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Terrorist strikes begin in response to attack on Iraq

by Brent Herbert
Two small bombings on British interests overseas have taken place, and are a harbinger of things to come. Dangerous times are ahead, but in no place on the planet is it going to be more dangerous than in America, as a looming scandal drives the extreme right wing to ever more reckless actions...
What I consider to be the most important headline I have seen today....British offices bombed in Lebanon and Ecuador

Both of the blasts were small, no one was hurt, and the bombings are probably most significant for what they portend for the future (guerilla style militant attacks against American, Australian, and British interests). Security has been stepped up at embassies and offices in the Middle East, and more than likely around the world as well. But, hey, its a really big world.

When powerless, frustrated, and angered people are confronted with an overwhelmingly powerful military force, we can expect these types of terrorist tactics to be employed, since despite spending untold trillions of dollars, Americans and Brits just aren't safe, nor will they ever be safe, since the Pentagon with all its high tech toys cannot save them from these types of tactics. For centuries empires with overwhelming military force, have faced the same sort of resistance. Its inevitable.

The destiny of Britain, America, and the Australians is probably to follow the path of Israel and its extremely right wing Sharon government. The Sharon regime actually thrives on terrorist attacks, and does as much as it can to encourage these attacks, increasing its power and helping along its agenda of gradually expanding Israel by seizing territory and expanding settlements while forcing out the original inhabitants.

Meanwhile what fuels so much terrorism is not only the use of overwhelming military force, but the silencing of dissenting voices, and the spreading of harmful and oppressive propaganda. Christian Zionists on the religious right like to make worthless arguments such as 'there was no state of Palestine' which are irrelevant, since there were people living there, with olive fields and homes, who are now being robbed blind and pushed aside bit by bit, and that is what matters, not meaningless arguments about Semantics (was the place called Palestine in the past - no - therefore there is no such as a 'palestinian' which one must suppose therefore justifies land theft and oppression.) This worthless argument is meaningless and is also an even worse form of oppressino than using bombs and bullets. People were living there for centuries before there was a state of Israel, and whether you call them Hobbits or Grelistinians is not the issue, but rather some stupid oppressive game of semantics.

By knocking down houses, claiming to a) punish the family of a terrorist b) open up the line of fire to some objective (the house was in the way) or by destroying fruit stands and vegetable markets (collective punishment which it is claimed also punishes terrorists) and all the other scheming tactics pursued by Sharon and the right wing Zionists of Israel, they only increase anger and outrage, as does their lawless policy of murder by decree (Ceasar has become judge, jury and executioner, and the rule of law has been overthrown), killings that almost always claim the lives of old women and babies and other bystanders, yes in all these things the Sharon government encourages terrorism, by practicing it themselves, and they thrive on terrorism. The same process will begin to take hold in Britain, the United States, and Australia.

It seems to me that the Sharon government in Israel is the inspiration for what the American, British, and Australian governments are doing at the moment, and not just because the America government has as its bed rock of support the Christian Zionists in America (they just couldn't get elected dog catcher without those people behind them) and not just because the hawks in the Administration are known by their writings and pronouncements to be unabashedly in support of the Sharon government in Israel. If you study the history of the last few years, you can see that, from the hawkish point of view, the Sharon tactics are the correct tactics. The terror tactics and brutality of the Sharon regime inspires guerilla attacks, the only way an overpowered and outgunned people can fight a highly militarized state. These terror responses both empower the Sharon regime, making further oppression and acts of terror and extra-judicial murder possible, they also galvanize the population, and marginalize all dissent. Dissent in Israel has shrunk during the time of Sharon's rule, and despite the idiotic symbiotic relationship between Sharon and terror attacks on Israelis, support for the Sharon government has only increased so that now a clear majority of Israeli citizens support Sharon, and the peace movement in Israel is marginalized, and even regarded by many as a ridiculous collection of crackpots.

The same process took place in Germany during the Nazi years, and one must remember that before the war, Hitler was the most popular politician in all Europe, and the most popular politician in German history. One should also keep in mind that Hitler began his ascent to the heights of power and popularity in Germany fighting what was known as the time as 'Communist terrorists' who, Nazi propaganda alleged, were the creation of the Jews, since communism was supposedly part of some Jewish plot. After what was called the 'terrorist' attack on the Reichstag, Hitler's extremist response began the process of raising him to the heights of popularity that he later enjoyed. Before that time he was regarded as an illegitimate leader who had been undemocratically appointed to high office by the actions of a small powerful clique who simply declared him to be leader of Germany, in spite of the fact that he did not have the votes to win the election.

