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Newsitem List

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textDe-Nazify the West Bank by Caroline B. Glick
The television camera lens moves with seeming effortlessness from the pictures of suffering and death at the Hebrew University to the carnival in Gaza City, where thousands take to the streets in celebration of the pictures from Jerusalem. Gazing at the revelers on the screen, one strains one's eyes to find an expression of shame, guilt, or remorse on the faces in the crowd. One unconsciously prays to discern anything that would show that those in front of the camera are there by accident or ...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 9:54pm PDT
textEBumFights - What Would YOU Do For a Dollar? by Spider Jerusalem
From Skid Row to Madison Square Garden - here's capitalism in action!...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 8:54pm PDT
videoCheney Protest (video/quicktime 6.3MB) by BASTARDTWIN
Several hundred people gathered outside the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, CA to voice their disapproval with Dick Cheney & the current administration. (quicktime video -- length -- 2:08)...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 8:17pm PDT
textThe SHORTWAVE REPORT 8/9/02 ¡Listen Globally! by Dan Roberts
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Spain, Germany, and Cuba...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 6:42pm PDT
textbush to visit beautiful portland in august--you should, too by kurtkabang
come to the beautiful northwest as portland hosts the worlds most dangerous man, george w. bush, in august...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 5:07pm PDT
textAmerican Crusade 2001+ Trading Cards by Good vs. Evil
Confused about the war on terror? Can't tell the good bad guys from the bad bad guys? Having trouble explaining all those double-standards to your kids? Print your own handy color trading cards from this web site now: it's the axis-of-oil versus the axis-of-evil!...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 4:56pm PDT
textMichael Albert gives the ISO a boot in the ass by can't stand your vanguard cult
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 4:19pm PDT
textUnlimited Presidential Powers - *NYT* Op-Ed Piece?? by bov
The Bush administration seems to be using the Hamdi case to establish the principle that it has the exclusive power to decide who is an enemy combatant. If the administration's position prevails, we can expect to see many more cases like it. The government will be free to seize anyone it wants simply by saying the magic words "enemy combatant," and the courts will be powerless to release such people from prison, or even provide them with lawyers....
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 3:15pm PDT
videoOur Veep came out from the Fairmont to greet the Protesters! (video/quicktime 1.9MB) by Bill Carpenter
Vice-President Richard Cheney, joined by Mrs. Dick, mingled with the hoi polloi. 30 sec. 2MB...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 3:11pm PDT
textSF Autonomous Initiative by Salem
A new initiative is in the germinal stages of development to form a Autonomist Collective and eventually a People's Union...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 2:15pm PDT
textKimberly Rogers Womyn's Brigade - Court Report and Conclusion by bov
This is an Ontario group that occupied and took over a local government official's office. We were protesting the brutal cuts to welfare and for all people whose lives are threatened by the economic violence perpetrated by the BC Government. We named ourselves after a woman in Ontario who died last year as a result of Ontario welfare cuts. There will be an inquest into her death this October...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 1:40pm PDT
textFeds Open "Total Info. Awareness" System to track *everything* by Eliot Borin / Wired News
On Wednesday, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will begin awarding contracts for the design and implementation of a Total Information Awareness (TIA) system....
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 1:28pm PDT
textWhy the income tax must go by Harry Browne / WorldNet Daily
The fastest way to make America a free country again would be to repeal all income taxes – the personal income, corporate, gift, estate and Social Security taxes. This would create at least five very important benefits:...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 1:17pm PDT
textCIA Official Calls for "Sending SWAT Teams into Journalists’ Homes" by Dave Eberhart /
"We’ve got to do whatever it takes – if it takes sending SWAT teams into journalists’ homes – to stop these leaks,” admonished James B. Bruce, vice chairman of the CIA's Foreign Denial and Deception Committee....
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 1:08pm PDT
textDescent into savagery as a nation's jobs disappear by readingthenews
"And yet there I was, with my own bloody knife and piece of meat," Mr Banrel said. "I felt like we had become a pack of wild animals ... like piranhas on the Discovery Channel. Our situation has turned us into this."...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 10:51am PDT
text'Turn the other cheek' is a moral responsibility by David Arthur Johnston
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 10:20am PDT
textFlashpoints Aug 6-7: Pal prisoners; Vieques; US prisons by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio -August 7: stories of Palestinian political prisoners.. Vieques update.. human rights in America's prisons.. -August 6: about the psychological damage of increasing violence and resistance on Palestinian families.. Israel faces an environmental crisis.. VP-select Cheney comes to SF ----- full story and audio links at
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 9:16am PDT
textFree our ears!!! by guido silipo
Another music business is possible!!! And the misicians alive and happy...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 8:30am PDT
textSF events 8.8 by Scott Munson
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 3:56am PDT
textProtest & Rally - No Militarization of the Port of Oakland! by friend of (a bit more) militant labor unions
This summer - workers across Alameda County - are unifying their struggles to fight for new contracts and a Voice@Work - against employers attempting to eliminate good jobs that we need in our communities, take away healthcare & benefits from our families, attack workers' rights, and threaten public services & the health of our neighborhoods....
Posted: Wed, Aug 7, 2002 11:52pm PDT
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