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Newsitem List

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textZionists & Christian Fascists in Alliance by Socialist
The Zionists and the Christian fascists are now openly in alliance in promoting that US oil cop puppet in the Middle East, Israel. See "US Congress backs Israeli assault on Palestinians: Resolutions highlight alliance of Zionism and Christian right" by Barry Grey, May 7, 2002, World Socialist Website at:
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 8:08pm PDT
textCynthia McKinney: An American Hero by Sarah Anderson
Cynthia McKinney a few pickles short of an eighth grade sex-ed class, or crazy…like a fox?...
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 7:04pm PDT
textWar on terror may extend to Cuba by ominous balloon floated
Julian Borger in Washington Tuesday May 7, 2002 The Guardian The US threatened to extend its war on terror to Cuba yesterday, accusing Fidel Castro's regime of developing biological weapons and sharing its expertise with Washington's enemies....
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 6:20pm PDT
textMusical Protest in front of the World Bank! by David Ney/Shiitake Mushrooms
I attended the A20 protests in Washington DC, and this is how I protest! I play songs of revolution! Tunes of resistance against the corporate feudalist war mongers! Film makers at the Washington DC Independant Media Center got some footage of me speaking (singing) my mind in front of the World Bank (SHUT DOWN THE BANK!!!) Check it out:
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 10:45am PDT
textMassive Rally in Portland May 10 to End Commercial Logging by Cascadia Forest Alliance
Massive Rally in downtown Portland, OR to end commercial logging on public lands and spotlight 100 timber sales in Mt. Hood and Gifford Pinchot National Forests Speakers, music, art, march to Forest Service building Action camp to follow on the 11th and 12th in the Mount Hood National Forest...
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 9:56am PDT
textRational for Suicide Bombers? by karen
Israel: Soldiers killed mother and children after being spooked by snapping of tank tread...
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 7:18am PDT
imagePortland MayDay Images
by geoff oliver bugbee
Hundreds of marchers flooded the downtown streets of Northwest Portland......
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 5:43pm PDT
textNepal News: Bandh successful; gov't begs US for guns/$$ by Slacker65
Nepali Prime Minister Dueba visits Bush today and Blair tomorrow, pleading for gun-money to finance the CIA-backed coup leaders in their hopeless fight against the People's Army, comprised of Maoist rebels....
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 3:10pm PDT
The human rights director of the CUT trade union federation is still in hospital after police beat him round the head with bats on a May Day protest in the city of Cali. After being identified by military intelligence agents various other union and social leaders were also attacked....
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 1:38pm PDT
textHouse Majority Leader Dick Armey Advocates Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians by G. Villasenor
To Whom it May Concern, I found this information and it has been woefully underreported. House Majority Leader Dick Armey stated his support for the forcible removal of Palestinians from the West Bank.
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 11:38am PDT
textWar Criminal are covering their Ass by story from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration, flouting the advice of major allies and outraging human rights organizations, renounced on Monday legal obligations toward the treaty that set up the International Criminal Court....
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 9:10am PDT
textIn Defense of Academic Sanctions Against Israel by Lisa Taraki
The recent proposals to impose sanctions on the Israeli academy have caused a great deal of controversy in the US, in Europe to some extent, and of course within Israel itself.......
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 8:46am PDT
textMission To Far: refusal to serve in the Occupied Territories by Haim Weiss, The Guardian
Haim Weiss, who was once glad to serve in the Israeli army, tells his defence secretary why he will not go to the West Bank....
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 8:29am PDT
textAn exclusive interview from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem by SILVIO CERULLI
An exclusive interview from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem BY SILVIO CERULLI...
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 8:18am PDT
textCanadian Press Launch Own Intifada to Defy Censorship by Lina Badih Special to the Daily Star 5/03/02
Toronto: As reports of censorship and pro-Israeli media bias in Canada rage, journalists are fighting back, waging what they call their own intifada. "We've seen the ugly face of censorship at the Gazette and ......
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 7:55am PDT
textPlease, Dad, Tell Me: How Do I Stop Being Complicit? by by Sarah Shields
Dear Dad, It was an enormously heavy responsibility you raised me with. You taught me that the Jews have been oppressed for centuries. You taught me that the holocaust could only happen because the Germans were silent. You taught me that Jews must never, never, never be silent when injustice occurs, because our silence makes us complicit....
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 6:30am PDT
textBurying Jenin by By Charmaine Seitz
A plump woman with white hair and a sun-wizened face sits cross-legged in the entrance to her home. “My name is Maali Wahdan and I live here,” she says stoutly. Her figure is framed by jagged concrete. Red spray paint in the rear of the room indicates that the caved-in structure is now slated for demolition...
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 6:05am PDT
textIsraeli Weapons of Mass Destruction: a Threat to Peace by Centre for Research on Globalisation
With between 200 and 500 thermonuclear weapons and a sophisticated delivery system, Israel has quietly supplanted Britain as the World's 5th Largest nuclear power,...
Posted: Mon, May 6, 2002 1:27am PDT
textMassive rally May 10 in Portland to end commercial logging on public lands by Cascadia Forest Alliance
Massive Rally in downtown Portland, OR to end commercial logging on public lands Speakers, music, art, march to Forest Service building Action camp to follow on the 11th and 12th in the Mount Hood National Forest...
Posted: Sun, May 5, 2002 11:45pm PDT
textNEWS. by VICTOR.
Posted: Sun, May 5, 2002 4:12pm PDT
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