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Newsitem List

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image3/22 FCC Protests in DC
by Indybay
3/22: Singing anti-corporate hymns and wearing white sheets, tinsel halos and wings made of cardboard, Larson and a dozen other angels were among an ad-hoc group of 60 media activists who gathered to call for a reversal of government policies that have left the US media system in the hands of a small group of global conglomerates. Photo I Video I More from DC IMC...
Posted: Mon, Mar 25, 2002 12:00am PST
imagemedical emerg
by Indybay
3/22: A small group of protesters in Sacramento raised their voices against the impending passage of the Emergency Health Powers Act. The law would grant the governor authority to declare a "public health emergency" and require any individual to undergo vaccination or other medical treatment, seize/destroy any property without compensation, draft any person or business into state service, suspend any state law, among many other powers. Detailed report...
Posted: Wed, Mar 20, 2002 12:00am PST
imagehp protest against police brutality
Terrorism by SFPD
by Indybay
The SF Police Commission decided to keep the cops who assaulted 4 Hunter's Point teens on active duty, even after seeing and hearing eyewitness testimony, photographic evidence including the badge numbers of officers involved. The families of the teenagers have decided to return to the Police Commission on Wed, April 10th at the Hall of Justice at 5pm with a list of demands. On 2/27, 100 people showed up at the Police Commission to express their outrage about police violence and to demand tha...
Posted: Wed, Mar 20, 2002 12:00am PST
imagetaco bell protests in la
disgusting food, disgusting politics
by Indybay
3/17: A new study finds that despite minor improvements, Indonesian sport shoe factories producing for Nike and Adidas Salomon still fall pitifully short of providing safe-working conditions. Meanwhile, 700 workers in shoe factories in Maine recently lost their jobs, as the company relocated production to sweatshops in China. The Chinese laborers will earn approximately 3% of what the U.S. employees had earned. 3/12: Upwards of 1000 people marched on Taco Bell's corporate headquarters in...
Posted: Sun, Mar 17, 2002 12:00am PST
Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, Anarchist Author, ex-Black Panther, Political Prisoner
by Indybay
3/24-3/28: RACE (Revolutionary Anti-authoritarians of Color) will host Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, author of Anarchism and the Black Revolution, on his latest speaking tour in the Bay Area. Come out and support the following events, where he's scheduled to appear: 3/27: Dinner and open discussion with Lorenzo - 7:30pm at Center For Political Education, 522 Valencia St., SF. $20 suggested donation to benefit political prisoner support work. Hosted by RACE. 3/28: Panel Discussion on the Role of Vi...
Posted: Tue, Mar 26, 2002 12:00am PST
imageEcuador camp & Plan Colombia
by Indybay
3/18: A mobilization is underway in Quito, Ecuador to protest two of the largest neo-liberal programs in the western hemisphere -- Plan Colombia and the proposed Free Trade Agreement of the Americas. From 3/14-20, people from more than 20 countries are converging for the International Permanent Camp for Social Justice and the Dignity of People. Organizers say the objective of the camp is to show the correlation between US championed free trade agreements like FTAA and Plan Columbia style mili...
Posted: Mon, Mar 18, 2002 12:00am PST
imagewar mongoring
by Indybay
3/17: Last week, Bush instructed the Pentagon to prepare for nuclear strikes against 7 nations: China, Russia, Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Not surprisingly, this profoundly disturbing move received minimal coverage in the corporate press. Despite popular opposition within the Philippines, the US also continues to amass troops there under the guise of fighting terrorism. A handful of US congressional representatives have finally begun to question the virtually unlimited milit...
Posted: Sun, Mar 17, 2002 12:00am PST
imagesouth berk violence
by Indybay
3/14: South Berkeley residents have known for a long time that their city's liberal reputation does not apply to the aggressive and violent Berkeley police who occupy their neighborhood. Tonight, the violence was public and an angry crowd of Black people prevented a disaster from happening as two white cops and an Asian cop beat a Black man on the corner of San Pablo and Haskell Street. Report | Photo...
Posted: Fri, Mar 15, 2002 12:00am PST
by Indybay
After years of obstruction by FBI and Oakland PD, the Judi Bari v. FBI trial starts April 8. Stay tuned to SF Indymedia for full coverage. Latest Reports on new tree sits in Humboldt>>...
Posted: Fri, Mar 15, 2002 12:00am PST
imagesf march for palestine
by Indybay
3/13: Hundreds of people marched through the North Beach district of SF to show their solidarity with Palestinian resistance. This came in response to a week of brutal Israeli aggression and violence, equipped and funded by GWB and the bloated US military machine. Leaflet from March | Photos: 1, 2 | Report | Israeli Activists March Towards Ramallah | Demos in Chicago & DC...
