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The JDL Online Harassment Scam

by Dick Traceless
Here is the answer to the mystery of online harassment against anarchists in the US.

The JDL Online Harassment Scam

As the movement against the apartheidist state of Israel has grown, the JDL has shifted in its selection of targets.  At an increasing pace, the new targets of the JDL are American dissidents that speak out against Israeli crimes.  Many of the more vociferous of these critics are anarchists.  Consequently, anarchists are being increasingly targeted by the JDL.

The JDL recruits members from all walks of life.  Their primary criteria for selecting members are that the candidate members are Jewish, loyal to Israel and are willing to snitch or commit crimes against their friends and associates.  The JDL's techniques vary, depending upon target, but there is a consistent technique used in their online operations.  This article explains this technique in an effort to warn their targets and save them some grief.

Among the favorite recruits of the JDL are lawyers, especially those with a computer background.  These lawyers (so far identified in DC, Minneapolis and Seattle), in conjunction with other tech-savy recruits, cyber stalker a target.  Members of the JDL are informed, nation wide, of the JDL's desire to target an individual.  Any JDL member with access to the target's medical records, personnel files, credit information, telephone bills, internet service provider or family is urged to provide defamatory information or monitoring.  Much of this information (or disinformation) is not publicly available.  Defamatory information is posted online.  The victim is cyber stalked.  The JDL takes advantage of the specificity and unknown source of the information in order to create the illusion that various persons known to the target are the source of the harassment.  The goal is to get the target to begin accusing third parties of being the source of the harassment.  The JDL lawyers then send anonymous messages to the wrongly accused third parties, urging them to sue the target.  The JDL lawyers even seek avenues to become the legal advocates of the wrongly accused third parties.  Apparently, these lawyers believe that this is legal.  I question their assumption.

This scam is entirely analogous to a personal injuries lawyer running the following scam:

Imagine a personal injury lawyer driving down the highway, intentionally causing motorists to crash into other motorists.  Upon a successful attempt to create an accident, the lawyer gets out of his car and gives the injured party his card suggesting that he can represent the injured party to sue the other party.  The accident itself was caused by the lawyer.  This is, in all ways, a racket.  It is a form of organized crime and it is a scam.

To date, I have knowledge of two anarchists targeted with this scam.  One in Boston and one in Seattle.  I can document all of the above and provide examples in a court of law.  Until that time, I cannot reveal my sources due to the terrorist nature of the JDL.

by goyim
"And I can prove that extraterrestrials with accordions and felafel landed in my yard last night in a court of law,..."

And now, ANYONE can prove that you're a nutcase with no credibility.
by gehrig
No comment necessary.

by cp
Um, isn't there a difference between the JDL and ADL? The JDL used to be headed by the crazy guy who ended up in jail and tried to commit suicide after trying to blow up a mosque. People respect the ADL more.
by Critical Thinker
I don't know enough to dismiss the alleged conspiracy theory surrounding the late JDL national chairman Rubin's death. Was he murdered or not? I'm undecided on it. I think that people shouldn't be so quick to dismiss that theory either, regardless of their glee at losing such a bitter enemy. If he indeed was murdered, it might happen someday to someone else, including IMC members. Who knows. We should all be concerned if Rubin really was murdered. Our constitutional rights might be the next to be violated in such a gross manner.
by Abu Nidal
"Was he murdered or not?"

Everybody knows, that to commit suicide, first you have to slit your own throat, then throw yourself off of a second floor balcony...Remember Abu Nidal? He also comitted suicide...he used 17 bullets!
by debate coach
An ad hominem is not a rebuttal.
by check it out yourself
Comments like this:

"The ADL is the political wing of the JDL."

Are why nobody outside of the looney left (and fascist right) takes you guys seriously. The ADL and the JDL have nothing in common besides both are Jewish groups. Have a look at the ADL website and compare that to the ideology of the JDL. The ADL promotes understanding between different religious and ethnic groups while the JDL is pretty much separatist. Check it out yourself, please do not take my word for it.

ADL: Our Mission

"The immediate object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens."
ADL Charter October 1913

ADL: Introduction

The Anti-Defamation League was launched in 1913 in response to rampant anti-Semitism and discrimination against Jews.

Unquestionably, many things have changed -- mainly for the better -- for Jews and other minorites in America since 1913. Discrimination in hiring, schooling, and housing, once so common, is now prohibited by law. Unlike in the past, few Americans feel compelled to conceal their origins. Offensive caricatures rarely appear in the mass media, and racial and religious stereotypes, on the whole, no longer dominate American popular culture. These changes are due, in large measure, to the efforts of the League and its allies.

***What has "remained the same," unfortunately, is the persistence of anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry -- which in recent years have included attacks on immigrants, Blacks, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, gay men and lesbians. And while the hatemongers of today may be lacking in numbers and in economic and political power, they still have the ability to cause emotional pain, physical injury, property destruction, even death -- not to mention the incalculable damage they do to the social fabric of America and to this country's cherished ideals of mutual respect and equal treatment for all.***

The mission of ADL today is, as it has been in the past, to expose and combat the purveyors of hatred in our midst, responding to whatever new challenges may arise. Where once we protested admissions quotas at leading graduate schools, today we expose Internet sites devoted to Holocaust denial and white-supremacist propaganda. In the past, we challenged the anti-Semitic ranting of demagogues like Father Coughlin; in the present, we are no less vocal in opposition to Louis Farrakhan.

