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Newsitem List

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image6/6 Costumes Seen at Really, Really Free Market
by Mahtin
The announcements for the Really, Really Free Market encouraged people to wear costumes. Some clever people took the invitation to wear costumes to heart....
Posted: Sat, Jun 19, 2004 9:14pm PDT
by black eye
Beautiful parody of the iPod campaign featuring anti-war images....
Posted: Sat, Jun 19, 2004 5:05pm PDT
imageTake Action to Support Ben Davis Workers in SF - from UNITE and Sweatshop Watch
by upton sinclair
For more background info on the campaign, and an easy form that allows you to send an email to Frank Davis, the owner of Ben Davis Inc., go to the Sweatshop Watch website listed below....
Posted: Sat, Jun 19, 2004 11:17am PDT
imageGot Democracy?
by black eye
Art on the street against War. Art is doing it's job. It's making people think about the role of art and the meaning of war....
Posted: Sat, Jun 19, 2004 11:08am PDT
text7/12 queer-bash in U.S. Senate by SUN
Bigots denounce same-sex marriage, starting July 12, in U.S. Senate. Plus calendar for freedom-seekers, mainly in SF....
Posted: Sat, Jun 19, 2004 10:21am PDT
textThe Mass Arrest: Part II of Protesting Bio 2004 by Daniel Borgström
On the evening of June 8th, 128 activists were encircled and arrested at Market & 5th in San Francisco...
Posted: Sat, Jun 19, 2004 1:21am PDT
imagePhotos from Day Labor Protest
by Clare B, Jeff G, and Chris Crass
Some photos from the demo....
Posted: Fri, Jun 18, 2004 2:51pm PDT
imageDay Laborers Resist! --Fathers' Day Rally For Fundin
by Clare B and Jeff G
Today at City Hall, on the second anniversary of the Day Labor Program's Fathers' Day protest, 50 day laborers and allies rallied to demand Gavin Newsom return the city funding of the Day Labor Program....
Posted: Fri, Jun 18, 2004 2:29pm PDT
textCAMMERIN BOYD - CALL FOR JUSTICE by Justice for Cammerin Boyd Campaign
Join the campaign to end police brutality and misconduct against the disabled and minorities....
Posted: Fri, Jun 18, 2004 1:56pm PDT
textTechnu-Topia Malfunction: Computers Are a Girl's Best Friend by imcista
This is highly recommended. If you've never seen Praba or René perform, try to make it out for this!!...
Posted: Fri, Jun 18, 2004 1:30pm PDT
image US Labor Against the War Leafleters at Health Care Rally & March Saturday
by upton sinclair
Help distribute USLAW flyers featuring the USLAW statement on the occupation and fund appeal for Iraqi Unions and sell buttons at the Health Care Rally & March on Saturday. USLAW flyers will be available at the area just in front of the restroom pavilion at Crissy Field from 7:30 a.m. on through the morning....
Posted: Fri, Jun 18, 2004 10:03am PDT
text6/19 - March with Gallo workers as they join thousands to Bridge the Gap in Healthcare by upton sinclair
If you have not yet done so, please sign the "Gallo Unfair" petition. It's critical to demonstrate support for the workers at Gallo of Sonoma before the next negotiation meeting on August 4. Our goal is for 25,000 people to sign the "Gallo Unfair" petition. Please sign the petition by going to:
Posted: Fri, Jun 18, 2004 9:53am PDT
textGet On The Bus And March For Healthcare June 19 by from Alameda Labor Council
One of the main speakers for the event is Diane Powe, UFCW Local 870 member and our own Alameda County activist. She'll join Judy Goff, members of "Team (Barbara) Lee," and other unions on the bus - the easiest, fastest way to get to the March...
Posted: Fri, Jun 18, 2004 9:42am PDT
textNancy Pelosi, the Jesse Helms of San Francisco? by Tom Joad
Beyond her liberal façade, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is an extremist in favor of the most brutal policies of Ariel Sharon, reminding some of the positions Jesse Helms took in favor of Apartheid South Africa. Is this representing San Francisco?...
Posted: Thu, Jun 17, 2004 5:48pm PDT
textJune 23 - Rally against ICE/INS Raids in the Mission by respost
stop all raids!, that the city denounce the raids!, & that the police and FBI not cooperate with the INS stop violating the human rights of immigrants who are under custody of the INS...
Posted: Thu, Jun 17, 2004 4:57pm PDT
textIs Gay Marriage Really So Progressive? by New College Event
Radical people of color providing a critical view of the marriage "equality" movement....
Posted: Thu, Jun 17, 2004 4:08pm PDT
audioIndybay photographer Peter Maiden talks about art and action (audio/mpeg 7.4MB) by Sarah Olson
Peter Maiden is a local photographer. He has covered the anti-war movements, labor movements, anti-globalizations struggles and more locally for and around the world. He has a show opening at the Reverie Cafe in the Haight, which features work he has done of the last several years. We spoke with Peter about art and media in this time of social struggle. 12 minutes...
Posted: Thu, Jun 17, 2004 8:42am PDT
imageStop the Destruction of the Music Concourse
by Elizabeth Goldstein
On Wednesday, June 16th, the Music Concourse Community Partnership ordered their construction contractor to begin demolishing this priceless, century-old pedestrian tunnel in spite of their notification that Judge Warren will rule on the legality of their garage within the next two weeks. This is what privatization looks like; you get to watch while they destroy your park, public property, and while the corporate media provides an illusion of legitimacy to the destruction. Act now, or you wi...
Posted: Thu, Jun 17, 2004 6:20am PDT
textThis FRIDAY, Is Gay Marriage Really So Progressive? by repost
We will discuss whether Gay marriage benefits Black Queer people or > whether it upholds white privilege and a conservative agenda?...
Posted: Thu, Jun 17, 2004 12:55am PDT
textHINDU fundis blast "lesbian" film by IMQO
In my queer opinion (IMQO), Hindu fundamentalists resemble those in other religions, by sharing a hatred of love, and a love of hatred....
Posted: Wed, Jun 16, 2004 9:34pm PDT
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