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Newsitem List

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textVatican versus women, again. by SaveFreedom @
Vatican bashes feminists, women blast back. Plus August calendar 4 freedom-seekers....
Posted: Sun, Aug 1, 2004 3:13pm PDT
textVatican attacks "radical feminism" by BBC
The Vatican has published a document designed to address "distortions" generated by radical feminism....
Posted: Sat, Jul 31, 2004 5:15pm PDT
textIn DIY porn, art cums before profit by SUN
Do-It-Yourself dyke-porn panel discussion, 7/30. Plus queer things 2 do....
Posted: Sat, Jul 31, 2004 9:38am PDT
text"I Had an Abortion" by Yoshie Furuhashi
Barbara Ehrenreich argues that women should own up to our abortions in her New York Times column. We can begin doing so by wearing a beautiful "I Had an Abortion" T-shirt made available by Planned Parenthood -- the T-shirt denounced by anti-abortion right-wing groups. The designer of the T-shirt, Jennifer Baumgardner, is also "making a documentary called I Had an Abortion that features women who don't regret having abortions."...
Posted: Sat, Jul 31, 2004 6:10am PDT
textLusty Lady Cabaret Party! by Dahlia Decay
visit the Lusty Lady-- the world's ONLY woker-owned, unionized peepshow for a glamorous party celebrating 1920s Berlin cabaret...this weds., 7/28, 1033 Kearney @ Broadway Let us entertain you , while your quarters support the revolution!...
Posted: Mon, Jul 26, 2004 2:35am PDT
audioEnemy Combatant Radio on KALX's Amandla (audio/mpeg 6.4MB) by Sarah Olson
This week on ECR for KALX's Amandla feminist, queer spoken word artist Alix Olson speaks about identity, art, politics and the media....
Posted: Sun, Jul 25, 2004 11:16am PDT
textSan Francisco Settles Gender Discrimination Case by JT LASTOWSKI
Posted: Thu, Jul 22, 2004 3:32pm PDT
textElder Indian womyn's nude protest against military by Senior Unlimited Nudes (SUN)
July 2004- In Manipur, as in Marin, womyn protest against violence. (Please repost worldwide.)...
Posted: Wed, Jul 21, 2004 8:52am PDT
textBetraying Iraqi Women by tp
Remember when the Bush administration told us that American soldiers would be greeted as liberators? How about when we were told that the war would free Iraqi women? We know that the citizens throwing flowers never materialized, and now it turns out that helping Iraqi women was just a PR line too. Women in Iraq still face poverty, fear of imprisonment, rape and repressive laws. Only now, the United States is in charge of it all....
Posted: Sun, Jul 18, 2004 10:35am PDT
imageWill Martha Redecorate the Big House?
by group effort
Martha Stewart sentenced to five months in federal prison....
Posted: Fri, Jul 16, 2004 5:10pm PDT
textCODEPINK: Women For Peace NoRNC Events by CODEPINK
WOMEN AGAINST WAR; A BETTER WORLD IS POSSIBLE! New York, New York – With hundreds of thousands of people in New York City to protest the Republican National Convention and thousands of journalists in town to cover it, this will be the perfect time to send a message to the world that the women of the United States are determined to work for a world based on non-violence and respect for all human life - not war, militarism and aggression....
Posted: Tue, Jul 13, 2004 1:04pm PDT
textCondoms vs Abstinence Divides World AIDS Conference by 365Gay
(Bangkok) AIDS conference delegates were deeply split over the use of condoms Monday, with Uganda's leader drawing criticism for insisting they are less effective for HIV prevention than campaigns to promote abstinence and loving relationships....
Posted: Tue, Jul 13, 2004 1:10am PDT
text7/13: Women to call white house by Liz Rose
Religious, Environmental, HIV/AIDS and Women’s Health Groups Join in National Call-in Day to Demand Bush Administration Fund UN Population Fund (UNFPA)...
Posted: Mon, Jul 12, 2004 7:56pm PDT
textWomen invited to participate in Marin peace photo by forward
Marin county artist/activist Donna Sheehan asks womyn to join in a nude photo, spelling out the word VOTE, on Saturday, July 10....
Posted: Fri, Jul 9, 2004 8:09am PDT
text8pm tonight-Radical Tea Party on Enemy Combatant Radio by hosts
Listen to the Radical Tea Party tonight at 8pm, live on
Posted: Wed, Jul 7, 2004 10:36am PDT
textCapital is Masculine: Book Review by Walter Kuhl
"The debt crisis of the South is one element of the current process of destruction. In the third world as a result of dependence on the North, relatively more is always spent on interest payments to the banks in the North than on satisfying elementary human needs.."...
Posted: Wed, Jun 30, 2004 9:44am PDT
imagePhotos from SF Dyke March
by Mahtin
Tens of thousands of women and their supporters filled the streets of the Mission and the Castro this evening for the annual San Francisco Dyke March. Contingents ranged from older lesbians to dykes with tykes (mothers with children); from Dykes on Bikes (women on motorcycles) to Radical Women....
Posted: Sat, Jun 26, 2004 11:25pm PDT
textAnother murdered woman's body found south of Edmonton, Alberta by swaneagle harijan
The serial torture murders of women continue unimpeded in Canada, U.S. and Mexico. Most of those killed are women of color and often, sex workers, Indigenous people, homeless, homosexuals, immigrants and others having no voice. When will activists pay attention to what these increasing killings imply?...
Posted: Thu, Jun 24, 2004 11:00am PDT
m very grateful to the magnficent Frameline Film Festival for hosting our world premiere. Date: June 22nd, Tuesday Time: 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM...
Posted: Mon, Jun 21, 2004 10:14pm PDT
textLibertad a Romina by Zula ((i)) Buenos Aires-Argentina
Romina hace un año y medio fue violada por Eduardo "Pocho" Vargas, producto de esa violación quedó embarazada. Durante siete meses ocultó su embarazo, en el transcurso de ese tiempo intentó abortar con métodos caseros. Esta Justicia quiere condenarla a cadena perpetua. Urgente movilización Internacional por su libertad...
Posted: Sun, Jun 20, 2004 11:41pm PDT
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