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Newsitem List

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textPolitical Organizations and Leaders Of All Stripes Oppose Arena Tax by Travis Blaschek-Miller
A diverse group of political organizations, including local Democrats, Republicans and Green Party among others, have come together to denounce Measures Q & R in Sacramento County. The Arena Tax would build a half billion dollar arena for a private enterprise to reap all the profits....
Posted: Fri, Sep 29, 2006 2:27pm PDT
imageGreen Party Candidates Gather to Challenge Torture, War, Lies, to Revive Democracy
by Carol Brouillet
Green Party Candidates running for Federal, State, and local offices, gather in Mountain View, to mobilize voters and support for their campaigns that challenge entrenched corporate interests. They will speak to offer hope and alternatives to the endless war, institutionalized torture, the current fastrack towards oblivion, embraced by the corporate parties....
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2006 10:10pm PDT
textPeace and Freedom Party Election News by John Crockford
The Fresno County Peace and Freedom Party announces its positions for the 2006 Election....
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2006 7:39pm PDT
videoNURSES SERENADE ARNOLD & HIS BREAKFAST CRONIES! (video/quicktime 13.1MB) by Bill Carpenter
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger came to an early morning $25,000 breakfast at the Fairmont on Nob Hill. But the nurses and their allies were there first. September 25, 2006. Four-minute QT 7 movie. 13MB....
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2006 2:52pm PDT
textProposition 89, The Clean Money and Fair Elections Act. Prop. 89 by JoAnn Fuller
Political campaign fundraising is skyrocketing. More and more Californians are feeling ignored by Sacramento policy makers. There is a solution on the November 7 ballot: Proposition 89, The Clean Money and Fair Elections Act. Prop. 89 would allow ordinary people to mount campaigns without having to depend on wealthy special interests to bankroll—and buy—their political platforms. Statewide campaigns have become multimillion dollar affairs, making candidates increasingly reliant on priv...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2006 6:54pm PDT
textNeo-Cowpokes Fail to Corral Corruption by T. Mounted
California politicians seeking re-election turn blind eyes on sweet and dirty deals in northern coastal communities....
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2006 12:31pm PDT
textProposition 1A Does Nothing to “Rebuild” California by Beyond Chron (reposted)
Governor Schwarzenegger and the Democratic legislature have placed five measures on the November ballot in an effort to rebuild California’s infrastructure (Propositions 1A-1E.) The measures are being sold together as a “package deal” to bring $37 billion for transportation, housing, education and flood prevention, and a joint campaign called “Rebuild California” is leading the charge. Schwarzenegger and Angelides support all five measures, as do Senators Feinstein and Boxer, the Chamber of C...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2006 6:21am PDT
calendarFilm: Street Fight by Clare Cordero
Unitarian Universalist Church, 505 E Charlston, Palo Alto, CA, 94306...
Event Date: Fri, Nov 3, 2006 7:30pm PST
Posted: Tue, Sep 26, 2006 3:04pm PDT
textOak to Ninth Referendum Committee files suit to revive petition by ABetterOaktoNinth
Referendum Committee files suit against City of Oakland's rejection of petitions. Committee used document provided by City Clerk. City Atty. John Russo claimed it was the wrong version....
Posted: Tue, Sep 26, 2006 8:58am PDT
textCalifornia Nurses Plan to Turn Tide Against Schwarzenegger by Beyond Chron (reposted)
Approximately 30 activists from the California Nurses Association gathered in front of the Fairmont Hotel yesterday to protest a $25,000-a-plate fundraiser that Arnold Schwarzenegger was holding inside for his re-election campaign. Waving signs in support of Proposition 89 (the Clean Money Initiative that will provide public financing for California campaigns), the protesters vowed to challenge Arnold every step of the way as he shatters all campaign fundraising records. Over the next two wee...