All this changed after the terrorist attack on Germany. "The activities of subversive organizations are to be combatted with the most drastic methods. Communist terrorist acts are to be proceeded against with all severity and weapons must be used ruthlessly when neccesary..." Hitler, Feb 4th, 1933. Hitler signed a decree for protection of the Homeland...article 1 suspended the sections of the constitution defending the fundamental rights of citizens, and stated that "violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches...are permissable beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed." They also provided the legal warrant for the device of 'protective custody" and the Gestapo to imprison without trail. Because most Germans were gravely concerned about the terrorist threat, these measures far from alarming people, actually resulted in a surge in popularity for the Fuhrer, and all the complaining about how he came to office illegimately dissolved and was no longer remembered.

Here we can see the genesis of a process that, unless checked and destroyed in its infancy, will proceed ahead remorselessly, relentlessly to its inevitable conclusion. Street demonstrations took place in Nazi Germany, and eventually degenerated into pitched street battles between the state police forces and the demonstrators, which only increased Hitler's popularity even more. Even though the violence came as much from the police forces as the demonstrators in the streets, the German propaganda machine was so all pervasive that the blame became attached to the demonstators, and most average Germans admired Hitler even more for his severe response, and the resulting further entrenchment of the police state. As the repressive machine became more powerful, and more of the Constitution was destroyed, once again little popular outrage followed, since most people took both the terrorist threat and the great threat posed to order in society by the demonstrators in the streets quite seriously, and were convinced that once the iron fisted rule of the fuhrer had crushed both of these threats, everything would return to normal.

However, Hitler lacked one thing that the Sharon government has, and that is constant terror attacks. Therefore the Sharon government does not need to crush Israeli protestors in the streets, since there is very little left of the movement for dissent in Israel, and what remains is so successfully marginalized that they can protest all they want because they just don't matter. Most Israelis take the terrorist threat quite seriously, and a great many are either outraged with the protestors, or consider them idiotic morons, or just don't take them seriously. Further terror attacks on American, British, or Australian interests will likely have the same historic effect on the protest movements in these countries. There is a possibility that the terror attacks will be blamed on Bush and his reckless policies, but Sharon is viciously reckless, and his policies are the source of the great increase of terrorism that parallels his leadership of the Israeli state, and yet his popularity has greatly increased.

Sharon's land theft, by the way, is a clear violation of the Geneva convention, but its funny the way you never hear a peep in protest, not in many, many years, and the number of United Nations resolutions violated by the government of Israel makes for a long read, also not a problem. This perversion of justice, keenly felt by the victims, is the greatest source of terrorism on the planet, and given that the Christian Zionists of the religious right and their administration in Washington are unabashed supporters of it all, terrorism has come to America, and will be coming again and again following this odiously unjust war against Iraq. The hypocrisy is keenly felt, and the military aggression and the super power status, far from keeping Americans safe, is going to keep them in grave and serious danger. This is the gift of the religious right, above all others, to the American people, since, as I said, the extreme right couldn't get elected dog catcher without them. Ultimately it is the criminal and cruel injustice practiced by the religious right, their vicious contempt for the people being crushed and robbed by the Israeli state that was ultimately responsible for 9-11, but the future violence against Americans will be the responsibility of the White House, just as the increase in violence and terror tactics in Israel parallels the rule of the Sharon regime in Israel.

The American situation however, is impelled by an additional factor that makes it different from the Sharon regime. Now what makes the American situation even more volatile is the fact that Bush Administration, while it projects strength and power, is, actually at its core, extremely vulnerable. The best way to describe the Bush administration is to say that it is DOOMED! literally, over the long term, or even the short term, assuming a person could get something really going, DOOMED! This great weakness then is probably the greatest source of danger, since it seems more likely then that an extremist response from the American government will be forthcoming.

