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Racial Justice
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Indybay Feature

Assault in Fresno: Another Hate Crime?

by Peter Hudson (fresnoprogressive [at]
An Arab American man was assaulted during an anti-war protest on the day the bombing started. Was this a hate crime?
The day the bombing of Afghanistan started, Sunday 10/7/01, approximately 50 people gathered to protest the hostilities at the corner of Blackstone and Shaw Avenues in Fresno. An Arab-American man standing with a large group of anti-war protesterswas struck in the chest with a soda bottle thrown by a passing motorist. As far as I know the victim was not seriously injured. The Fresno Police Department was notified and they collected a report of the incident.

The protest started at noon when Fresnans became aware of the bombing. Initially the group was predominantly Arab-American women, some of whom brought their children. Later in the day the ranks swelled to approximately 50 protesters with a mix of ethnicities including a large group of black muslims.

The anti-war movement continues in Fresno and contrary to the representations generated by mainstream media, a large percentage of those passing the anti-war demonstrations are supportive. Unfortunately there is a hardcore minority that shout obscenities and in this case assaulted a protester. Protests continue on a daily basis at Blackstone and Shaw Avenues.

(Fresno’s emergency response to U.S. attacks on Afghanistan)

(Fresno County Murder/Hate Crime)

(Arab American killed near Fresno)
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