Posted: Tue, Sep 26, 2006 7:37am PDT
imageThe Fresno CVPPAC Endorses Margaret Mims for Sheriff
by Mike Rhodes
The Central Valley Progressive PAC has endorsed Margaret Mims for Sheriff. Mims would be the first woman sheriff in Fresno County....
Posted: Sun, Sep 24, 2006 3:41pm PDT
imageThe Fresno CVPPAC Endorses Blong Xiong for City Council
by Mike Rhodes
The race for the Fresno City Council District 1 is between Blong Xiong and Scott Miller. The Central Valley Progressive PAC is supporting Blong Xiong because he is somewhat better on several critical issues to the progressive community than his opponent. Xiong is a moderate and supported by most organized labor and progressive groups. Miller is a Republican backed by the Chamber of Commerce and many business interests....
Posted: Sun, Sep 24, 2006 9:22am PDT
imageForrest Hill: Shatter Barriers and Give Power To Citizens
Electing Forrest Hill, an openly gay man running for California Secretary of State, "will help shatter the litmus test of heterosexuality that has prevented highly qualified citizens from attaining t
by Forrest Hill (repost and link)
Electing Forrest Hill, an openly gay man running for California Secretary of State, "will help shatter the litmus test of heterosexuality that has prevented highly qualified citizens from attaining the highest state-level political offices." Electing Forrest Hill, the Green Party candidate for California Secretary of State, will also help put "the power of the Initiative back in the hands of citizens."...
Posted: Sat, Sep 23, 2006 7:14pm PDT
textSupport Aimee Allison for City Council in Oakland by Jonah Zern
There is just over a month until the November elections. Please join me in supporting Aimee Allison for Oakland City Council. I will be volunteering a Aimee Allison's headquarters every Sunday from Noon to 5PM at 3208 Grand Avenue, next to the Grand Lake Theatre (phone # is (510) 277-0182, other volunteer opportunities are below or call to help in other ways,
Posted: Sat, Sep 23, 2006 2:52pm PDT
imageBig Oil Throws Down Against Proposition 89
by Yes on Proposition 89
The oil giant Chevron has begun funding the effort to prevent public financing of political campaigns in California....
Posted: Fri, Sep 22, 2006 2:09pm PDT
textMadrigal, Rotkin, Kenyatta Face the Norse on FRSC Sunday by Robert Norse
Council members and candidates Tony Madrigal, Mike Rotkin, and Simba Kenyatta will be grilled and fileted on Free Radio Santa Cruz Sunday September 24th starting at 9:30 AM 101.1 FM. Chef Norse invites your cooking suggestions at 831-427-3772....
Posted: Fri, Sep 22, 2006 8:57am PDT
textCalifornia Propositions: Billions For Special Interest by Stewart A. Alexander
When Governor Schwarzenegger ran for office in 2003 he promised to work for the people of California and not for the special interest, now in 2006 Arnold Schwarzenegger has become the champion of special interest groups. The 2006 bond and tax package, presented by the governor and the state legislature, is the worst package ever offered to California voters in the state’s history....
Posted: Thu, Sep 21, 2006 9:44pm PDT
textPress Release: Arena Tax Opponents Respond to Yes on Q&R Press Conference by Dan Bacher
Here's the response to today's Yes on Q&R Press Conference from Sacramentans Against the Arena Tax....
Posted: Thu, Sep 21, 2006 7:49pm PDT
calendarOutdoor movie fundraiser for Charlie Brown for Congress! by Eric Arons
Dolores Park (20th/Dolores)...
Event Date: Thu, Sep 21, 2006 6:30pm PDT
Posted: Wed, Sep 20, 2006 10:56am PDT
textSacramento Organizations Announce Opposition To Arena Tax by Dan Bacher
A diverse coalition of groups including the NAACP, LULAC and La Raza Network announced their opposition to the Arena Tax on Tuesday, September 19, at Cesar Chavez Park....
Posted: Wed, Sep 20, 2006 9:36am PDT
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