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Police State
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Indybay Feature

Thurgood Marshall update

by friend of SF Coalition for Juvenile Justice
Updates on the situation at Thurgood Marshall High School, where kids fought, and militarized cops rioted.
SF Coalition for Juvenile Justice
updates 11/18/02

A few updates on the Thurgood Marshall situation.

1) Legal Service Providers provide Legal Clinic for Thurgood
Marshall students and families, Saturday Nov. 23rd. For more
info, contact Ishmael Tariq at Ella Baker Center at 951-4844

Bad News: Additional students have been arrested since 10/11.
Good News: Charges against Marshall teacher Anthony Peebles
have been dropped!

2) Police Department SNUBS SFUSD inquiry - Students and Parents
STUNNED [from Coleman Advocate Alert]

Last week, the Thurgood Marshall Academic High Community Task
Force was dealt an unexpected setback by the SF Police
Department. Several representatives waited for nearly an hour for Deputy Chief
David Robinson or his designate to be interviewed by members of
the Community Task Force. Members were stunned to receive word
from Robinson that no SFPD representative would participate. The Community Task Force is empowered to investigate the events of October 11 at Thurgood
Marshall, determine the appropriateness of the SFPD's response,
assess the level and to recommend appropriate follow up by
SFUSD, the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, and the broader
community. District efforts are severely compromised by the
Police Department's outright refusal to participate. This
seeming arrogance by the SFPD further inflames police-community
tensions; indeed, parents and students have a right to answers
- and the SFPD has an obligation to full disclosure.

The Thurgood Marshall Community Task Force still needs input from
students, teachers, parents, and community members. For more
information, please contact Anne Heinline or Victoria Li at
355-7323. ACTION: Call Mayor Brown at 554-6141: urge him to
direct the Police Department to swork with the SFUSD Community
Task Force!

Coleman Advocate Alert]
The joint committee of the Board of Education and the Board of
Supervisors will meet Wed., Nov. 20th at 3PM, 555 Franklin St.,
Main Board Room. The October 11th/Thurgood Marshall
investigation will be discussed. Members of the public will
have opportunity to testify at the meeting.

* Also, the November meeting of the Juvenile Probation
Comission will be TUESDAY, Nov. 26th at 6:30, City Hall Room
408. (Not its regularly scheduled Weds). For an agenda, go to:

For more information, contact NTanya Lee at Coleman Advocates
at 239-0161 x21.
nlee [at]
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