I do not want to go into detail yet one more time about the huge 9-11 scandal that is waiting for the Bush administration, so I direct your attention to the following link if you are still unfamiliar with my previous preaching on this matter...

I am referring here to the huge scandal that awaits the Bush administration, and the terrible charge of obstruction of justice, which is certainly an impeachable offense. Now we know that the extreme right wing in America is unlikely to give up that dream of theirs of imposing American domination on the Globe ('the new American Century' as they call it). As they see it, there is before them an historic opportunity that comes only once in lifetime, and once gone will never come this way again. They see this as a unipolar world, with American global hegemony within their grasp following the collapse of the Soviet Union. This highly desirable situation cannot last forever, and they see the need to act swiftly before the rising power of China shifts the strategic balance of world power. Another potential threat to American domination of the globe could be posed by the European Union, but at the current time they are far behind, and even if being provoked by the Americans, the European Union should decide to enter into an arms race as a way to check the globally expanding empire of the Americans, it would take years for them to pose any kind of significant threat.

The hawks in Washington have already made it quite clear in their writings ('Rebuilding America's defenses', the Mein Kampf of the extreme right wing in America, and the plan we now see unfolding before our eyes) that they will not tolerate the rise of any other super power, and they speak of 'containing China' while Bush described China as the 'strategic competitor' in the race for global domination, but Europe is also emerging as a strategic competitor, and given the determination of the Americans that no other super power be allowed to emerge in the time ahead, it will be interesting to see just how they imagine that this conflict with Europe is going to play out.

Now we must consider all these factors together to get a picture of the situation that really confronts the world at this moment. What we have is a fatally wounded extreme right wing Administration in Washington, an administration which is currently containing one of the biggest scandals in the history of American politics. Now one must consider how the politicians in Washington are actually to be found in the tiger's cage, fighting a tiger, for as a general rule politicians are really afraid of tigers, and so normally you would not expect to find them fighting the tiger. The tiger here is the 9-11 families, who have been calling for an investigation of 9-11 for a long time now, and they are facing an administration that is determined that no investigation of 9-11 go forward.

And with good reason it turns out. There is a huge scandal here, and the resistance of the administration only makes it worse, since what we see unfolding here is not only a defiance against the very principles of the law and justice, and the core value which states that everyone, no matter who they are, is equal before the law, but also due to the stone walling and the blatant attempts to conduct a white wash investigation (remember Henry Kissinger?), we also see then clearly emerging as more and more time goes by, the basis of the most serious and most successful charge of impeachment, obstruction of justice. The longer the process drags on, and the greater the stone walling that takes place, the more brazen the attempts to conduct a white wash investigation, and the more brazen the defiance hurled at the 9-11 families, the stronger the grounds for impeachment become, as the the case for a charge of obstruction of justice becomes stronger and stronger. This is a losing strategy being employed by an administration with their backs to the wall and no exit door in sight. So it is certainly a bad thing that no 9-11 investigation has begun, but at the same time since the administration is undermining itself in the process.

However, on the other hand, all this only makes the administration even more dangerous, and also goes a long way to explain the increasingly reckless nature of its policies. The attack on Iraq, as the FBI and CIA have warned, is going to result in more terrorism against Americans. Furthermore we know that Haliburton just suffered the theft of a radioactive device in Africa. (Haliburton, of all companies). Now let's be real cynical here. We know that the attack on Iraq, like Sharon's attacks on the Palestinians, can only result in more terrorism, and this is the assessment of the American intelligence agencies as well. And you can only imagine what is going to happen to American society when a dirty nuclear bomblet goes off in say, New York, or Los Angelos. The constitution will of course be flushed right down the sewer when that happens. The protest movement will be completely marginalized, and also have the living daylights beat out of them by the cops, something which has happened in the past, is happening now, and can only accelerate once that nuclear bomblet goes off. Here we are assuming that there is even a protest movement remaining, since it will probably self implode just as it did conveniently right after 9-11. As for investigating 9-11, well that will be the last item on the agenda. Rather it will be time to invade some more countries and wag the dog really good. America will become a totalitarian police state and its military even more a threat to the planet than it is now. Protestors will be locked up under those laws that allow for indefinite detention. The entire protest movement will be in disarray, and split from within, as marginal elements demand an end to all resistance, just like they did after 9-11. Any dissenters will be roasted alive by the American media, while 'patriots' scream bloody murder about supporting the troops and so on.

