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Newsitem List

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imageCourtyard by Marriott Fisherman's Wharf Strike
by Indybay
Since June 1, workers at the Marriott Courtyard Fisherman's Wharf have been on strike, demanding a contract with the same wage and workload standards as the rest of the union hotels in the City. “The strikers are in it for the long haul," says housekeeping supervisor Gladys Espinosa. Photos 1 - 2 I Video |
Posted: Mon, Sep 9, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageBack to School - UCB Clerical Workers Strike
by Indybay
Clerical workers at UC Berkeley and at the UC Office of the President to went on strike from Aug 26-28th in order to protest the University's Unfair Labor Practices. About 2000 clerical workers -- including phone operators, child care workers, librarians, and secretaries -- started a three-day strike to protest the lack of progress in labor negotiations. photos: 1   2  3 |
Posted: Mon, Sep 9, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageSF Anti-War Rally Draws Thousands
by Indybay
The Power to the Peaceful Festival brought 15-20,000 people to Golden Gate Park Sat, Sept 7. The huge crowd came together to protest the war on terrorism while enjoying an afternoon of music and speakers. Musical acts included Mystic, KRS-One and Los Mocosos, while Michael Franti and Spearhead were the headliners. Franti was a key organizer of the event. Speakers included Jello Biafra, Amy Goodman and Mario Africa, who gave an impassioned speech on the innocence of Mumia Abu Jamal. This was t...
Posted: Mon, Sep 9, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageGenocidal Boat Tours the Bay Area
by Indybay
9/6: A replica of Columbus' ship "Nina" is touring the Bay Area now with little or no mention of it's genocidal past. Details...
Posted: Fri, Sep 6, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageDEA Raids Santa Cruz Medical Marijuana Dispensary
by Indybay
9/6: Federal "anti-drug" agents raided the WAMM medical cannabis dispensary in Santa Cruz on 9/5. Read more | Hear audio | Video...
Posted: Fri, Sep 6, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageCA: Immigrant-friendly bills on unfriendly governor's desk
by Indybay
A bill that would legislate binding arbitration between farm workers and growers in California awaits Governor Davis, who has been receiving large cash donations from growers in recent week. UFW activists are holding a vigil at the Capitol. 8/25 march | UFW - Another bill to allow undocumented immigrants get a drivers license is pending as well. Read more...
Posted: Fri, Sep 6, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageSF: Day Laborers March for Justice, Against the Willie Brown Machine
by Indybay
9/17: On Wednesday, 9/18, SF Day Laborers will picket in front of Volunteers Of America’s (VOA) Oakland Office to oppose the agency’s application to administer the SF Day Labor Program. Three weeks ago, a delegation of SF community organizations held a meeting with VOA President John Bailey to inform him of the contentious political context in which Mayor Willie Brown placed Day Labor Program up for public bid. A variety of community leaders explained that the transfer of services...
Posted: Thu, Sep 5, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageJudge Halts issues stay on all Maxxam/PL logging operations under SYP and HCP!
by Indybay
In a 14 page decision, Judge John Golden has issued a halt to all of Maxxam/PL's logging operations on August 29, 2002. The decision was a shock to EPIC and the Sierra Club who filed the lawsuit in 1999. The Kaiser Steelworkers assisted in initiating the lawsuit while on strike. At issue is the so-called "Sustained Yield Plan"(SYP). Apparently, the state agencies and PL had been dragging their feet turning over information regarding the "Headwaters Deal" and claimed attorney client privilege ...
Posted: Fri, Aug 30, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageBack to School - UCB Clerical Workers Strike
by Indybay
Clerical workers at UC Berkeley and at the UC Office of the President to went on strike from Aug 26-28th in order to protest the University's Unfair Labor Practices. About 2000 clerical workers -- including phone operators, child care workers, librarians, and secretaries -- started a three-day strike to protest the lack of progress in labor negotiations. photos: 1 &nbsp 2&nbsp |
Posted: Thu, Aug 29, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageUFW Goes on the Offensive
United Farm Workers March
by Indybay
The United Farm Workers concluded a 165 mile, 11 day march from the Central Valley to Sacramento on 8/25 with a rally that brought out over 5,000 supporters. They are demanding that Governor Gray Davis sign SB 1736, which would legislate binding arbitration between farm workers and growers in California. The governor, who has been receiving large cash donations from growers in recent weeks, may veto the bill. Read More |
Posted: Tue, Aug 27, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageConfession Exonerates Mumia
by Indybay
8/26: The Task Force to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal is holding a rally and press conference in Oakland on 8/28 to bring attention to the confession by another man that would exonerate Abu-Jamal, a political prisoner and radical critic of the State and violence and misery its policies perpetuate. Details - Resources on Mumia...