Posted: Wed, Mar 13, 2002 12:00am PST
imageApril video benefits
Indymedia Newsreal
by Indybay
On April 19, the Prison Activist Resource Center and SF-IMC hosted a video screening at Berkeley Community Media. Also, a dual benefit show for RAWA & SF-IMC was held on April 21 at Gilman St. in Berkeley....
Posted: Tue, Mar 19, 2002 12:00am PST
imagesf occ complaint press conf
by Indybay
3/12: On 2/2, an unarmed African-American man was shot to death by an SF police officer. James Thull, a witness to the killing, affirms that the officer's life was not in danger, is filing a complaint with the city's Office of Civilian Compaints. Bay Area Policewatch will hold a press conference on 3/13 to support the witness, in addition to demanding that the SFPD make good on its specious claim to "protect and serve." Details...
Posted: Tue, Mar 12, 2002 12:00am PST
imagetaco bell protests in la
disgusting food, disgusting politics
by Indybay
3/17: A new study finds that despite minor improvements, Indonesian sport shoe factories producing for Nike and Adidas Salomon still fall pitifully short of providing safe-working conditions. Meanwhile, 700 workers in shoe factories in Maine recently lost their jobs, as the company relocated production to sweatshops in China. The Chinese laborers will earn approximately 3% of what the U.S. employees had earned. 3/12: Upwards of 1000 people marched on Taco Bell's corporate headquarters in...
Posted: Tue, Mar 12, 2002 12:00am PST
imagebrazil bid protests
Thousands in Brazil against the IAD
by Indybay
3/11: As the finance ministers of over 40 countries convened at the annual Interamerican Development Bank meeting in Fortaleza, Brasil, thousands of anti-capitalists and reformist liberals protested their dreams of selling off the last square acre of Brazil to the highest corporate bidder. Summary | Photos | IMC Brasil | Background on the BID?...
Posted: Tue, Mar 12, 2002 12:00am PST
anarchist cafe
by Indybay
3/29-31: Anarchists will again converge in SF for the annual Anarchist Book Fair. Scores of anarchist conspirators and bookworms are expected to arrive this weekend for the 5th annual anarchist cafe this Friday and the Book Fair on Saturday at Kezar Pavilion. On Sunday, a Bay Area Anarchist Conference will take place at New College....
Posted: Sun, Mar 10, 2002 12:00am PST
barcelona march 2002
by Indybay
3/17: 300,000 to 500,000 people took to the streets of Barcelona over the weekend to oppose "free" trade and capitalist expansion. The EU Spring Summit has provoked a diversity of resistance, from anarchists and anti-capitalists to reformist groups. Riot police fired tear gas on the crowds and injured several dozen protesters, including several press photographers. Around one hundred arrests have been reported so far. Video | 3/14 report | 3/10 Reclaim the Streets report | Photos | Complete ...
Posted: Sun, Mar 10, 2002 12:00am PST
by Indybay
3/17: An Israeli tank shell slammed into a Bethlehem church compound on 3/14, as IDF troops invaded the city. The building also housed a hospital and an orphanage. For the past week, Israel has defied international outcry as they continue their blood-soaked raids into occupied Palestine. Using armed soldiers, F-16 bombings, missiles, attack helicopters and gunships, Israel has killed over 100 Palestinians (mostly civilians) and kidnapped more than 500 other people in the past week alone. H...
Posted: Sun, Mar 10, 2002 12:00am PST
imagehousing action
by Indybay
This Sunday, March 10 people will be meeting at Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco to call attention to the nationwide housing crisis and demand the quick passage of the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund - an ambitious piece of housing construction legislation now in Congress. There will be speakers, on-site tenant counseling, performances and action! Details | National Housing Trust Fund Campaign | SF Land Trust Task Force...
Posted: Fri, Mar 8, 2002 12:00am PST
imagehomeless summit
by Indybay
The first-ever city sponsored homeless summit, a free, all-day event, designed to bring together homeless people, service providers, advocates, commercial interests, city department heads, elected officials, and concerned neighborhood groups, took place at SF Herbst Theater on Thurs 3/7. Over 700 people attended a rally held on Sunday which has become an all-night vigil outside City Hall....
Posted: Wed, Mar 6, 2002 12:00am PST
imagedomestic workers union
by Indybay
Members of the San Francisco Day Labor Program Women’s Collective conducted a press conference and march on International Women’s Day, Fri 3/8, to demand fair and humane treatment on the job, a living wage, and the use of their Collective's services by all conscientious employers. They have focused their organization on domestic work because it is one of the few forms of employment available to immigrant women in the US. As one member remarked, "We clean people’s ...
Posted: Tue, Mar 5, 2002 12:00am PST
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