Meanwhile, in response to the attack on Iraq, powerless but angry people will be radicalized, and terror attacks will increase around the world, just as they did during the Sharon years in Israel, with the administration in Washington becoming as popular as Hitler was when Hitler destroyed the German constitution and set up the Department of Homeland Defense (better known to most people as the S.S. by the way).

Pretty cynical picture, is it not? And all this will have happened because a badly wounded administration, sitting on a huge 9-11 scandal, was not challenged in a timely fashion, but rather was allowed to get more and more crazy, and more extremist in its response. Because in a large part the reckless behavior of the Bush administration, its arrogant defiance of the United Nations, its brazen war against Iraq, its crazy lying and desperate perjuries, and deleterious propaganda offensives, and its recklessness in taking actions that will result in more and more terrorism, is a response to the hidden scandal that is 9-11.

Just the little that has leaked out allows us to put together a picture of the intelligence that was available at the very top in Washington, D.C. in the months before the attack took place, and what these small leaks tell us is that it was understood that Osama bin Laden was planning terror attacks that were cleverly focused on using the nations passenger jets, and there was also intelligence circulating in the intelligence community that his methodology was to use these aircraft as flying bombs to target buildings. Furthermore, given the fact that the object of particular hatred was the twin towers in New York, the symbolic manifestation of everything they hated, and the object of a previous attack, it might even have been possible to predict the target.

Now as I said, we know this just based on the small number of leaks that have taken place already. (Follow the link to the previous page if you have not heard me sermonize on this matter previously.) As the administration weakens, and people become bolder, we can take it on faith that further leaks would be forthcoming, although even what we know now is damaging enough as it is. We are left to ponder whether or not those at the top were either stupid, incompetent, or waiting for 'another Pearl Harbor', as the authors of the New American Century, who are at the top of this administration said would be required to establish this empire of Global domination by America. Absent 'another Pearl Harbor' they frankly stated, it would difficult at best and maybe even impossible for the conditions to develope that would allow the kind of aggressive military actions around the world required to establish the empire of which they were dreaming.

All this then is very dangerous, and explains the reckless policy currently being pursued by the White House, a White House becoming increasingly more reckless due to the nature of the scandal which they face, from which there just is no desirable outcome. They can opt for stupidity and incompetence or thumb sitting and deliberately waiting for 9-11 to further their imperial ambitions, and neither one of these options is palatable. Furthermore, by their own reckless actions, and their repressive actions against the tiger, those 9-11 families, they have laid the groundwork for the strongest article of impeachment of them all, obstruction of justice. And when you consider how bad this all really is, and how agonized the extreme right wing must be over missing this historic opportunity to rule the world unchallenged, you know, now that it is the dawning of the extreme right wing version of the Age of Aquarius, with the moon being in the seventh house and jupiter just perfectly lined up with mars for them and all the rest of it, well considering it all as a whole, you can understand just how reckless and desperate and increasingly dangerous they are becoming.

And of course what makes it even more dangerous is to have someone like myself going around and bitch slapping the White House, alone by the way. I could never understand why I had to do this alone, by myself, but last week I posted a piece on impeachment once again, and someone followed me around posting a piece titled 'Regime Change' and the 'article' consisted of a terrifying photograph of a rotted skeletal corpse, which does graphically capture the extreme danger the country is in right at the moment, and does explain why I am alone on the network. On some deep instinctive level people do understand just how gravely dangerous the situation really is, and this poster only graphically captured what most people leave unspoken. However, the question here is whether or not the way to deal with something so threatening as a desperate, reckless, increasingly crazy extreme right wing, is to just leave the beast alone, and you know, not rile it up the way I do. Maybe, if we are lucky, we can just tip toe quietly away from that angered, desperate beast, without anyone being hurt, well, except for a bunch of blown up, burnt up people in Iraq.

Now I say that I am 'alone' although that is not really true, since traffic has literally soared at my own personal website, and now its to late, since the seed has been literally scattered around the world, not to mention around the network. I am alone only in speaking, while so many thousands and thousands of others are thinking, quietly at the moment, and I thought I would just post this, and perhaps scare the hell out of some people, maybe cause someone to follow me around with that scary skeleton named 'Regime Change', and thus bring everything up to the surface.

