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Newsitem List

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imageYouth Interrogated by Secret Service; Demand Right to Express Political Dissent
by Indybay
On 6/6, Oakland High School students led a lunchtime speak out to protest repression on campus. Students took the microphone to blast Principal Mok's responses to student organizing, including: suspending students who passed out fliers about anti-war walkouts, installing barbed wire on fences to prevent students from climbing them during walkouts, silencing dissent in classroom discussions, and eagerly cooperating with the Secret Service to come into the school and interrogate two students. V...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageProtest Bioimperialism!
by Indybay
Breaking news at Biotech IMC | Listen to Sacramento Live Web Radio Ministers of Trade, Agriculture and Environment from 180 nations, including all member states of the World Trade Organization (WTO), are expected to participate on June 22-25 in Sacramento in a conference hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), USAID, and the US State Department. This meeting will be a stepping stone to the September WTO Ministerial in Cancun and the Summit of the Americas on FTAA scheduled for M...
Posted: Sat, Jun 7, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageG8 Tuesday Update
by Indybay
6/3: The Camp de Bourdonette in Lausanne was evicted this morning, and a peaceful demo (no teargas!) took place in Lausanne. People are starting to evaluate the last few days. Although all demos in the last days started off cheerful and full of positive vibes, many people were injured during the anti-G8 demos by massive police teargassing, rubber bullets and concussion grenades. Peaceful protesters have stated their solidarity with the blockades carried out by Black Bloc activists. A disobedi...
Posted: Wed, Jun 4, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageG8 Tuesday Update
by Indybay
Update Tuesday 6:00PM: The Camp de Bourdonette in Lausanne was evicted this morning, and a peaceful demo (no teargas!) took place in Lausanne. People are starting to evaluate the last few days. Although all demos in the last days started off cheerful and full of positive vibes, many people were injured during the anti-G8 demos by massive police teargassing, rubber bullets and concussion grenades. Peaceful protesters have stated their solidarity with the blockades carried out by Black Bloc act...
Posted: Wed, Jun 4, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageConscientious Objector Charged as Deserter
by Indybay
Marine Reservist and Conscientious Objector Stephen Funk, who declared his CO status publicly on 4/1, is being charges with desertion under Art. 85 of the UCMJ. Funk was Unauthorized Absence (UA) for 47 days and told his command in advance that he would not be appearing for duty, would prepare his CO application, and turn himself in when completed. Funk has said, "I refuse to kill," says the twenty-year-old reservist. "It is scary to confront the military, because the military teaches you to ...
Posted: Tue, Jun 3, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageSupport Medical Marijuana
by Indybay
On 5/27/2003, bay area medical marijuana supporters held a demonstration at the Oakland Federal Building in response to the DEA's arrest of Gary and Anna Barrett in San Bernardino County. The Barretts have been outspoken advocates for medical cannabis patients for many years. More than forty other medical cannabis patients and caregivers are facing federal prosecution right now. Read more...
Posted: Tue, May 27, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageThe Renaissance Plaza Scandal
by Indybay
Oakland 5/21: About 100 people, including many young people from the community, packed the Oakland City Council District 2 Town Hall to protest the evictions of elderly Chinatown residents from the Rennaissance Park Plaza housing complex and to convince City Councilmember Danny Wan to put pressure on the owner to stop the evictions. Fifty residents of Renaissance Plaza were served eviction notices that said they had to be out by 7/31. Many of the residents have nowhere to go, and are mainly ...
Posted: Mon, Jun 2, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageFCC Loves the Corporate Media
FCC Chairman Michael Powell and Tom Ridge
by Indybay
5/29 SF Clear Channel protest video: 1 | 2 As expected, today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved a sweeping plan which weakens and eliminate rules that limit the size and power of already-huge media companies. Industry hacks and their politicians/spokespeople claim that "media diversity" and "democracy" will be better served now that these print and broadcast cross-ownership rules have been repealed. Critics say we will see "a wave of...
Posted: Mon, Jun 2, 2003 12:00am PDT
imagePolice Violence
Police Militarization :: Sting Grenade
by Indybay
Since the latest outbreak of Oakland police violence after the Memorial Day Carijama Festival, police officials and Mayor Jerry Brown have gone on record to support their use of less-lethal weapons, such as sting grenades, which explode in a shower of rubber pellets and tear gas. (City officials also suggested banning future community festivals from Oakland parks.) "This was the best way for us to disperse the crowd," according to police Lt. Dave Kozicki; "we were able to break up the crowd ...
