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Police State
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Newsitem List

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textBlair defends Iraq war, vows new attacks on civil liberties and social conditions by wsws (reposted)
Prime Minister Tony Blair’s July 26 press conference was a sharp warning that his government will intensify both its pro-war alliance with Washington abroad and the imposition of sweeping attacks on civil liberties at home....
Posted: Fri, Jul 29, 2005 6:24am PDT
textSubway Shakedowns: Necessary Security or Unconstitutional Violation? by Democracy Now (reposted)
New York City police are now conducting random searches of subway passengers in a program of stepped-up security following the London subway and bus blasts earlier this month. Civil liberties groups say the searches are unconstitutional and ineffective. We host a debate....
Posted: Thu, Jul 28, 2005 7:55am PDT
textHate Crimes Soar in Britain as Police Defend "Shoot to Kill" Policy by Democracy Now (reposted)
A wave of anti-Muslim, Arab and South Asian hate crimes are sweeping Britain in the wake of the July 7th Subway and Bus bombings. Race and religion-based attacks are up 500% and communities of color are concerned that law enforcement authorities are also racially profiling targets in their anti-terrorism campaign. We go to London to speak with the Islamic Society of Britain....
Posted: Mon, Jul 25, 2005 7:05am PDT
textBush Met With Judge Roberts One Day Before Crucial Ruling on Guantanamo Military Tribunals by Democracy Now (reposted)
As the Bush administration refuses to hand over documents written by Supreme Court nominee John Roberts, we talk to Yale University professor Bruce Shapiro about Roberts' crucial ruling on military tribunals for Guantanamo detainees, his views on abortion and much more....
Posted: Mon, Jul 25, 2005 7:04am PDT
textReport implicates Indonesian intelligence in murder of human rights activist by wsws (reposted)
An Indonesian government fact-finding commission handed down its final report late last month on the murder of prominent human rights activist Munir Said Thalib on September 7, 2004. While the report itself has not been released, statements from leading commission members have clearly pointed the finger at senior officials in the State Intelligence Agency (BIN)....
Posted: Mon, Jul 25, 2005 6:54am PDT
textHumanitarian Assistance for Cuba volunteers detained by Homeland Security by
Kathryn Hall of the Sac Center for Community Health and Well Being (home of the Birthing Project) and others in support of the Pastors for Peace (POP) Humanitarian Aid Caravan to Cuba are being held in McAllen Texas by US Homeland Security......
Posted: Thu, Jul 21, 2005 6:46pm PDT
textForum in LA Friday 7/22 - Stop LAPD Terror! by via IAC LA
Date/Time: Friday, July 22nd, 7:30 pm Where: IAC office - 5274 W. Pico Blvd. Rm. 203, Los Angeles Contact: (323) 936-7266...
Posted: Thu, Jul 21, 2005 5:07pm PDT
textBioDemocracy plea for legal support $!!! by BioDemocracy Legal
While the events of the Biodemocracy 2005 mobilization are now behind us and everyone is out of jail, there is still a great deal of work to be done and help is needed....
Posted: Mon, Jul 18, 2005 9:47am PDT
textVIDEO: Watts community responds to shooting of infant Susie Pena Lopez by from laimc
Watts community residents took the streets in response to the shooting of 17 month old Susie Lopez who was shot in the head with a rifle by the LAPD....
Posted: Sun, Jul 17, 2005 3:14pm PDT
textAmidst new torture reports, US military defends architect of abuse at Guantánamo by wsws (reposted)
Even as new information emerged about US military torture of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the Pentagon gave a clean bill of health to the individual who presided over the abuses....
Posted: Sat, Jul 16, 2005 11:24am PDT
textOnline Petition for PRican Political Prisoners by The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign
The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign debuted our "MILLIONS FOR THE PUERTO RICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS" campaign...
Posted: Thu, Jul 14, 2005 10:39pm PDT
textPolitical Persecution of Juanita Young- Trial on 7/18 by October 22nd Coalition
Posted: Thu, Jul 14, 2005 9:58pm PDT
Posted: Wed, Jul 13, 2005 10:59am PDT
textScores of Muslim men jailed as “material witnesses” in wake of 9/11 attacks by wsws (reposted)
In the days and months following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the US Department of Justice rounded up scores of Muslim men as “material witnesses,” held them for months without charges, and subjected them to verbal and physical abuse as part of a coordinated government operation....
Posted: Wed, Jul 13, 2005 6:50am PDT
text5 PM UPDATE from the Federal Courthouse in San Diego by ~Bradley
SAN DIEGO, CA - 5pm (PST) - Michael Cardenas answered questions in front of the Grand Jury and was not taken into federal custody. Most of the questions were about a videotape of a Rod Coronado speech....
Posted: Tue, Jul 12, 2005 6:17pm PDT
textAllegedly Anarchist Bomb in Barcelona by libertad!!
An allegedly anarchist "small, handmade bomb exploded today outside the Italian Cultural Institute in Barcelona, injuring a policeman and killing a bomb-sniffing dog", the Italian Embassy and Spanish officials said. The bomb was identified as a "Coffee Pot (mocha or Kafeta) with wires sticking out placed at the entrance of the institute" media reported....
Posted: Tue, Jul 12, 2005 3:25pm PDT
imagePhotos of crowd surrounded by police at July 8th "Boogie On The Bridge" march in Glasgow
by Z
Photos from after the crowd got surrounded...
Posted: Tue, Jul 12, 2005 3:20pm PDT
textArlo Looking Cloud and Leonard Peltier on Trial Again by Janis Schmidt
The FBI needed a good reason for being on the Reservation. Killing 2 agents provided them with the reason....
Posted: Tue, Jul 12, 2005 6:17am PDT
textRaise the Fist case far from over by raisethefist!
On Aug 4, 2003 Sherman Austin was sentenced to a year in federal prison by judge Steven V. Wilson for a link he had on his web site ( to another page that contained information on explosive materials which he did not author. Austin was also sentenced to 3 years of strict probation in which he cannot have access to a computer or knowingly associate with any individuals or organizations who espouse violence for political or social change....
Posted: Tue, Jul 12, 2005 1:35am PDT
textThree San Diego Activists Face Jail for Refusal to Cooperate in Federal Grand Jury by SD Indymedia
Posted: Tue, Jul 12, 2005 1:20am PDT
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