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matching the search query "relatos zapatistas"
(sorted by date posted in reverse chronological order)
Relatos Zapatistas March 2011 Radio Show (audio/mpeg 140.0MB)
The focus of this month’s show is war. War is everywhere, it surrounds us and permeates every aspect of society; war is strikingly apparent, captivating our eyes and ears with gunfire and explosions, but it is also silent, subtle, seemingly innocuous, difficult and at times even impossible to see. War is also everyday life under capitalism. War therefore takes many different forms simultaneously. What we want to do today is not simply report about sites of war but examine some of war’s differ...
Posted: Mon, Mar 7, 2011 10:06pm PST
RELATOS ZAPATISTAS: reportaje especial desde bolivia: mandar obedeciendo y el gasolinazo (audio/mpeg 9.5MB)
Desde Bolivia: 5 años del gobierno de Evo, el gasolinazo, y el concepto de 'mandar obedeciendo.'...
Posted: Sun, Jan 30, 2011 4:56pm PST
Voices from Oakland City Council meeting on Fruitvale gang injunctions, Derrick Jones (audio/mpeg 12.6MB)
On December 14, organizers and community members packed the Oakland City Council meeting regarding the proposed gang injunction in Fruitvale, which would cover 400 blocks of the neighborhood. Other community members addressed the murder of Derrick Jones by Oakland police. At stake is the expansion of police impunity. (14 min, mp3)...
Posted: Tue, Jan 11, 2011 9:13am PST
RELATOS ZAPATISTAS Jan.2011 show “Vibrations: In and Around the Prison-Industrial Complex” (audio/mpeg 110.1MB)
“Vibrations: In and Around the Prison-Industrial Complex” (2 hour audio mp3)...
Posted: Mon, Jan 3, 2011 10:24pm PST
Interview with Redwoodcurtain copwatch about 2007 police killing of Martin Cotton (audio/mpeg 9.6MB)
An interview with Redwood Curtain copwatch who have been organizing around the 2007 police killing of Martin Cotton II. The interview tells the story of Martin being killed in they Humboldt County Jail by EPD and the Sheriff. The interview also tells how Redwood Curtain Copwatch has kept Martin's killing in public memory even though the Humboldt County Judicial system has yet to prosecute any Eureka officers and Humboldt County Sheriff who were involved. There will be an trial between Matin C...
Posted: Mon, Jan 3, 2011 9:35pm PST
RELATOS ZAPATISTAS special podcast on "THE POLITICS OF VICTIMHOOD" [december 2010] (audio/mpeg 68.8MB)
THE POLITICS OF VICTIMHOOD: special podcast featuring interviews with zach levenson, a UC berkeley student involved in protests around police brutality and the murder of oscar grant, and the privatization of public education; and john gibler, a reporter who's extensively covered mexican social movements and conflicts including the zapatistas' "other campaign," the oaxaca rebellion of 2006, and the mexican government's narco-wars. (1:15, mp3)...
Posted: Wed, Dec 29, 2010 2:28am PST
interview with vivian newdick, comité hermanas gonzález (audio/mpeg 20.0MB)
interview with vivian newdick of the comité hermanas gonzález, regarding the case of three tzeltal women who were gang-raped by mexican soldiers at a military checkpoint in 1994, just months after the zapatista uprising. discussion covers the difficult history of the sisters' legal battle against the mexican military as well as recent developments in which the current governor of chiapas has attempted to settle the case with an offer of money -- but without any acknowledgment of wrongdoing on...
Posted: Sat, Dec 4, 2010 9:15pm PST
DISPLACEMENT: complete show that attempts to develop an expansive understanding of the phenomenon of displacement. the main topics include gang injunctions in oakland; the invasion of san juan copala, oaxaca; and the case of the gonzález sisters, three tzeltal girls who were raped by mexican soldiers in 1994. (1hr 40 min, mp3)...
Posted: Tue, Nov 9, 2010 12:24am PST
Relatos Zapatistas Radio Show [October 31, 2010] (audio/mpeg 97.0MB)
EDUCATION / KNOWLEDGE: complete show including dia de los muertos, frayba report, anti-porro march in DF and remembering the massacre of 1968, an update from anti-authoritarian compas in chile with a discussion of autonomous libraries, and an interview with oakland high school students who visited chiapas as part of a delegation....
