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Newsitem List

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textEmbedding by Tanja Thomas
"Since Woodrow Wilson introduced the `Committee for Public Information' during the 1st World War, governments and the military have attempted to regulate the manner and extent of reporting.."...
Posted: Wed, Jan 14, 2004 5:03am PST
textOutsourcing Payback Time by Liberez L'Ours
A discussion of the problem of outsourcing. Provides ethical, practical suggestions on how to deal with the Corporados....
Posted: Tue, Jan 13, 2004 9:52pm PST
textOppose CAPS II - no-fly lists by babus weiner
(reprint) Despite strong opposition from airlines, privacy advocates and Members of Congress, the Bush Administration is pushing ahead with plans to implement a computerized airline passenger profiling program that would create secret blacklists of innocent people prevented from flying....
Posted: Tue, Jan 13, 2004 5:50pm PST
textQueer Muslims & Allies Conference in LA by Al-Fatiha Foundation
Third International Conference for LGBTIQ Muslims & Friends - Feb. 13-16, 2004 - Hollywood (Los Angeles, CA)...
Posted: Tue, Jan 13, 2004 8:51am PST
textThe Case of Leonard Peltier by Tacoma
Below you will find a new detailed article on the case of Leonard Peltier. This article explains why Leonard’s case is so important to all of us and why support events like the Feb. 7th Tacoma Peltier March are needed to be supported by all who believe in social justice and peace....
Posted: Mon, Jan 12, 2004 3:21pm PST
textBush in 150 seconds by truthout
For Truth Nobody Has To Apologise...
Posted: Mon, Jan 12, 2004 2:39pm PST
textBush will continue to act as "blind man in room of deaf men" by D. Li
Ex-Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill revealed to CBS' 60 Minutes that Bush & his neo-con men planned to invade Iraq before 9-11, and that Bush told his advisors to find a way to justify such an illegal & immoral War of Aggression....
Posted: Mon, Jan 12, 2004 1:26am PST
textNational "Freedom to Marry Week" Actions Feb 9-15 by
World's Largest Gay Church Group And Announce National "Freedom to Marry Week":"Gays Called To Flood Marriage Bureaus With Same-Sex Marriage License Applications And Participate In National Pro-Marriage Rallies...
Posted: Sun, Jan 11, 2004 11:06pm PST
textBush administration expands police spying powers by wsws
The Bush administration has signed into law an act that grants new powers to US intelligence agencies to spy on the public, and expands the controversial Patriot Act. In a highly unusual move, Bush signed the legislation into law on a Saturday—December 13—the same day US forces captured Saddam Hussein....
Posted: Sat, Jan 10, 2004 1:59pm PST
textOperation 'Change The Subject' by Liberez L'Ours
Just another anti-Bush essay......
Posted: Sat, Jan 10, 2004 12:12pm PST
text"We have lost 30 years": Dennis Meadows by Dennis Meadows
"We must develop a new concept of economics, one in which people are less interested in accumulating material things. Only then can sustainable growth be achieved..If we had begun in the seventies to develop alternatives to material growth, we could look to the future more calmly.."...
Posted: Fri, Jan 9, 2004 3:27pm PST
textDrug Shoppers to be tracked by database by Sarah Lundyand Alisa LaPolt
Rush Limbaugh isn't the only doctor shopper -- a Florida truck driver (political affiliation not given) was arrested for drug shopping in December. It's a problem so pervasive that the state legislature is considering a multi-million dollar prescription tracking database....
Posted: Fri, Jan 9, 2004 1:01pm PST
Posted: Fri, Jan 9, 2004 4:09am PST
For the sake of public safety, Jesse White and others should be held accountable for the deaths of six people in the Cook County Administration Building....
Posted: Thu, Jan 8, 2004 12:58pm PST
textDemand Justice for Miami FTAA protesters! 1/12 call-in action by paul
The City is continuing to harass people in the legal system. Call/Fax/Email the following political officials all day on January 12th!...
Posted: Thu, Jan 8, 2004 12:31pm PST
textEPA Refuses to Protect Food Supply from Sewage Sludge by Center for Food Safety
On New Year's Eve, December 31, 2003, the Environmental Protection Agency denied a petition requesting that the agency ban the land application of sludge. On the same day, the agency published its review of regulations governing the use and disposal of sewage sludge......
Posted: Thu, Jan 8, 2004 9:55am PST
textHow Arnold Schwarzenegger Made Millions From A Stolen Screenplay by Daniel Perez
The newest bombshell exposing the real character of Arnold Schwarzenegger....
Posted: Sat, Oct 4, 2003 11:31pm PDT
textThe Age of Murdoch by James Fallows
Many see him as a power-mad, rapacious right-wing vulgarian. Rupert Murdoch has indeed been relentless in building a one-of-a kind media network that spans the world. What really drives him, though, is not ideology but a cool concern for the bottom line—and the belief that the media should be treated like any other business, not as a semi-sacred public trust. The Bush Administration agrees. Rupert Murdoch has seen the future, and it is him....
Posted: Sun, Aug 31, 2003 10:37am PDT
textDebasing Democracy? by Bill Duryea
A Tampa pirate radio activist says an FCC proposal favoring media conglomerates can be detrimental to us all....
Posted: Mon, Jul 14, 2003 9:56am PDT
textPublic Interest Angels Descend on FCC by John Tarleton
A plucky band of public interest angels descended Friday afternoon on FCC headquarters. Was it all a dream, or was it Michael Powell's worst nightmare?...
Posted: Sun, Mar 24, 2002 7:54pm PST
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