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Newsitem List

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textSign Up Here To Stop Oakland's Eviction Scheme! by Lynda Carson
Only You Can Stop Oakland's Proposed Nuisance Eviction Ordinance (NEO)! Please Fill Out Speaker Card To Oppose The NEO!...
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 8:00pm PST
text3/15 Kevin Cooper Live From Death Row by Campaign to End the Death Penalty
LIVE FROM DEATH ROW: KEVIN COOPER 7pm Monday, March 15th Senate Lounge 2nd floor Eschelman Hall near Bancroft and Telegraph) UC Berkeley...
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 6:36pm PST
textMarch 16th Urgent Protest for the Schools by Jonah
On March 16, Oakland must tell our elected leaders: The State Will Not Close Our Schools! City Council Hearing on School Closures Tuesday, March 16 at Rally at 5PM, Hearing begins at 6:00 p.m., Oakland City Hall, 14th and Broadway (at the 12th Street BART Station)...
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 5:15pm PST
text3/15 Blue-Green Alliance Challenges Corporate Power (SSA, Coca Cola, etc) by ASJE
Trade unionists and environmental activists will hold a sidewalk press conference Monday, March 14 at the Oakland Coca Cola corporate offices (7901 Oakport-off 880 near Oak. Airport) to release a report on corporate behavior...
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 5:10pm PST
textSunday's event discussing UC Berkeley's ties to biotech by GEAN Conference
A Lunchtime strategy session about corporate control of research at UC Berkeley and Ignacio Chapela's tenure case...
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 5:07pm PST
textThis Weekend: Statewide Labor Teach-in: Connecting Campus and Community by utpon sinclair
Join us in coming together March 12-14, 2004 at UC Berkeley for the first annual “Connecting Campus & Community: California Student Labor Teach-In!...
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 12:50pm PST
textAnti-war hero Stephen Funk welcome home, Sunday March 14 by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Bay Area anti-war community welcomes home hero Stephen Funk who served six months in a military prison for refusing to fight the Iraq War....
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 12:22am PST
textAnti-war hero Stephen Funk welcome home, Sunday March 14 by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Bay Area anti-war community welcomes home hero Stephen Funk who served six months in a military prison for refusing to fight the Iraq War....
Posted: Thu, Mar 11, 2004 11:32pm PST
textPUEBLO Update! by repost of email
Update on the ongoing struggle at People United for a Better Oakland....
Posted: Thu, Mar 11, 2004 1:18pm PST
textBogus charges dropped against one of the Oakland 25 by r
A legal observer who was arrested at the Port Protest of April 7, 2003 has been cleared of bogus charges. She was one of the “Oakland 25”...
Posted: Thu, Mar 11, 2004 10:37am PST
textReminder: Anarchy Dance Party tonight by DJ Son of Arathorn
Join the newly formed Bay Area collective of Anarchy magazine for a benefit and Eighties Dance Party to celebrate the start of Anarchy weekend in the Bay Area. We will meet at the Long Haul at 3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley Ca. on Thursday 03/11 and dance from 9 pm until the wee hours....
Posted: Thu, Mar 11, 2004 5:47am PST
text3/13 Women's Day Event by Peace and Freedom
The Bay Area Socialist Party Local and the California Peace and Freedom Party invite you to a celebration of International Women's Day this Saturday March 13 from 7-9pm...
Posted: Wed, Mar 10, 2004 11:38pm PST
textThursday: Agriculture Under Occupation: Farming in the West Bank by Ecology Center
Agriculture Under Occupation: Farming in the West Bank...
Posted: Wed, Mar 10, 2004 12:38pm PST
textBarbara Lee Proposes Commission on Haiti by repost
Good luck getting anything done in the fake congress . . . but it's nice to know she's doing what she can....
Posted: Wed, Mar 10, 2004 11:43am PST
textSAVE OAKLAND'S SCHOOLS: Rally and Hearing March 16 by Jonah
On March 16, Oakland must tell our elected leaders: The State Will Not Close Our Schools! City Council Hearing on School Closures Tuesday, March 16, Rally at 5PM, Hearing begins at 6:00 p.m., Oakland City Hall, 14th and Broadway (at the 12th Street BART Station)...
Posted: Wed, Mar 10, 2004 5:41am PST
textStudents Walk Out Against Budget Cuts in Contra Costa by upton sinclair (repost of Chron)
Drastic cuts, including the closure of school libraries and the elimination of athletic programs, were approved by the school board at a meeting Monday night....
Posted: Tue, Mar 9, 2004 1:58pm PST
text3/19 event: Wedding Singer Blues by Jo Perry-Folino
Marriage is For Everyone Wedding Reception and "Wedding SInger Blues" March 19th at 8 PM...
Posted: Tue, Mar 9, 2004 12:20am PST
textOakland Renters Urgent Action March 16 Against The NEO by Oakland Activists
Urgent Action To Keep Oakland Renters Safe From The Unfair Proposed Nuisance Eviction Ordinance! March 16/6pm Oakland City Council Meeting! No To Agenda Items, 16 through 16.3 Be There By 5:45 To Sign Up As A Speaker!...
Posted: Mon, Mar 8, 2004 10:54pm PST
textStrike Averted at Oakland Port by Alameda Labor Council (repost)
Posted: Mon, Mar 8, 2004 6:48pm PST
textWendy Campbell presents her new documentary: "Neturei Karta: Jews Against Zionism" by Wendy Campbell
As in the words of Rabbi Weiss, the Zionist-dominated mainstream media blacks out any news about anti-Zionist Jews. This documentary seeks to remedy that injustice which in turn covers up from view Zionist Israel's atrocities and injustices committed against the Palestinian people, with the help of U.S. tax dollars and politcal power....
Posted: Mon, Mar 8, 2004 3:14pm PST
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