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textMAXXAM/PL's "Cooling Off Period" Proposal by Shunka
My response to PL's proposal......
Posted: Tue, Aug 12, 2003 1:20am PDT
While the Maxxam campaign in Texas is rockin, within Humbolt EF, WE ARE IN desperate need of anti-oppresion help, and for people to speak up. We do not have to resort to blaming and name calling....
Posted: Wed, Jul 30, 2003 10:54am PDT
Sawyers Bar, Ca. - During the past weeks, a group calling themselves the Healthy Forest Militia implemented small diameter fuels reduction in a Knob Timber Sale unit in the Klamath National Forest. This comes at a time when the controversial Healthy Forest Initiative sits on the senate floor. Opponents of the initiative warn that what George Bush and the United States Forest Service justify as fire protection and fuel reduction through its “Healthy Forest” Initiative actually increases the r...
Posted: Fri, Jul 11, 2003 11:36am PDT
textForest Defenders Remove Hundreds More Markers From Timber Harvest Plan in the Mattole. by Howell Montia
Hundreds of markers have been removed from a Pacific Lumber Company Timber Harvest Plan that the North Coast Water Quality Control Board does not agree with....
Posted: Wed, Mar 26, 2003 11:34am PST
textRemedy Rally Report by Ellen O'Tellin
Remedy speaks at the rally that would have marked her one-year anniversary treesit. Summary of events and suggested actions. Photos and video available....
Posted: Tue, Mar 25, 2003 6:48am PST
textFreshwater face off day two. (from an eyewitness) by Dean st.
Update on the freshwater tree-sit evictions...
Posted: Tue, Mar 18, 2003 10:09pm PST
textMattole Forest Defenders Yank Thousands of Logging Markers by repost
Thousands of flags and other markers were removed from Pacific Lumber logging plans in the Mattole Watershed. Flags were left at PL headquarters in Scotia, Ca....
Posted: Tue, Mar 11, 2003 2:53pm PST
textThousands of Logging Markers Yanked By Mattole Forest Defenders. by anon
Thousands of markers delineating logging plans have been removed from the Pacific Lumberlogging plans in the Mattole Watershed....
Posted: Mon, Mar 10, 2003 1:34pm PST
textPL climber climbs trees, serves papers by utility
This morning some time between 8:00 and 9:00 pacific lumbers two hired thugs, climber eric(eric shatz) and climber jerry, showed at the lower village treesits in freshwater....
Posted: Wed, Mar 5, 2003 10:22pm PST
textPL's Contractor Eric Schatz serves Slapp Suit on Freshwater Sitters by repost of bach alert
This morning Pacific Lumber (PL) climbers arrived on the scene in Freshwater watershed in Humboldt county, where at least a dozen people have been sitting in trees, including Remedy who has been high in a redwood tree for over 11 months....
Posted: Wed, Mar 5, 2003 10:11pm PST
imagePL Security Guard Cited for Assault on Freshwater Tree Sitter
by repost of NCEF! press release
On Saturday, March 1 at 12:30 p.m. in Freshwater, a security guard employed by Pacific Lumber slashed a tree sitter’s hand while attempting to cut his climbing rope. The man wearing plain clothes and driving an unmarked car took photographs of the tree sitter, Bear, Meighan O’Brien, a local resident and her car that was parked in a public easement....
Posted: Mon, Mar 3, 2003 2:11pm PST
imageTreesiters Stay Strong, PALCO Devastation Continues
by Krzy Brd
HUMBOLDT COUNTY, California, January 29, 2003 (ENS) - Accelerated logging has polluted some 85 percent of the waters in California's North Coast region, uprooted protected redwoods and damaged private property, but state officials continue to permit logging companies to avoid complying with environmental regulations....
Posted: Thu, Jan 30, 2003 6:27pm PST
documentMaxxam/PL's 4th SLAPP Suit & Cross-Complaint
by repost
Pacific Lumber Company is pursuing there fourth Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation in the recent couple of years. Also included in this posting is a cross complaint against PL, climber Eric, Jerry, Carl Anderson and Robert Manne....
Posted: Mon, Jan 27, 2003 8:47pm PST
textAlert! Tree Sitters Under Assault 1/16 by relevancy
Today, Thursday Jan. 16, Pacific Lumber and Humboldt law enforcement began moving in on tree-sits on PL land in Humboldt county....
Posted: Fri, Jan 17, 2003 3:14am PST
videoVideo of Abstract's and Tree's Arrest (video/quicktime 22.7MB) by Snap Shoe
This is a video of Tree's and Abstract's first arrest, in Freshwater. They were protesting Pacific Lumber Company's decision to continue logging despite a court ordered stay. The Sherriff's Dept. was refusing to enforce the the court's decision. Both Treea nd Abstract spent jail time after the arrest....
Posted: Wed, Jan 1, 2003 11:10pm PST
imageGaia Treesit in the Mattole
by sosumi
Gaia still stands and refuses to be killed, she has enlisted the help of a few kind souls who continue to stand with her, allowing her and the others on that hill in the mattole to dance their spiral dance and to celebrate life....
Posted: Fri, Nov 22, 2002 9:49pm PST
imageForest Peace Alliance Trip Into the Mattole(fixed version)
by Shunka
As part of the out-of-court settlement from the David "Gypsy" Chain wrongful death civil suit, the Forest Peace Alliance was formed, intending to bring activists and PL workers & management together, in a non-confrontational atmosphere, to prevent further deaths and injuries, to talk about the issues, and come up with creative solutions....
Posted: Wed, Oct 23, 2002 1:50pm PDT
imageForest Peace Alliance trip to the Mattole
by Shunka
A group of activists and Pacific Lumber reps went out into the Mattole, to talk about the are a few pictures from that day......
Posted: Tue, Oct 22, 2002 9:47pm PDT
imageMaxxam still cutting Old Growth in the Mattole
by Shunka
Old Growth being hauled out of the Mattole, after the court order had been issued. Maxxam is clearly a lawless rogue corporation; who will step in to enforce the judge's ruling?...
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 7:17pm PDT
imagePhotos from Sept. 15 Rally to Save the Mattole
by Raspberry
More than 300 people rallied at Monument Gate in Rio Dell at the September 15 Rally to Save the Mattole Forest....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 4:26pm PDT
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