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Newsitem List

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imageTesla "Not Rushing Into Anything" as They Decide on Venue for Electric Car Plant
by R. Robertson
Tesla Motors' VP of Communications Ricardo Reyes assured activists from the California Coalition for Workers Memorial Day that Tesla "wants to make an informed decision as we grow the company" and will not rush to a decision on a location for an auto assembly plant. The activists are questioning the use of Department of Energy Funds for Tesla to build a green assembly plant on a toxic site in Downey, California. They visited Tesla's headquarters in San Carlos, California today. photo ...
Posted: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 9:41pm PST
imagePublic Option Gone: Peanuts for Healthcare, Billions for Insurance Companies
by E. Wentworth
As the Senate debates continue over health care reform, advocates of a Medicare for All plan for the nation say that what the Senate has come up so far is "peanuts for the people". They fear that insurance company interests will continue to be protected....
Posted: Tue, Dec 8, 2009 10:39pm PST
image12/10/2009 Press Conference At World Tesla Headquarters About Injured Workers On Auto Site
by California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day
On Thursday at 2:00 PM at the world headquarters of the "green" electric car Tesla, injured workers from Downey, California will report on the continuing contamination and dangerous working conditions on the southern California Downey site. Hundreds of movie workers and Kaiser Downey hospital workers have been sickened by the failure of the City and toxic site developer Stuart Lichter have not properly cleaned up the site. Downey city officials have covered up the illnesses at the Downey toxi...
Posted: Tue, Dec 8, 2009 7:56pm PST
imagePalo Alto Protest of Obama's Escalation of the Afghanistan War
by Charles Slay
Members of the Palo Alto community gathered in front of Democratic Representative Anna Eshoo's office on Emerson Street, Wednesday evening, to protest Obama's escalation of the Afghanistan war and to urge Congresswoman Eshoo to vote against any further funding of the war. The event was sponsered by the Penninsula Peace and Justice Center....
Posted: Thu, Dec 3, 2009 9:42pm PST
imageProtesters Demand East Palo Alto City Council Intervene in Landlord Dispute
by R. Robertson
East Palo Alto residents and tenant rights supporters surrounded city council members one by one as they attempted to enter City Hall for a meeting on December 1. Top Photo: Demonstrators on the steps of city hall, wait for council members to arrive....
Posted: Tue, Dec 1, 2009 9:32pm PST
imageThanks Anna
by Move On Council 14
Move On members gathered to thank Anna Eshoo for supporting health care reform....
Posted: Sat, Nov 14, 2009 12:35am PST
imageStruggle to Recover from Rent Overcharges in East Palo Alto Continues
by Eye on EPA
The struggle continues for the victims of a major predatory equity scheme. Tenants concerned not only for themselves, but for former neighbors who were forced out of East Palo Alto properties, gathered to launch a series of actions to roll back rents and work together to recover their losses. Top photo: A West Park Apartments neighbor called on community members to draw on the support of one another in their time of emotional and economic need....
Posted: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 8:44pm PST
imageRally to Roll the Rents Back in East Palo Alto
by R. Robertson
Today's rally was the the launch of weekly actions until rents are rolled back in East Palo Alto. Page Mill Properties, with their financial mismanagement and blatant disregard for the city's rent stabilization ordinance, is at the core of the problem. Now that Page Mill is in receivership and may go belly up, court-appointed Ward Realty is in control. Even with new management, the tenants see little relief in site....
Posted: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 7:05pm PST
textLabor Stands With ACORN by Paul Burton
Despite recent negative news reports, the activist group ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) continues to advocate for poor and working class people in California and around the U.S....
Posted: Thu, Oct 29, 2009 11:22am PDT
videoRaging Grannies Sing "Save the Polar Bears" on Climate Action Day (video/mp4 14.3MB) by Union Tune
Lyrics Below and also as subtitles in this 1:13 movie Sung by members of the Raging Grannies Action League in Menlo Park, CA on Oct 24, 2009...
Posted: Sun, Oct 25, 2009 6:00pm PDT
imageRaging Grannies in US & Canada Sing Out on Day of Action for Climate Clean-Up
by Action League Grannies
American and Canadian Raging Grannies sang a song written especially for this international day of action for the planet. Top Photo: In Menlo Park, California, Raging Grannies sang for the city's Green Ribbon Committee about "cool roofs" and how they can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Find out more about cool roofs at the website here.
