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Newsitem List

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textOT II Anarchist Gathering by OTOC
Occupied Territory II Feb 2005 - Bay Area...
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 11:12am PST
textDemocrat AG Lockyer Attacks Abortion Right with Peterson Prosecution by California Voter
Death penalty Democrat Attorney General Lockyer spent millions of our tax dollars running for governor by falsely prosecuting the innocent Scott Peterson for the murder of his pregnant wife, proving that he, like the Republicans, is anti-abortion. Lesson: Always vote your conscience and never vote for Democrats or Republicans....
Posted: Fri, Nov 12, 2004 6:50pm PST
textVeteran's Day in Chicago by Jessica Pupovac
This morning in downtown Chicago, Vietnam Vets Against the War held their annual Veteran’s Day rally, drawing a crowd of about fifty Vets, along with their family members and supporters. They have gotten together for over thirty years now to honor Veterans by standing up for their rights, denouncing their being sent into unjust wars and calling for the US to put it’s money where it’s mouth is and “support our troops.” However, this year differed from those that came before it in one very sign...
Posted: Fri, Nov 12, 2004 7:20am PST
textTanks at Anti-war protest in LA by .
The link for video:
Posted: Tue, Nov 9, 2004 10:44pm PST
textTranssexual found beaten to death in alley in LA by repost
A transsexual was found beaten to death in an alley near Central City, police said Sunday....
Posted: Tue, Nov 9, 2004 10:45am PST
textWednesday - PUBLIC FORUM - KPFA/Pacifica - Democracy Deferred? by repost
The historic victory achieved by KPFA listeners hangs in the balance. Once again, listeners must come to the rescue. A panel of the "banned and fired," current programmers, board members and community members, followed by an open-mike session, will address questions and propose solutions to protect the nation's only independent radio network....
Posted: Tue, Nov 9, 2004 7:08am PST
textWhy the Blue States should Divorce the Red States by C. B. Shapiro (Re-post)
...they would finally be free to have the kind of society they've always wanted; church and state can be fused so they build the kind of theocracy they've dreamt of, with Jesus at the helm. (They) can ban books, repeal civil rights, persecute gays and have all the wars they like. They want prayer in schools? More power to them. We'll be free to live with our like-minded countrymen who believe in science, modernism, tolerance, religion as a personal choice, and truly want limited governmen...
Posted: Tue, Nov 9, 2004 12:50am PST
textPress Conf. by B. Cayenne Bird
United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect is calling a press conference in Los Angeles this Friday to announce the filing of a lawsuit against CDC for the pepper spray death of Anthony Kirk Brown on Aug 27 at CMC San Luis Obispo. Everyone is invited to stand up against murder by pepper spray (they placed a spitter's mask over his head and sprayed until he died) The same thing happened two weeks ago to another inmate at CSP Lancaster, the families of prisoners are taking a stand...
Posted: Mon, Nov 8, 2004 10:05am PST
textAmong Dems, blame-game rages by
Will they blame Michael Moore? Play "Smear-The-Queer" ? For liberal view, please attend Forum at U-U center, 7 Nov. (today), 10am; free....
Posted: Sun, Nov 7, 2004 6:54am PST
textCAL marriage war? by Crystal Ball
December 2004 to November 2006?...
Posted: Fri, Nov 5, 2004 7:54pm PST
textHenry Norr on KPFA interview of zionist Alan Dershowitz by a little birdie
Henry Norr was fired from the San Francisco Chronicle last year for attending an anti-war rally....
Posted: Fri, Nov 5, 2004 12:21pm PST
textRepublican Wing of Democratic Party? by
Led in California by Senator Feinstein? (About same-sex marriage, DiFi says "The whole issue has been too much, too fast, too soon." You could phone her SF office at 415.393.0707, if you wish.)...
Posted: Fri, Nov 5, 2004 10:04am PST
textArnold Schwarzenegger: Knuckleheaded politics by UK Guardian
His merciless opportunism on three-strikes shows Arnold Schwarzenegger's true colours, despite the odd liberal sop, writes Dan Glaister...
Posted: Fri, Nov 5, 2004 9:08am PST
textPUBLIC FORUM: KPFA/Pacifica - Democracy Deferred? by Wed, Nov 10, 7-9:00 pm Friday, Nov. 05, 2004
The historic victory achieved by KPFA listeners hangs in the balance. Once again, listeners must come to the rescue. A panel of the "banned and fired," current programmers, board members and community members, followed by an open-mike session, will address questions and propose solutions to protect the nation's only independent radio network....
Posted: Fri, Nov 5, 2004 7:50am PST
text 17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists by Michael Moore
Ok, it sucks. Really sucks. But before you go and cash it all in, let's, in the words of Monty Python, 'always look on the bright side of life!' There IS some good news from Tuesday's election....
Posted: Fri, Nov 5, 2004 12:14am PST
textGAYS & WOmen ELect W BUSH by COnnect the Dots
It was the anti-Gay Marriage ballot initiatives that brought out the church and right wing voters to defeat Kerry. GO Ahead and reject this with the typical American Knee jerk-off mentality – it is much easier than thinking or learning or listening or being outside of your little spoiled Middle Class bubbles!...
Posted: Thu, Nov 4, 2004 12:23pm PST
textUS CA: Tax to Expand Police Slightly Ahead; Marijuana Measure Likely to Pass by repost via Cal NORML
Tax to Expand Police Slightly Ahead MARIJUANA MEASURE LIKELY TO PASS...
Posted: Wed, Nov 3, 2004 11:38pm PST
textMarin County Ban on GE Crops by Organic Consumers Association
Yesterday, while millions of Americans went to the polls in record numbers, Marin county, voted to ban the cultivation of Genetically Engineered (GE) crops....
Posted: Wed, Nov 3, 2004 6:12pm PST
textPreliminary Results Show Election Victory for LGBT Equality in CA by MECA
PRELIMINARY RETURNS SHOW DECISIVE ELECTION VICTORY FOR LGBT EQUALITY IN CALIFORNIA Statewide Candidate Elections Prove California Primed to Win Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples...
Posted: Wed, Nov 3, 2004 1:15pm PST
textCA 3-Strikes Law: Prop 66 Defeat, Statement of Author Sam Clauder by Sam Clauder
Statement of Author Sam Clauder on the Defeat of Proposition 66...
Posted: Wed, Nov 3, 2004 12:40pm PST
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