Posted: Mon, Jun 2, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageLandlords vs. Oakland Tenants
by Indybay
Despite the passage of Oaklands new rent law Measure EE which went into effect on 12/27/02, some landlords choose to blatantly defy aspects of the ordinance no matter how well informed they may be, or pretend to be. Renters of Effies House at 829 E. 19th Street, are presently being threatened with demolition crews, partial evictions, and the threat of illegal occupations in their homes by their landlord, East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation, known as E.B.A.L.D.C.. An Oakland non-profi...
Posted: Mon, Jun 2, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageLocal Grocery Store Workers Organize
by Indybay
Berkeley Bowl workers have been organizing over the last couple of months to form a union. Management responded almost immediately to the union organizing efforts. Reports say that people were talked to and called upstairs in an effort to gather information, and cliche -- potentially illegal -- anti-union tactics were begun. Workers have called on the community to show their full support for their right to organize collectively. Full Story | Read more...
Posted: Mon, Jun 2, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageG8 Update
by Indybay
Update Sunday 12:15PM: Police have raided the Indymedia center in Geneva. Around 25 Indymedia participants are trapped. This is latest news from internet chat with Geneva, more info coming. Update Sunday 3AM: Protesters are engaged in a pitched battle about 1km from the intersection of both main roads into Evian. This battle is effectively blocking many G8 personnel from entering the city, including translators and delegates. Police are using an enormous amount of tear gas and stun grenade...
Posted: Thu, May 29, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageBechtel Murder for Profit to be Stopped
by Indybay
6/5/2003: Several hundred protesters gathered at Bechtel headquarters in San Francisco at 7 AM Thursday and blockaded the entrances. While over a hundred police managed to open the building after a few hours, many Bechtel employees were told by their employer to take the day off. Reports: 1 | Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 It would be easier to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq these days than any shred of democracy. The U.S. has imposed a repressive occupation on the people of ...
Posted: Thu, May 29, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageBush Plans Final Solution for Palestine
by Indybay
"[The road map] certainly allows the unlimited building for your children and grandchildren, and I hope even for your great-grandchildren." - Ariel Sharon In the wake of an extortion visit by Colin Powell to the Middle East, the corporate media and U.S. Government are awash in self-congratulation over the new "road map" which is supposedly a historic concession to Palestinians who have suffered 50 years of violent occupation by Israel. But anyone familiar with the situation knows that thi...
Posted: Thu, May 29, 2003 12:00am PDT
imagePolice Violence
Police Militarization :: Sting Grenade
by Indybay
Since the latest outbreak of Oakland police violence after the Memorial Day Carijama Festival, police officials and Mayor Jerry Brown have gone on record to support their use of less-lethal weapons, such as sting grenades, which explode in a shower of rubber pellets and tear gas. (City officials also suggested banning future community festivals from Oakland parks.) "This was the best way for us to disperse the crowd," according to police Lt. Dave Kozicki; "we were able to break up the crowd ...
Posted: Wed, May 28, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageBechtel Butchers Will Be Stopped
by Indybay
Posted: Wed, May 28, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageTax Cut for Rich
by Indybay
Though it's proclaimed to be a boon to working- and middle-classes, the recent tax cut bill signed by the House and Senate smacks of the bankrupt "trickle-up" economics of the Reagan years. Like that president's war on the poor, "this [recent] legislation was not designed to jump-start the economy, nor to help distressed families. The purpose is to rewrite the tax code so as to shift even more of the nation's income to the richest taxpayers," says Economist Mark Weisbrot. A Citizens for Tax J...
Posted: Wed, May 28, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageAnti-Psychiatry Protest Held in San Francisco
by Indybay
San Francisco, 5/20: Mind Freedom-Support Coalition International's weekend of resistance to the mental health orthodoxy in San Francisco culminated in a protest at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Where 19,000 shrinks gathered inside the Moscone Center, some 40 psychiatric survivors (some of whom endured forced "treatment" and labels affixed to them) picketed the APA in a peaceful display of dissidence (as well as dissonance). Freedom of choice, self-determination ...
Posted: Sun, May 25, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageLocal Grocery Store Workers Organize
by Indybay
Berkeley Bowl workers have been organizing over the last couple of months to form a union. Management responded almost immediately to the union organizing efforts.People were talked to and called upstairs in an effort to gather information, and cliche -- potentially illegal -- anti-union tactics were begun. This included handing some employees an anti-union flyer to which the Berkeley Bowl Union has responded. Workers have called on the community to show their full support for their right to ...
Posted: Sun, May 25, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageSupport Medical Marijuana
by Indybay
On 5/27, bay area medical marijuana supporters held a demonstration at the Oakland Federal Building in response to the DEA's arrest of Gary and Anna Barrett in San Bernardino County. The Barretts have been outspoken advocates for medical cannabis patients for many years. More than forty other medical cannabis patients and caregivers are facing federal prosecution right now. Read more...
Posted: Sun, May 25, 2003 12:00am PDT
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