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textSharon Jails Youth for Refusing to Oppress by I follow orders, don't you?
Every soldier contributes in his/her way to the perpetuation of not only the complete disregard for Palestinian human rights, but also the continuing fortification and confirmation of Military Israel. The army brainwashes its soldiers to receive a brutal and inhumane mentality and makes the single soldier lose his/her individuality. I will not join a system that does not value human rights and that continues to rape, control and occupy the Palestinian territories....
Posted: Sat, Oct 20, 2001 12:40am PDT
textEisenhower's 1961 Farewell Address by interested anarchist
i saw the quote of eisenhower in the previous article, and had to find the full quote. it was actually delivered on jan 17, 1961, and it isnt exactly radical. but if only ike could see the military-industrial complex today!!...
Posted: Sat, Oct 20, 2001 12:26am PDT
textmore flag-wrapping by michael toms (repost by czarina))
more well-intentioned Americana...
Posted: Sat, Oct 20, 2001 12:08am PDT
textOn Flight 93, defiant voices by STAFF WRITERS
When he called his mother at 9:45 a.m., Bingham was so flustered that he began his conversation with his mother by saying, "Mom, this is Mark Bingham."...
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 10:36pm PDT
textCell Phone Caller: 'We Are Being Hijacked!' by The mother of a San Francisco man
"It gives me a great deal of comfort to know my son may have been able to avert the killing of many, many innocent people."...
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 10:27pm PDT
textSan Franciscan Mark Bingham by Wondering
San Franciscan Mark Bingham, 31, struggled for years to integrate two aspects of his life, his friends said: He was a physically robust man who delighted in the rough-and-tumble sport of rugby, and he was gay....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 10:23pm PDT
textHow soon we forget. by Senator John McCain
"I love my country, and I take pride in serving her. But I cannot say that I love her more or as well as Mark Bingham did, or the other heroes on United Flight 93 who gave their lives to prevent our enemies from inflicting an even greater injury on our country. It has been my fate to witness great courage and sacrifice for America's sake, but none greater than the selfless sacrifice of Mark Bingham and those good men who grasped the gravity of the moment, understood the threat, and decided to...
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 10:15pm PDT
textCity bus terminal loaded with explosives by Thomas J. Gibbons Jr. and Jere Downs
Investigators today began trying to figure out who walked into the Greyhound depot in Center City in the middle of the night three weeks ago and left in a locker one-third of a pound of the military plastic explosive C-4 - enough to level the structure....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 9:32pm PDT
textThe US message to the Taliban by Julian Borger in Washington, Rory McCarthy in
'Attention. You are condemned. Did you know that? The instant the terrorists you support took over our planes, you sentenced yourselves to death'...
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 9:20pm PDT
There will be a rally at Laguna Honda Hospital in SF on Sunday at 11:30am to promote supported living housing instead of institutionalization of people with disabilities and the elderly....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 8:10pm PDT
textU.S. Borg Army: "Resistance is Futile" by anti-amerikkkan
this is nice. remember when we blared heavy metal at noriega? now we are assuming the role of the Borg, star trek's metaphor for u.s. corporate culture. whoohoo!!!...
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 7:01pm PDT
textPat Buchannan Joins Anti-Globalization by Patrick J. Buchanan
Infamous right-winger Buchannan speaks out against globalization's harm to the US economy, lethal sanctions again Iraq, and the panic to erode civil liberties. Can the left overcome its political prejudice unify with the right on at least these issues? Or will it remain politics as usual? King was assassinated because he threatened to unite left and white, white and black, poor and middle-class. The feds fear unity....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 6:19pm PDT
textDemonstrators Greet Bush in Sacramento by Michelle
A summary of events from October 17th....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 5:28pm PDT
textArafat asks diplomats to save him from Israel by AFP
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat personally asked Arab and European diplomats Thursday to stop Israel's assassination policy which he said targeted him as well, a senior Palestinian official told AFP....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 4:59pm PDT
textFive NEFAC Anarchists Charged in Toronto by overthrow it now
fallout from the successful actions in toronto, where the financial district was shut the fuck down, help support those who got nabbed...
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 4:59pm PDT
textThe end of an unserious decade by Patrick J. Buchanan
Why? Because we adopted an open-borders policy that left tens of millions of illegal aliens wandering about America, few of whom had any loyalty to us, some of whom were willing to murder us on the orders of their foreign masters. To keep the cost of labor down, we let millions of strangers, and not a few enemies, into our home. Never before has America been so vulnerable, and corporate greed and craven politics did it to us....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 4:52pm PDT
text we must be wary of young Arab men by PEGGY NOONAN
The people who are trying to kill us with bombs and biological weapons are not from Canada, Chile, China, India, Ireland, Tanzania, Congo, New Zealand or the island of Jamaica. They are from the Arab Mideast. They are not Israeli. They are men, and not women. They are young men. That is, they are not old men, and they are not children. So: We know the profile of the bad guys....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 4:47pm PDT
textHollywood to give boost to US government imag by AFP
The war on terrorism is set to unleash a rare phenomenon in the US film industry -- a new, positive portrayal of the US government and its agencies, experts say....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 4:43pm PDT
textHandwriting analysts detect a passionate man by Frank J. Murray
Two handwriting analysts independently concluded yesterday that the person who addressed the envelopes containing anthrax to NBC anchor Tom Brokaw and to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle is dangerously depressed and determined....
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 4:40pm PDT
textKPFA Pacifica crisis by Save Pacifica
Posted: Fri, Oct 19, 2001 4:36pm PDT
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