How does one confront something so terribly dangerous. My answer is this. You do it damned fast, and without further delay, while the sun is still shining, for soon the darkness comes, and then no one will be able to do anything. This is the American problem, but it is also a problem for the rest of the world, since you American just are not keeping that extreme right wing regime of yours at home, now, are you. No it is spilling out from your borders and becoming a grave threat to the peace and the security of the entire planet in the process. Regime change is your business but it is also our concern, the people of this planet, who are not Americans, especially given the insatiable and bluntly stated global ambitions of the American Extreme Right Wing, and their willingness to not only use overwhelming force and violence to achieve their objectives, but also their willingness to stir up terrorism of the very worst sort to shut down that 9-11 investigation and contain the scandal by containing the constitutional liberties of all Americans. When that happens you will be confronted with the problem of overthrowing that regime of yours, embattled and scandal ridden as it is, and you will be confronted with overthrowing the most extreme right wing force on the planet at the moment, doing so in times that will be much more difficult and much more dangerous than anything you face at this particular moment, which is an opportunity, an historic opportunity, that will come and go, and will not come again.

I should point out to you, that, you can, if you wish, get mad at me for bitch slapping the extreme right wing the way I do, you know, because oh god what am I doing, right? Well a few more slaps like that could just push them right over the edge. Perhaps it would be better just to do something ineffective like march, protest, and carry a sign saying 'No war on Iraq' like everyone else does, right? I say ineffective, since they marched and carried signs all through out the decade long slaughter of the Vietnam war, while behind the scenes a fierce and desparate battle was being waged to bring the Watergate scandal to the light of day, a process that took years and bloody years because of the powerful forces of reaction in the nation. Nixon actually managed to get elected again due to the powerfully entrenched forces of reaction in the country, even though he was sitting on a massive scandal. Even in the protest movement there was such a strong bourgeois steak in so many in the leadership positions that the resistance to exposing the scandal was so effective in containing it that Nixon got in and Christmas bombed Hanoi and all the other weird things he did. Let's just not do that again then shall we....

The United Nations passing resolution 377 (or what ever number it is) will not stop the war. It will only embarrass the White House, but it will not stop the Luftwaffe in Poland. You underestimate the nature of the extreme right wing. A lot of you people still have not woken up and seen the light of day. This is not business as usual. This is the extreme right wing, and a wounded dragon as well, which is even worse. Let's put aside bourgeois things, like turning to the bourgeois United Nations which just spent months disarming the Czechs and then giving them to the Germans. Some resolution from the league of Nations isn't going to stop them. Don't be blind and foolish and naive you people. Nothing is going to stop them, except you. And you won't do it by blocking traffic or carrying signs. They blocked traffic and carried signs all throughout the three million body count slaughtering known as the war in Vietnam. Finally they impeached Nixon, something that took to damned long, and the war came to an end, something that also took to damned long, just like it seems it will do again this time, as bloody history repeats itself again.

But this situation isn't exactly the same, although there are certainly parallels between this war and the war in Vietnam and the concurrent Watergate scandal. But today things are much more dangerous for after the big wave of terrorist attacks that are coming, you will find it a lot harder to do any protesting, especially when they start arresting people. Then, as the White Rose described the situation in Germany, the intellectuals will flee 'to their cellars, there to choke to death' and all the fair weather protestors will be long gone, and soon even the die hard protestors will be long gone too. You know the White Rose had to protest in a sneaky way, but sooner or later the Gestapo caught up with them.

Yes, you can get mad at me, if you want for bitch slapping the extreme right wing, and I can get frustrated at you, for being scared of that Regime Change skeleton. But perhaps I can't change you and I know that you certainly can't change me. You see when I say stop the war by impeaching the extreme right wing and getting it over with I am DAMNED SERIOUS, and by trying to scare the hell out of you today, by reminding you of just how much danger they pose to you and the planet, I am hoping to get you to become damned serious as well, while it is still daylight, before darkness falls, when no one can work anymore...

The previous page (the one that brought out that terrifying Regime Change Skeleton on a number of sites)

The Campaign to Impeach George W. Bush
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