Posted: Tue, Nov 2, 2010 12:54pm PDT
RELATOS ZAPATISTAS special report on anti-fascist student activism in Mexico City (audio/mpeg 10.8MB)
special report on an anti-porro (fascist youth groups) march organized by regeneración radio in mexico city....
Posted: Sun, Oct 3, 2010 7:42pm PDT
entrevista con compañer@s anti-autoritarios en chile (audio/mpeg 15.2MB)
entrevista con tres compañer@s de la comunidad anti-autoritaria en chile, contextualizando la reciente represión por parte del estado chileno, incluyendo el arresto de 14 compañer@s, invasiones y allanamientos de centros sociales y casas particulares. también explican las nuevas modificaciones de la "ley anti-terrorista," resucitada de la dictadura de pinochet desde el año 2000. (mp3, ~16 min)...
Posted: Sun, Sep 26, 2010 12:52pm PDT
hannibal shakur & josh wolf on neighborhood organizing in west oakland (audio/mpeg 26.8MB)
interview with hannibal shakur and josh wolf on neighborhood organizing in west oakland. (29 min, mp3)...
Posted: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 12:44am PDT
Relatos Zapatistas Radio Show for September 5, 2010 (audio/mpeg 101.5MB)
"SEGURIDAD / SECURITY / SAFETY": complete radio program including news updates; repression vs. "anarchists" in chile, mexico, arizona, and the bay area; neighborhood organizing in west oakland; and revolutionary hip hop in modesto. originally aired on berkeley liberation radio, september 5, 2010. (approx. 2 hrs, mp3)...
Posted: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 12:35am PDT
RELATOS ZAPATISTAS RADIO SHOW for AUGUST 1, 2010 (audio/mpeg 95.2MB)
Full RELATOS ZAPATISTAS show from August 1, 2010....
Posted: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 6:11pm PDT
Entrevista sobre el documental PRESUNTO CULPABLE (audio/mpeg 25.2MB)
Entrevista de Relatos Zapatistas con Anat Shenker-Osorio, Directora Política del documental PRESUNTO CULPABLE, sobre el sistema jurídico en México....
Posted: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 5:26pm PDT
Reportaje sobre protestas contra SB 1070 y en solidaridad con Arizona (audio/mpeg 23.2MB)
Este reportaje incluye noticias sobre las manifestaciones que se hicieron en todo el país el 29 de julio 2010, con un enfoque particular sobre la mobilización en san francisco. Incluye entrevistas con manifestantes en la Mission, y con dos artistas de hip hop: Bocafloja y Cambio....
Posted: Mon, Aug 2, 2010 10:49am PDT
george ciccariello-maher on oscar grant verdict/aftermath & oakland assembly (audio/mpeg 13.5MB)
interview with george ciccariello-maher on the oscar grant verdict, the nonprofit industrial complex, and the oakland assembly. (15 min, mp3)...
Posted: Mon, Aug 2, 2010 10:03am PDT
RELATOS ZAPATISTAS RADIO SHOW for JULY 4, 2010 (audio/mpeg 94.9MB)
"THE TRIAL": complete radio program including reports/discussions on: mexico/chiapas news, US social forum in detroit, liberation of political prisoners from san salvador atenco, oscar grant trial (pre-verdict). (1 hr 43 min, mp3)...
Posted: Sun, Jul 25, 2010 6:54pm PDT
reportaje sobre la liberacion de pres@s politic@s de san salvador atenco (audio/mpeg 13.1MB)
REPORTAJE sobre la liberacion de los 12 pres@s politic@s de san salvador atenco: despues de 4 anos en la carcel, la suprema corte de mexico ha ordenado su libertad. se informa tambien sobre las acciones de solidaridad que se llevaron a cabo durante el dia de accion internacional en apoyo a los pres@s de atenco, incluyendo la accion en frente del consulado de san francisco. (14 min, mp3)...
Posted: Sun, Jul 25, 2010 6:42pm PDT
interview/reportback on US social forum 2010 (audio/mpeg 42.1MB)
interview/reportback with two comp@s who attended the US social forum in detroit. topics include: the history of the US social forum, capitalism and trauma, alternative media, and the people's movement assemblies (PMAs). (45 min, mp3)...
Posted: Sun, Jul 25, 2010 5:35pm PDT