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Newsitem List

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textUCSC Needs to Change by Calen Barca-Hall
UCSC is conforming to the pressures of the UC system, and is losing the freethinking, open-minded aspects that set it apart from other school. Something needs to change, and bring UCSC back to the liberal and creative ebvironment it once was....
Posted: Mon, Apr 23, 2007 1:05pm PDT
textBranciforte's approach to No Child Left Behind by Kate Hochler
Response to article in Santa Cruz Sentinel on 4-22-07....
Posted: Sun, Apr 22, 2007 4:43pm PDT
textEthnic Studies at UCSC by still does not exist!
Posted: Thu, Apr 19, 2007 7:30pm PDT
documentTeach-In on Military Recruitment Mon, 4/23 5:00 PM
by college 9, 10, & the GLBTIRC (repost)
Please circulate widely - apologies for duplicate postings. COLLEGE NINE, COLLEGE TEN & THE LIONEL CANTU GAY, LESBIAN, BI, TRANS, INTERSEX RESOURCE CENTER PRESENT:...
Posted: Wed, Apr 18, 2007 2:48pm PDT
textFacts behind UCSC protest (of April 5, 2005) by Erin Gilday, Julia Trist and Mara Ortenburger
The following Op-Ed was published on April 10 of 2005, a few days after the first major counter-recruitment protest occured on UCSC's campus. It was written by a group of SAW activists to counter the Sentinel's irresponsible journalism and highlight the motives for the protest....
Posted: Wed, Apr 18, 2007 1:09pm PDT
textWith Major Protests Imminent, Military Recruiters Withdraw from UCSC Job Fair by UCSC Students Against War
Posted: Wed, Apr 18, 2007 4:36am PDT
imageUCSC Campus Wide Ethics Briefing Missing Pages
by bigmammoth
Today the University has required all of its employes participate in an Online Ethics Briefing. Unfrotunatly Several of the ethics pages went missing from the offical distrabution. Fortunatly some pages been recovered and posted here. It would be ideal if people could email the missing ethics pages to as well as share them online to ensure that future ethical briefings do not accedentaly misplace these critical pages again....
Posted: Tue, Apr 17, 2007 3:33am PDT
textGet Involved with Education Not Incarceration by Jonathan Stribling-Uss
In this update: 1. Become a Member 2. General Membership Meeting Monday, April 23, 6-8PM 3. Intern/ Volunteer 4. Help Us Fundraise - Canvassing, Grants, House Parties, Big Donations 5. No Child’s Behind Left… Come see Monty Neil talk on High Stakes Testing, Tuesday, April 17 6. Come to Sacramento on April 25 to Help Pass a Bill to Support Incarcerated Youth...
Posted: Mon, Apr 16, 2007 8:24pm PDT
imageThe Day the University Ground to a Halt - April 14, 2005
by josh sonnenfeld
On April 14, 2005 thousands of students and workers at UC Santa Cruz shut down the campus in a coordinated statewide strike by low-paid service workers in AFSCME 3299. The strike, organized by AFSCME, clerical workers in the Coalition of University Employees (CUE), T.A.s in the United Auto Workers (UAW), students in the Student and Worker Coalition for Justice (SWCJ) and others, was one of the biggest actions UCSC has seen in recent years and led to a new, better contract for AFSCME workers w...
Posted: Mon, Apr 16, 2007 1:24am PDT
imageStanford Students approach 4th day of fast, Administrators refuse to meet
by Stanford Labor Action Coalition
SLAC members entering 4th day of fasting for a REAL living wage through a Code of Conduct. Current Living Wage Policy for subcontracted workers effectively covers no workers due to many restrictions which the presidents own advisory committee recommended to be lifted. Despite years of protest, petitions, student senate bills, and the advisory committee's recommendations urging the restrictions to be lifted, administrators continue to refuse to lift the restrictions or meet with students or wo...
Posted: Sat, Apr 14, 2007 9:00pm PDT
textUC Berkeley Releases Missing Section Of BP Proposal Under Pressure From Student Campaign by Stop BP-Berkeley
In response to a formal request from the student campaign Stop BP-Berkeley, on April 5, 2007, the office of the UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor for Research released the appendices to the proposal for the $500 million research deal that is currently under negotiation with oil giant BP Amoco PLC. Previously, the university had released an abridged version of the proposal, hiding the fact that 115 pages of appendices had been omitted. University officials have claimed that they are acting "i...
Posted: Thu, Apr 12, 2007 2:59pm PDT
calendarUnplug UCSC from the War Machine! by
Event Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2007 10:00am PDT
Posted: Wed, Apr 11, 2007 6:52pm PDT
textWe are not a Market: big tobacco and the impact on young people of color by Winnie Cheung
Young Asian American reflects on her involvement in the import car scene and her work with a non profit organization supporting her and others involved in the scene and the impact it makes in thier lives...
Posted: Wed, Apr 11, 2007 3:40pm PDT
calendarSustainability Week at SJSU by John Thielking
Martin Luther King Library @ E San Fernando St & 4th St, San Jose, CA, Room 225/229...
Event Date: Mon, Apr 16, 2007 12:30pm PDT
Posted: Wed, Apr 11, 2007 1:52pm PDT
textStrong Program in School District Sees Success, But Needs Expansion by Peter Lauterborn and Amanda Piercy (reposted)
According to the California Department of Education, over 30% of students do not graduate from high school—numbers which should make anyone look twice at what we are doing in our schools. The good news is that the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) already has a program with the potential to make school relevant to students again, and keep our youth from abandoning their education....
Posted: Tue, Apr 10, 2007 9:14am PDT
imageStudent Walkout May 1, 2007!
by revolution youth sf (repost)
Posted: Mon, Apr 9, 2007 11:55pm PDT
imageCJTC Calendar of Events (UCSC) 4/10 - 4/15
by CJTC (reposted)
In this email (post) you will find information on: Mexico Solidarity Network's National Speaking Tour on Mexico's Social Movements The Middle East After Iraq Indigena as Scribe--The (W)rite to Remember" with Cherrie Moraga Marc Baer (History, UC Irvine) "Sabbatai Zevi, I Wait for Thee: A 17th Century Ottoman Jewish-Muslim Prophet and his Followers" CJTC Eighth Annual Spring Speaker with Van Jones...
Posted: Mon, Apr 9, 2007 7:05pm PDT
textAttn: Education Not Incarceration new SF Chapter in BVHP, please join, forward Far and Wide by Idriss Stelley Foundation
Below are the six programs that folks have laid out so far for us to work on in SF....
Posted: Sun, Apr 8, 2007 3:15pm PDT
imageHayward Teachers at Brichfield Park
by Erika Recinos
Hayward teachers strike!...
Posted: Thu, Apr 5, 2007 7:47pm PDT
imageApril 5 - 2 year anniversary!
by josh sonnenfeld
Two years ago today, UC Santa Cruz students kicked military recruiters off campus for the first time since the early 70's. This was the first action of what The Project newspaper called 'The Spring Insurrection' of 2005, including the 1,000+ strong AFSCME strike and shutdown of campus, Tent U. and more. That spring was a big part of what radicalized our particular generation of activists and organizers....
Posted: Thu, Apr 5, 2007 7:11pm PDT
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