The particulars may change, but the goal remains the same: to stand up for the core values of America against those who seek to undermine them through word or deed. We can look to our past record to inspire us as we go forward into the new millennium and the second century of ADL.

Now, compare that to:

Five Points of the JDL


The Jewish Defense League came into being to educate the Jewish people to the concept of Ahavat Yisroel -- one Jewish people, indivisible and united, from which flows the love for and the feeling of pain of all Jews. It sees the need for a movement that is dedicated specifically to Jewish problems and that allocates its time, resources, energies and funds to Jews. It realizes that in the end -- with few exceptions -- the Jew can look to no one but another Jew for help and that the true solution to the Jewish problem is the liquidation of the Exile and the return of all Jews to Eretz Yisroel -- the land of Israel. It sees an immediate need to place Judaism over any other "ism" and ideology and calls for the use of the yardstick: "Is it good for Jews?"


JDL teaches the concept of Hadar -- pride in and knowledge of Jewish tradition, faith, culture, land, history, strength, pain and peoplehood. Hadar is the need to have pride in Judaism and not allow it to be disgraced and defiled by beating and desecration of Jewish honor. This is the concept that the great Jewish leader Zev Jabotinsky attempted to instill in the oppressed and degraded masses of Eastern Europe 60 years ago. The anti-Semite's hatred and contempt of the Jew is an attempt to degrade us. It is an attempt to instill within the Jew a feeling of inferiority. It is an attempt that, all too often, succeeds in promoting Jewish self-hatred and shame in an attempt to escape one's Jewishness. Hadar is pride. Hadar is self-respect. Hadar is dignity in being a Jew.


JDL upholds the principle of Barzel -- iron -- the need to both move to help Jews everywhere and to change the Jewish image through sacrifice and all necessary means -- even strength, force and violence. The Galut image of the Jew as a weakling, as one who is easily stepped upon and who does not fight back is an image that must be changed. Not only does that image cause immediate harm to Jews but it is a self-perpetuating thing. Because a Jew runs away or because a Jew allows himself to be stepped upon, he guarantees that another Jew in the future will be attacked because of the image that he has perpetuated. JDL wants to create a physically strong, fearless and courageous Jew who fights back. We are changing an image, an image born of 2,000 years in the Galut, an image that must be buried because it has buried us. We train ourselves for the defense of Jewish lives and Jewish rights. We learn how to fight physically, for it is better to know how and not have to, than have to and not know how.


Mishmaat -- discipline and dedication -- creates within the Jew the knowledge that he (or she) can and will do whatever must be done, and the unity and strength of willpower to bring this into reality. It was the lack of discipline and Jewish unity that led continually to the destruction of the Jewish people. It is Jewish unity and self-discipline that will lead to the triumph of the Jewish people.


Faith in the greatness and indestructibility of the Jewish people, our religion and our Land of Israel is Bitachon. It is a faith that is built by our belief in the Jewish G-d of Hosts and the incredible saga of Jewish history that has seen us overcome the flood of enemies that have arisen to wipe us out in every generation. It is this faith in the permanence and survival of the Jewish people that, in turn, gives faith in the ultimate success of the Jewish Defense League. No matter how difficult, no matter how impossible the task may seem -- if it is a good task, if it is a holy task -- it will succeed, because it must.
by heard is before
That's their version of who they are, not objective reality.

Talk's cheap. Judge them by their deeds, not their words. They spy. They got caught at it in San Francisco. Where do they spy that they have not gotten caught (yet), and on whom?
by ...
The ADL was accused of spying on many different groups several years ago. In the case of the right wing militia and neonazi groups, Im glad that they were spying, but in the case of groups that question Israel's policies in the West Bank and Gaza, I think the ADL is being counterproductive.

There is a real rise in antiSemitism going on right now and some of it seems to be caused by the way the line between antiSemitism and questioning the Israeli government has gotten blurred. The ADL lists groups and websites that question Israeli assasinations alongside hate groups and by doing so they are in some ways responsible for the current climate.

I hope the ADL doesnt help organize the proIsrael/proIraq war groups that have been showing up at antiwar protests since with the public moving more and more against the war, TV images of Jewish groups waving Israel and American flags and denouncing antiwar protesters as unpatriotic probably increases antiSemitism among all segments of the population (from the left who are directly offended to conservatives who see the attempt to hide behind the US as sycophantic). Equating a religion/ethnicity with a conservative political ideology is a form of biggoted stereotyping, but its being done by some Jewish cultural groups right now in a way that should seen as offensive by the majority of Jews in the US who dislike Sharon and Bush (it really is a majority).
by rs
The ADL wasn't only spying on anti-occupation groups, they were also spying on anti-aparthied groups. This was during the time that aparthied still existed in South Africa, and since Israel and South Africa were allies, the ADL's spying extended to political groups opposed to aparthied in South Africa. It is all well documented and the ADL was found guilty in court.
by cyn
when did the adl spy on you? You didn't mention this above anywhere. Why do you say the adl spied on you but not basic details?
by for example
has legitimate information and the accusation that the guard at jails in Iraq were trained in Israel could be true but there are several words here or there that make it apparent that the person writing it was anti-Semitic
How does one deal with something like this since it could very well be someone who is slightly antiSemitic writing a legitimate criticism of Israeli ties to Iraq. One has to deal with the antiSemitism but by doing so, one appears to be attacking the other views expressed.
by They're following you right now!
"The ADL spied on me. Hamas didn't"

Hey, I saw them following you again this morning!
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