Posted: Mon, Aug 26, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageSF: Campaign for Public Power in Full Swing
by Indybay
8/26: Looking to spark the campaign for public power in the city, San Franciscans for Affordable Clean Energy (SFACE) is holding a teach-in on Wed, 8/28 to elaborate and educate on the possibilites for getting out from under the thumb of PG&E. The company is currently waging a campaign of disinformation regarding Proposition D, the ballot measure hoping to make SF energy self-sufficient. Details...
Posted: Mon, Aug 26, 2002 12:00am PDT
by Indybay
"If I wanted to lie, or if we wanted to lie, if we wanted to exaggerate, I wouldn't use my daughter to do so. I could easily buy other people to do it." --Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait's Ambassador to the United States and Canada The Iraq Public Diplomacy Group, composed of staff from the upper echelons of the US government, is prepared to lead the charge in the battle for the world's mind and opinion. The group is apparently going to produce anti-Saddam Hussein propaganda and provide "expert"...
Posted: Mon, Aug 26, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageBu$h in Stockton
stormtrooping for dubya
by Indybay
8/26: As Bush recites disingenuous speeches crafted by PR firms and the corporate media lap it up, thousands of demonstrators from LA to Portland took to the streets in opposition to Shrub's cynical photo-ops and fundraisers. In California, Bush was in Stockton to throw his support behind Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon, a man with intimate ties to a company that recently paid $78 million for fraud and other misconduct. Hundreds of demonstrators voiced their anger against the se...
Posted: Mon, Aug 26, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageCounterfeit Care
by Indybay
POOR Magazine/PoorNewsNetwork (PNN) calls a boycott of the restaurants in the Golden Gate Restaurant Association. These restaurants support the anti-poor people legislation - Proposition N "Care Not Cash." See the boycott list 8/26: Anti-poverty activists took to the streets of SF on 8/23 to voice their anger at Proposition N, the "Care not Cash" initiative spearheaded by mayoral candidate Gavin Newsom and dubbed "Counterfeit Care" by its detractors. Activists point out that all the i...
Posted: Sun, Aug 25, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageTell Bush
by Indybay
President Bush is due in Stockton, CA on Friday, Aug 23rd. Groups are mobilizing to greet him with a strong message that the America doesn’t want to go to war with Iraq. Details Oakland-based AFSCME Local 444 seeks peace in the Middle East. On August 15th, they adopted a resolution to withdraw US support to Israel, support self-determination in Palestine, and support workers’ rights throughout the Middle East. Read more...
Posted: Mon, Aug 19, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageLivermore, CA: Demonstrators Rally Against Nuclear Weapons Lab
by Indybay
8/5: In a symbolic and well-played out demonstration, anti-nuclear activists sang, danced, and sat down against jingoist politicians, the corporate-military-industrial complex, and the threat that nuclear weapons pose to humanity and the world. The Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratories was the site of this year's annual demonstration, attended by scores of activists from all over Northern California. Photos: 1 | 2 | Audio: 1 | Personal account | Demo announcement 8/6 marked the anniversary ...
Posted: Mon, Aug 19, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageCheney Speaks on War as the Health of the State
by Indybay
8/7: VP Dick Cheney spoke at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco Wednesday morning. About 300-400 demonstartors showed up to protest against corporate rule. Five people were arrested for trying to disrupt his speech. Details: 1   |   Photos: 1 2 3  |  Video: 1 2 3...
Posted: Mon, Aug 19, 2002 12:00am PDT
imageAnother War is Possible
What better place than here, what better time than now?
by Indybay
Take the Capital! declared "victory" in Ottawa after thousands participated in a week of teach-ins and protests against the G8 summit in Kananaskis. Police were preparing to forcibly evict residents and protesters from a squat in Ottawa Friday afternoon. Report back Demonstrations across Canada displayed increased militancy, localized agitation, economic disruption, and cross-country coordination of efforts, according to reports at IMC Alberta. Call to action | Police surveillance | Lethal f...
Posted: Mon, Aug 19, 2002 12:00am PDT
imagePort of Oakland Contract
ILWU Rally in San Francisco
by Indybay
As demonstrations in Argentina and elsewhere herald the deepening "crisis of capitalism" in the US, workers across the Bay Area are unifying the struggle against employers attempting to eliminate jobs, cut healthcare and other benefits, attack workers' rights, and threaten public services. Working under an expired contract, 10,000 West Coast longshore men and women face a threatened lockout by the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) — and now the danger that President Bush will invoke the T...
Posted: Mon, Aug 19, 2002 12:00am PDT
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