Posted: Sun, Oct 25, 2009 12:25am PDT
textCalPERS Loses $600M in Predatory Schemes that Relied on Mass Displacement of Tenants by Andy Blue
CalPERS will lose hundreds of millions of dollars in predatory real estate investment schemes according to recent reports in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the San Jose Mercury News, and other publications. What has not been adequately reported is that these schemes are classic examples of what housing advocates call “predatory equity,” over leveraged investments that rely on the displacement of tenants from rent-regulated housing in order to turn profits....
Posted: Tue, Oct 20, 2009 1:20pm PDT
videoBillionaires for Wealthcare at Republican Fundraiser (video/mp4 51.6MB) by Raging Grannies
4 Min Video. The Billionaires for Wealthcare were appalled to come upon the Raging Grannies mooning good American citizens driving into the Stanford Park Hotel to attend a fundraising event for the Republican National Convention! The Billionaires embarked upon a counter protest. See the confrontation of the two groups in Menlo Park, California on October 12, 2009....
Posted: Sun, Oct 18, 2009 2:39pm PDT
textLive-In Domestic Worker Wins Settlement in Federal Lawsuit Against Wealthy Bay Area Couple by Repost
For four years Vilma Serralta, a 71-year-old immigrant from El Salvador, worked more than 80 hours a week as a live-in housekeeper and nanny in the nearly 10,000-square foot Atherton home of Silicon Valley entrepreneur Sakhawat Khan and his wife Roomy, a private investor. Yet they paid Ms. Serralta a monthly salary equivalent to between $3 and $4 per hour - far below the minimum wage at the time of $6.75 per hour. Ms. Serralta, who was regularly required to work 14 hours a day, six days a wee...
Posted: Wed, Oct 14, 2009 8:45pm PDT
imageRaging Grannies v. Billionaires at Republican Fundraising Luncheon
by Health Care at Stake
It was the Raging Grannies versus Billionaires for Wealthcare outside the Stanford Park Hotel where John Boehner was speaking to a $1,000 per plate Republican crowd in Menlo Park today....
Posted: Mon, Oct 12, 2009 5:55pm PDT
imageAction Revived to Save Juana Briones' Historic Home
by Raging Grannies
The Juana Briones house is the oldest building in the city of Palo Alto, having been built in the 1840's, and is recognized as both a local and a state historical landmark. Preservationists, California history aficionados, and the Raging Grannies gathered in a park named for the heroine of the *Californio* period of California history....
Posted: Sun, Oct 11, 2009 9:08pm PDT
calendarProtest Republican Fundraiser: John Boehner is against Health Care Reform by Raging Grannies
Stanford Park Hotel 100 El Camino Real Menlo Park, CA...
Event Date: Mon, Oct 12, 2009 11:30am PDT
Posted: Fri, Oct 9, 2009 2:41pm PDT
imageHealth Care Rally in South San Francisco features Bill Clinton
by R. Robertson
Bill Clinton, can you say *Single Payer*? The 42nd US President spoke at an event dubbed a "health care rally" late this afternoon, but he was really stumping for California Lt. Governor John Garamendi, the Democratic nominee in a November 3 special general election to replace former U.S. Rep. Ellen Tauscher. Progressive Democrats, union members and health care activists were happy to hear Clinton call for a health care system that sounds an awful lot like a Single Payer system, but the ...
Posted: Tue, Oct 6, 2009 9:57pm PDT
imageKeep Affordable Housing in East Palo Alto!
by R. Robertson
Page Mill tenants supported by community members from Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, and Menlo Park held a press conference today. Participants rallied with chants and song with their demands. They insist that the tenants NOT be forgotten by the court and the receiver as Page Mill Properties goes into receivership. Their demand: Do not lose sight of the larger goal of tenants--to keep affordable housing in East Palo Alto!...
Posted: Wed, Sep 30, 2009 9:14pm PDT
textPalo Alto Aims to Increase its Reusable Bag Use Again by RHDG
Palo Alto launches a new reminder campaign today to help residents remember to bring their reusable shopping bags. The percentage of reusable bag use has doubled from 9 percent to 18 percent between 2008 and 2009 and the city aims to increase reusable bag usage again to 30 percent in 2010....
Posted: Wed, Sep 23, 2009 3:38pm PDT
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