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Racial Justice
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textthe 7th Chasky coming soon to the Mission by Patricia Zamora, Horizons Unlimited
The 7th Chasky, a yearly celebration of indigenous culture and resistance, is taking place this year on October 20th from 1-6pm in the Mission. Everyone welcome!...
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 5:14pm PDT
textArafat the Hunted: Low Point of Powerlessness by Edward Said
Israel's army, air force and navy, heavily subsidised by the United States, have been wreaking havoc on the totally defenceless civilian population of the occupied West Bank and Gaza strip. The Palestinians have been at the mercy of armed settlers who have been stealing their land and an army that has killed Palestinians by the thousands. And still Sharon makes the case that Israel is struggling to survive against Palestinian terrorism. Is there anything more grotesque than this claim......
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 12:53am PDT
textIsraeli [i.e. US] missile explodes in Gaza crowd by Associated Press
The Israeli missile strike came at the end of the four-hour incursion. It wasn't clear what the target was. Residents said people came out into the streets around 4:30 a.m. when they heard the tanks pulling out, but two [US built and paid for] Israeli helicopters remained overhead, and one of them fired the missile....
Posted: Sun, Oct 6, 2002 10:55pm PDT
textThe Palestinians Are No Longer Alone by John Pilger
The Palestinians are no longer alone; Israel, despite the craven intimidation of some of its supporters, has ceased to be immune from truthful media criticism [in Britain]....
Posted: Sun, Oct 6, 2002 8:59pm PDT
textA Tale of Two Assassinations: Mustafa Zibri And Rehavam Ze’evi by Mouin Rabbani
The U.S.-brokered deal to end the standoff in Ramallah has been widely lauded, both for defusing a confrontation with potentially catastrophic political implications, and for signaling the beginning of sustained American engagement in the Middle East. Closer examination of the facts, however, suggests the Bush administration is playing with a fire largely of its own making, and that its conduct in this affair is symptomatic of a U.S. approach which both aggravates conflict and obstructs meani...
Posted: Sun, Oct 6, 2002 3:47am PDT
textYou Can't Get a Good Education If They're Only Telling You Half the Story by Center for the Study of Popular Culture
The Problem with America's Colleges and The Solution...
Posted: Sat, Oct 5, 2002 1:35am PDT
textThe Problem with America's Colleges and The Solution by timmy
Universities are among our most important social institutions. They educate our youth, train future...
Posted: Sat, Oct 5, 2002 1:30am PDT
textAnatomy of a Rocket Attack -- Fired by Israelis from a US Made Apache Helicopter by Ewa Jasiewicz
Israel bombs a car with one of our Apache Helicopters killing one adult and four children and wounding many more. First they claimed the target was a wanted militant. Then they admitted no one killed was wanted......
Posted: Sat, Oct 5, 2002 12:35am PDT
textIsrael Censors all Video and Photography taken in the Occupied Territories by Paul O’ Connor
Israel censors all images coming out of the territories. What you see on TV (assuming the media does not self-censor) has passed through Israeli military censors. This story chronicles one person's attempts to smuggle videotape of the siege on the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem out of Israel. Unfortunately, the person who has been holding on to the footage (23 hours worth) was so paranoid of Israeli agents that he could not be convinced that this person was not an agent. The footage ...
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 6:04pm PDT
textA strange case of Jared Israel by Israel Shamir
Whatever happens, everything is paid for by the people of the United States. They will pay for any ‘peace settlement’ Israel would agree to sign. When the Israeli ‘peace camp’ promotes an idea of some compensation for the Palestinian refugees, they never offer to pay for the stolen lands and houses they live in: it is always on one condition: “all will be paid for by the world community”. The bill of Israel is not paid by the US Jews, either: they are not t...
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 12:10am PDT
Under the guise of anti-terrorism, Israeli forces treat Palestinians worse than cattle. With due process nowhere to be found, hundreds are detained for long periods and most are tortured. Some are assassinated. Homes, orchards, and business places are destroyed. Entire cities are kept under intermittent curfew, some confinements lasting for weeks. Injured or ill Palestinians needing emergency medical care are routinely held at checkpoints for an hour or more. Many children are undernouris...
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 11:46pm PDT
textIsraeli Soldiers kill thirteen year old boy in full view of ISM activists by Nablus ISM
These daily occurrences would not stand the light of day if it were reported by the media -- who don't say a word about the daily killings and torture of Palestinians but freak out when an Israeli is injured or killed....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 11:00pm PDT
textThe New Anti-Apartheid Movement:The Campaign to Divest from Israel by WILL YOUMANS
Last week, an e-mail spoof was sent claiming to be from an organizer of the conference, Fadi Kiblawi. The e-mail's from-address was his, but he did not write it. It went to every faculty member, and claimed to be a pitch for the conference. Of course, it featured anti-Jewish slurs in order to make the conference appear anti-Jewish. The organizer whose e-mail was spoofed realized this happened when he started receiving nasty responses....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 10:35pm PDT
textBaghdad Bonior by George Will
Not since Jane Fonda posed for photographers at a Hanoi antiaircraft gun has there been anything like Representatives Jim McDermott and David Bonior....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 8:30pm PDT
textRacial Myths and Realities by James Lubinskas
Three of the most common myths about race -- and the reality behind each....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 7:19pm PDT
textWhen Journalists Refuse To Tell the Truth About Israel by Robert Fisk
'Fear of being slandered as "anti-Semites" means we are abetting terrible deeds in the Middle East'...
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 12:33am PDT
textIraq: The Hostage Nation -- How sanctions can be used for genocide by Hans von Sponeck and Denis Halliday
The problem is not the inability of the public to understand the bigger picture, as former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright likes to suggest. It is the opposite. The bigger picture, the hidden agenda, is well understood by ordinary people. We should not forget Henry Kissinger's brutally frank admission that "oil is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands of the Arabs"....
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 11:09pm PDT
textTHE LIE MACHINE– It's working overtime to push us into war with Iraq by Justin Raimondo
An all-important aspect of the War Party's tactics is the launching of a smear campaign, designed to attribute "anti-Semitism" to any and all manifestations of antiwar sentiment. It then becomes the intellectual equivalent of Kristallnacht to say aloud what geography and common sense tell us: that this war, if not in America's best interests, is certainly of great benefit to Israel. Alex Cockburn has recently been slimed in this manner; Buchanan and Taki have been smeared with the s...
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 10:31pm PDT
textIt's the Policy [, Stupid] by charley reese
It's this kind of hypocrisy that galls people all over the Arab world. The Bush administration has sent a message about as clear as it can be that Israeli lives count, Arab lives do not....
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 10:15pm PDT
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