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Indybay Feature

Arab American killed near Fresno

by Fresno Bee (fresnofnb [at]
Arab-American killed in Reedley, Ca. about 40 miles south east of Fresno.
REEDLEY -- An Arab-American man killed Saturday (9/29)at a convenience store had received numerous threats -- including a note on his car windshield that someone wanted him dead, relatives said Sunday.
But Abdo Ali Ahmed, 51, didn't worry about his safety, despite receiving racial slurs and the letter, which was placed on his car while he was inside a local grocery store.

"He saw that note and didn't pay attention" to it, said Ahmed's relative, Madram Shuaibi of Dinuba. "He just tore it down and threw it away."

Relatives of Ahmed, owner of East Reedley Store, believe he was shot because he was Muslim. Ahmed was from Yemen and moved to the United States about 35 years ago.

The killing, they believe, was a racially motivated crime in response to terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.

Detectives Sunday had not determined a motive, sheriff's Lt. Greg Burton said.

"There has been no indication at this point [that it was a hate crime], but there's nothing to rule it out," Burton said. "To put any speculation on it at this point would not be productive."

Authorities on Saturday said robbery was a possible motive.

Ahmed's relatives, however, don't think he was robbed. No money was taken from the store, they said. Sheriff's officials would not say whether anything was missing from the business.

"He didn't have no enemies," said Fahmi Kassim, Ahmed's nephew. "He's a very, very peaceful guy. He's got a nice heart."

The FBI is involved in the homicide investigation.
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