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textDid Sistani Agree To The US Entrance Into The Shiite Holy Cities Of Najaf and Karbala? by sources
If Sistani agreed to allow US forces to enter Najaf and Karbala to attack Sadr's militia, a civil war will soon hit Iraq. Sistani may be the most respected religious leader but after the latest pictures of US torture and the massacre of hundreds of innocent Iraqis in Fallujah, siding with the occupier will ultimately doom Sistani and lead to greater power for Sadr (or if he is killed, his followers)...
Posted: Thu, May 6, 2004 11:51am PDT
textUS names Najaf governor amid fighting by ALJ
The US occupation authority in Iraq has named a new governor for the city of Najaf, as its soldiers reportedly kill dozens of Shia militiamen in renewed clashes....
Posted: Thu, May 6, 2004 11:45am PDT
textUS Tanks Enter Najaf And Karbala!! by sources
KERBALA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. tanks rolled into the Iraqi Shi'ite holy city of Kerbala on Thursday and took up positions close to the main shrines after destroying the offices of a radical cleric with heavy machinegun fire, witnesses said....
Posted: Thu, May 6, 2004 9:23am PDT
textUS troops battle Shias in Najaf by bbc
US forces have fought Shia Muslim militiamen in and around the holy Iraqi city of Najaf....
Posted: Thu, May 6, 2004 9:20am PDT
textPowell Wants Out by reuters newswire
The aide also took aim at Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, a U.S. hard-liner who once served on a Pentagon advisory panel and is regarded as an intellectual architect of the U.S. war in Iraq. "I have some reservations about people who have never been in the face of battle, so to speak, who are making cavalier decisions about sending men and women out to die," [Wilkerson] added. "A person who comes immediately to mind ... is Richard Perle."...
Posted: Thu, May 6, 2004 12:24am PDT
textAUDIO: Ali Abunimah on Israel/Palestine, Bush and Kerry's identical positions on Israel by Dennis Bernstein,
Israeli settlers enter Palestinian homes in Abu Dhis and literally steal their homes. Kerry's position on Israel is indistinguishable from Bush....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 10:20pm PDT
text[PFMPE] commandments of men by mike montagne — PEOPLE For Mathematical
Requires Bush, as purported messenger of God, to provide God's message on central banking....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 8:24pm PDT
textAl-Hurra 'US propaganda tool' by Al-Hurra 'US propaganda tool'
THE US-funded Arabic language news channel Al-Hurra, which aired an interview with US President George W Bush today, is considered by most of its target audience to be a propaganda tool of the US administration....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 6:37pm PDT
textIraqi Police? by Dahr Jamail (repost)
Yesterday driving down the highway we passed a U.S. patrol traveling in the opposite direction. One of the trucks carried soldiers wielding their guns in the usual way: aiming them at all of the passing traffic. The soldiers had plywood around them as they stood in the back of the truck. On the plywood was spray painted, "South Carolina Killers." When do we choose to stop calling the brutal occupiers "liberators," and begin calling them the names associated with their ...
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 6:19pm PDT
textReport finds Housing Ministry sent $6.5 million for illegal West Bank construction by haaretz
The Housing and Construction Ministry has funneled nearly $6.5 million to illegal settlement construction in the West Bank in the past three years, more than half of it to outposts Israel pledged to remove, according to the annual State Comptroller's Report, released yesterday....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 5:30pm PDT
textRobert Fisk: Criticize Israel? by Palestine Chronicle (repost)
Behold Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, would-be graduation commencement speaker at Emory University in the United States. She has made a big mistake. She dared to criticise Israel. She suggested - horror of horrors - that "the root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict is the occupation". Now whoah there a moment, Mary! "Occupation"? Isn't that a little bit anti-Israeli?...
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 5:26pm PDT
textSoldiers Fire Tear Gas and Rubber Bullets at Birzeit University by Electronic Intifada (repost)
Three Birzeit students were beaten by Israeli soldiers today and 7 others received medical treatment after being badly affected by tear gas fired at the university campus by Israeli soldiers....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 5:22pm PDT
textKofi Annan's pro-Israel policy discredits the UN by Electronic Intifada
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's recent statements on the situation in Palestine confirm that under his weak leadership the United Nations will have no role in resolving the conflict or protecting its victims. Rather, he has aligned himself with the logic that Palestinians, uniquely, must earn from their oppressors the basic human rights that for all other people are inherent....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 5:20pm PDT
textFalluja and the Forging of the New Iraq by Walden Bello (reposted)
A defiant slogan repeated by residents of Falluja over the last year was that their city would be "the graveyard of the Americans." The last two weeks has seen that chant become a reality, with most of the 88 US combat deaths falling in the intense fighting around Falluja. But there is a bigger sense in which the slogan is true: Falluja has become the graveyard of US policy in Iraq....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 5:08pm PDT
textRoy -- How Deep Shall We Dig? by Arundhati Roy, repost from Znet
"...wherever you go... you have TV monitors in which election promises have already come true.... You only have to close your ears to the sickening crunch of the police man’s boot on someone’s ribs, you only have to raise your eyes from the squalor, the slums, the ragged broken people on the streets and seek a friendly TV monitor and you will be in that other beautiful world....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 1:57pm PDT
textWife, Daughters Tell of Iraqi Man Discharged from U.S. Custody in Coma by TNS
Baghdad , May 4 - Not all evidence of military personnel mistreating Iraqis held in US custody come from leaks within the American- and British-run detention facilities. In many cases, such as that of Sadiq Zoman, 57, who last year entered US custody healthy but left in a vegetative state, the story originates with family members desperate to share their loved one’s story with anyone willing to listen....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 12:12pm PDT
textFrench TV screens images 'of US helicopter crew killing Iraqis' by Expatica
PARIS, May 4 (AFP) - The French cable television station Canal Plus on Tuesday will broadcast images, stolen in Iraq, of a US army helicopter killing three Iraqis, one of them wounded, who do not appear to be posing any threat....
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 12:07pm PDT
textUS diplomats blast Bush for his one sided support of Israel which endangers US citizens by Rupert Cornwell, The Independent
More than 60 former US diplomats yesterday lambasted George Bush for running a one-sided Middle East policy, claiming that the President's open-ended support for Israel was costing the US "credibility, prestige and friends". They must make their voice heard in a country where public support for Israel is instinctive...It warned that current US policies were placing US diplomats, civilians and military overseas "in an untenable, even dangerous position." Mr Killgore, the pr...
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 11:41am PDT
textDemocrats and Republicans take the same positions on the Middle East and Israel by WILLIAM A. COOK
...cannot the fourth largest military in the world, defending a population of five million, care for itself against a population that has no army, air force, or navy but only the stones created by the demolition of homes by the IDF? And should we, after all, pay for the removal of the Gaza settlements as Sharon has requested after we paid for them to be built in the first place despite whispering to Sharon that he should cease building them? After fifty-seven years of support to the 16th weal...
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 11:36am PDT
textUS diplomats blast Bush for his one sided support of Israel which engangers US citizens by Rupert Cornwell, The Independent
More than 60 former US diplomats yesterday lambasted George Bush for running a one-sided Middle East policy, claiming that the President's open-ended support for Israel was costing the US "credibility, prestige and friends". They must make their voice heard in a country where public support for Israel is instinctive...It warned that current US policies were placing US diplomats, civilians and military overseas "in an untenable, even dangerous position." Mr Killgore, the pr...
Posted: Wed, May 5, 2004 11:25am PDT
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