-Greensboro.

- DECEMBER 1 - San Diego
Save Stan Tookie Williams
At 7:30 pm at SDSU, Aztec Center, Calmecac Room, sponsored by the
International Socialist Organization.

- DECEMBER 1 - Seattle
Seattle Save Tookie Committee Weekly Meeting
Every Thursday at Seattle Central Community College, in room 4130. E-mail
vjambor [at] or call 206-851-4862 for information.

- DECEMBER 2 - Palo Alto, Calif.
Screening of "Redemption"
Viewing of the film, followed by discussion and letter-writing to ask the
governor to grant clemency. At 7 pm at St. Alberts' Church, 1095 Channing

- DECEMBER 3 - Baltimore
Demonstrate at the Supermax prison
Protesting the pending execution of Wesley Baker and in support of Stan
Tookie Williams. At 2 pm at the Supermax prison, Madison and Fallsway. For
information, call 410-271-1099 or e-mail SaveVernon [at]

- DECEMBER 3 - Los Angeles
Leimert Park at 12 Noon. All the groups working in the Save Tookie committee
in Los Angeles are asking everyone to come out. For more information, call
310-404-1739 or e-mail cenddeathpenalty [at]

- DECEMBER 3 - New York City
Screening of "Redemption"
At the Bread Stuy Cafe, 403 Lewis Ave., Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn.

- DECEMBER 3 - New York City
International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners
Speakers include Ninotchka Rosca (Philippines, Gabriela network); Andra
(Basque Country, Kalera Project); Ashanti Alston (Black Liberation Movement,
U.S.), Frank Velgara (Puerto Rican Independence Movement, U.S. and Puerto
Rico); plus a Palestinian comrade TBA and statements from David Gilbert and
Marilyn Buck, white anti-imperialist political prisoners. At 7 pm at
Columbia Law School, 435 W. 116th Street, Room 103 (C or 1 train to 116th
Street). $5 donation requested.

- DECEMBER 3 - New York City
Stan Tookie Williams: Blue Rage, Black Redemption
A discussion of Tookie's book sponsored by Brownstone Bookstore and the
Campaign to End the Death Penalty. At 6 pm at Brownstone Bookstore, 409
Lewis Ave. (at Decatur Street). Take the A/C to Utica Ave. For more
information, call Glo at 718-207-3980 or email gloriaross [at]

- DECEMBER 4 - San Francisco
Movie Screening of REDEMPTION
Hosted by Danny Glover, Barbara Becnel and Kevin Epps, who will present a
short program before the movie to explain the status of Stan's case and let
people know how to get involved in the movement to stop the execution. At 5
pm at the Victoria Theatre, 2961 16th St. (next to the 16th Street and
Mission BART Station). This event is a fund-raiser for the San Francisco
Save Tookie Coalition. Tickets are $5 for students/youth/seniors and $10 for
the general public. Co-sponsors and endorsers welcome; donations
appreciated. Contact Danielle at Danielle [at] or 415-581-2512 for
more information about endorsing or co-sponsoring the event. Tickets
available at or at the door.

- DECEMBER 4 - San Quentin, Calif.
Vigil and Action by Religious Imperative to Stop State Murder
Continuous vigil and action to begin at San Quentin Prison's Main Gate.
Beginning Sunday, December 4th from 2 pm to 4 pm and continuing on December
5th beginning at 10am.

- DECEMBER 6 - New York City
Town Hall Meeting to Save Stan Tookie Williams
Featuring Manning Marable (director, Institute for Research on
African-American Studies, Columbia University), Ras Baraka (deputy mayor of
Newark, N.J.), Anthony Papa (author and former victim of the Rockefeller
drug laws), and Yusef Salaam (exonerated in the Central Park jogger case).

- DECEMBER 6 - San Rafael, Calif.
Capital Punishment: Who Are We Executing?
A film and discussion about death row and the death penalty. At 7 pm at the
Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, 1520 Grand Ave., corner of Grand and Acacia

- DECEMBER 7 - San Diego
Vigil, Press Conference, Rally and Demonstration
At Noon at the Hall of Justice, 330 West Broadway. For information, call
619-804-1685 or e-mail tkalonji [at]

- DECEMBER 7 - San Diego
Screening of Redemption
Followed by a discussion of death penalty work and the campaign to save
Tookie Williams. At 6:30 pm in City College Room B103, sponsored by
Resistencia Estudiantil.

- DECEMBER 9 - Los Angeles
Screening of "After Innocence"
A film about the dramatic and compelling story of the exonerated--innocent
men wrongfully imprisoned for decades and then released after DNA evidence
proved their innocence. At 7 pm at the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center,
4718 West Washington Blvd. Sponsored by the LA Coalition Against the Death
Penalty. For information, call : Project:Involve at 310-432-1280.

DECEMBER 10 - New York City
Save Stan Tookie Williams.
Featuring Fred Hampton Jr., who visited Tookie along with other human rights
activists; Pam Africa, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia
Abu-Jamal; Herman Ferguson, co-chair, National Jericho Movement; Lynne
Stewart, to be sentenced in December by the U.S. government; Masai Ehehosi,
Free Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (Rap Brown) Campaign; and others. At 4 pm
at Salem Methodist Church on 129th Street and Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard.
A cultural program and dinner will be served. $10 donation at the door. For
information, call the Free Mumia Hotline at 212-330-8029, or 914-941-6046

- DECEMBER 11 - San Francisco
Sister Helen Prejean Speaks
One of the world's best-known opponents of the death penalty speaks out at
an ACLU event. At 2 pm at the San Francisco Marriott Hotel, 55 Fourth Street
at Mission. Tickets are $25 per person, $10 for students and low income,
$250 table sponsor.

- DECEMBER 12 - San Francisco to San Quentin
Walk for Abolition
The Walk For Abolition begins at the Palace of Legion of Honor in San
Francisco at 7 am and ends at the gates of San Quentin Prison around 6 pm.
For information, contact Rev. Lyle Grosjean at 510-895-8203 or email
l.grosjean [at]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Download a fact sheet about Stan's case:

Read the story of Stan's life in his book, Blue Rage, Black Redemption,
available for $22. To order, visit or call the
CEDP national office at 773-955-4841.

Do a showing of the movie Redemption, the TV movie about Stan's life,
starring Jamie Foxx. The movie is available at Blockbuster.

Get "Save Tookie" buttons from the Campaign to sell to supporters. Get 25
buttons for $20, and shipping is free. Call the CEDP national office at
955-4841 to order.

Check out the Save Tookie Web site:

And the Campaign to End the Death Penalty Web site:

Order copies of the New Abolitionist. This issue has stories by and about
Stan, as well as other information about fighting the death penalty. You can
get a bundle of 25 New Abs, shipped free of charge at a cost of $12.50. To
order, call the CEDP office at 773-235-0778. Yearly subscriptions are also

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