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Collateral Damage Kunduz (video/mp4 13.7MB)
In Kunduz, patients burned in their beds and doctors were killed as they worked. Doctors Without Borders demands an independent investigation of the US bombing of Kunduz, Afghanistan....
Posted: Wed, Oct 7, 2015 4:53pm PDT
Full video of Afghans for Peace rally (video/mp4 230.2MB)
(video 38:18)...
Posted: Mon, Oct 15, 2012 12:00pm PDT
Veterans and Activists of "Operation Recovery" Speak on Military Trauma (video/x-flv 51.4MB)
SAN FRANCISCO, 4/26/12 -- Many military members and veterans suffer from Military Sexual Trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and/or Traumatic Brain Injury. The military sends them back into battle despite their wounds, and Operation Recovery is organizing to stop this. Video highlights: 19:41; complete audio: 1:44:39...
Posted: Mon, Apr 30, 2012 2:17pm PDT
Afghans and Vets Lead Anti-war Protest in Fremont (video/x-ms-wmv 166.9MB)
A video news report (8:10)....
Posted: Sun, Apr 1, 2012 7:52pm PDT
A Different Commemoration of the 9/11 Tragedy - 5 (video/quicktime 34.2MB)
September 11, 2011
San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge...
Posted: Fri, Sep 30, 2011 3:18pm PDT
A Different Commemoration of the 9/11 Tragedy - 4 (video/quicktime 11.1MB)
September 11, 2011
San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge...
Posted: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 4:57am PDT
A Different Commemoration of the 9/11 Tragedy - 3 (video/quicktime 77.4MB)
September 11, 2011
San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge...
Posted: Sat, Sep 17, 2011 8:12am PDT
A Different Commemoration of the 9/11 Tragedy - 2 (video/quicktime 25.6MB)
September 11, 2011
San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge...
Posted: Thu, Sep 15, 2011 11:15pm PDT
A Different Commemoration of the 9/11 Tragedy (video/quicktime 27.2MB)
Bay Area Codepink:
September 11, 2011
San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge
In memory of those lives lost 10 years ago on Sept. 11, 2001.
May their tragedy not continue to be manipulated to justify the violence committed by the U.S. in it's perpetual wars and endless occupations.
In honor of their lives we call for an honest accounting of 9/11. We also honor the over 1.5 million Iraqi and Afghan civilians dead....
Posted: Tue, Sep 13, 2011 6:33pm PDT
Young Republicans host John Yoo . (video/quicktime 12.3MB)
The California Young Republican Federation hosted UC's premiere Torture Advocate, JOHN YOO, with a reception August 26, 2011.World Can't Wait was there to "welcome" guests....
Posted: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 4:21pm PDT
Afghan MP Malalai Joya speaks at April 10th Antiwar rally in Dolores Park (video/quicktime 26.7MB)
Afghan MP Malalai Joya was suspended from the Parliament of Afghanistan for denouncing the warlords and the US/NATO war and occupation....
Posted: Sun, Apr 10, 2011 7:14pm PDT
Afghans for Peace releases video on Global Day of Listening to Afghans (video/mp4 54.1MB)
Afghans for Peace released a new video PSA on Global Day of Listening to Afghans (Dec. 19th, 2010):
Posted: Sun, Dec 19, 2010 11:57pm PST
Memorial Day. It's About WAR! (video/x-ms-wmv 16.8MB)
A little something I lashed together for Memorial Day 2010. This A/V montage is brought to you courtesy of Vietnam Vets Against War (historic footage), OuterNational (Tom Morello, Rage Against The Machine) and The Asian Dub Foundation (credit music, Rivers of Dub, Adbusters: Live Without Dead Time CD)...
Posted: Fri, May 28, 2010 4:53pm PDT
Obama Escalates in Afghanistan! (video/quicktime 91.2MB)
Seven-minute QT movie. 91MB....
Posted: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 9:53am PST
SF responds to Obama's Afghanistan Escalation! (video/quicktime 9.8MB)
Two-minute QT movie. 10MB....
Posted: Wed, Apr 1, 2009 9:25am PDT
Massoud: Destiny's Afghan (video/x-pn-realvideo 85.7MB)
Born in 1953 in Panjshir, Ahmed Shah Massoud became one of Afghanistans’s most successful military leaders. A man of humble origins, Massoud became a secular leader for whom all Afghans were equal. As a military officer, he was a great strategist, both practical and pragmatic. After repelling the Soviet army’s troops in the early 1980s, Massoud was nicknamed the “Lion of Panjshir,” but his triumphs were not tainted by bloodlust or intoxication of power [video 52mins]...
Posted: Sat, Mar 28, 2009 10:45am PDT
Declassified: The Taliban (2005) (video/x-pn-realvideo 26.2MB)
A History of the support given by the CIA to the Afghan Mujahedin and Pakistan during the 1980s...
Posted: Mon, Oct 13, 2008 5:17pm PDT
Jim Page - Head Full of Pictures (video/x-ms-wmv 22.8MB)
Jim's music put to images that fit appropriately in the song. A reminder of those who can't get the message out about their suffering and the uncovered cost of ...
Posted: Fri, May 30, 2008 4:17pm PDT
Taxi to the Darkside (video/x-pn-realvideo 46.3MB)
In this shocking film, Oscar nominated director Alex Gibney tells the story of Dilawar, a young Afghan taxi driver arrested and questioned by the US forces at Bagram airbase. Just days after his arrest he was dead. Gibney exposes the extraordinary methods employed by Dilawar's interrogators - described by many contributors as torture. He then traces the chain of command which authorised the techniques, ending up at the White House itself. He sees how the methods migrated from Bagram to Guanta...
Posted: Tue, Oct 9, 2007 9:05am PDT