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Newsitem List

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text ACORN Protests Wells Fargo Loan Abuse by Beyond Chron (reposted)
Wells Fargo held its annual shareholders meeting Tuesday afternoon, and as security officers and customer service representatives fawned over stockholders holding a blue admission ticket, several individuals in red shirts crashed the party protesting what they saw as predatory lending practices by one of the country’s oldest banks....
Posted: Wed, Apr 27, 2005 10:04am PDT
textMayor Wasting Precious Anti-Poverty Funds on ‘Home Ownership Counseling’ by Beyond Chron (reposted)
The Mayor’s Office of Housing recently revealed its plan for allocating the multi-million dollar Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), a federal contribution to cities earmarked for helping low-income people. The plan allocates more than $200,000 to ‘home-ownership counseling,’ including classes, workshops and support for low-income people who want to purchase a home. Yet nowhere does the plan explain why the Mayor wants to spend money on services you could get from any realtor, or why he...
Posted: Wed, Apr 27, 2005 10:03am PDT
textWest Oakland Resident View on the Wood St. Development Project by Marcus Johnson
This article represents true community opinion regarding the Wood St. Development Project. Unfortuatunely, the coalitions and grass root groups never bother to asked before representing us....
Posted: Mon, Apr 25, 2005 3:08pm PDT
documentTown Hall Meeting of MUNI Drivers and Riders
by Refuse to Pay
Join us on May Day at Cell Space at 7pm for a free dinner, community meeting, and film screening. We will be discussing how drivers and riders can together fight MUNI management against the employee lay-offs and the fare hike....
Posted: Mon, Apr 25, 2005 12:40pm PDT
by Sarah Norr
The Transit Justice Coalition needs your help to fight bus fare hikes and service cuts in San Francisco!...
Posted: Fri, Apr 22, 2005 5:55pm PDT
textProp 72, Local Edition? by Beyond Chron (reposted)
70% of San Franciscans voted for it and 1 in 8 San Franciscans don't have it, but health coverage for the working uninsured may be in mid-range future if the city can make what Supervisor Tom Ammiano called "an extremely reasonable, incremental step toward universal health care." Yesterday Ammiano sponsored a Budget and Finance Committee hearing on the feasibility of city-mandated health insurance, which could add to the mosaic of city-sponsored programs already in place, and reduce...
Posted: Thu, Apr 21, 2005 9:46pm PDT
textThe Chronicle, Rescue Muni, and the Perils of One-Source Journalism by Beyond Chron (reposted)
Casey Mills 20.APR.05: Reading the past few articles published by the Chronicle concerning Muni, it would appear transit riders in San Francisco have a single leader who they trust completely to speak for them – Andrew Sullivan of Rescue Muni. When writing about everything from union strikes to service cuts, Chronicle reporters rely almost entirely on Sullivan to provide riders’ views. Yet Sullivan does not speak for most Muni riders, and he does not claim to do so. The Chronicle’s reliance o...
Posted: Wed, Apr 20, 2005 10:25pm PDT
text4/21: Rincon Hill Development to be Contested at Public Hearing by via ABD Six
South of Market Residents and Advocates say High-Rises must not obscure Community Needs on the Ground...
Posted: Wed, Apr 20, 2005 2:28pm PDT
text Supervisor and Activists Vent Over City Homeless Policies by Beyond Chron (reposted)
Just about everybody would agree that homelessness is one of San Francisco's top problems, but that doesn't mean they agree on much beyond that. Yesterday the City Operations and Neighborhood Services forwent its usual bland diet of liquor licenses and stop signs for a five hour long hearing on the city's homeless policy that gave non-profit groups and Chris Daly a chance to vent frustrations, ask about the gritty details of some programs and question the success and motivations of others. In...
Posted: Tue, Apr 19, 2005 3:48pm PDT
textUrgent Action Needed. On Tuesday, April 19, safe cosmetics legislation (AB 908) by via California Interfaith Partnership for Chi
Hello! On Tuesday, April 19, safe cosmetics legislation (AB 908) in Sacramento will be up for its first and most difficult vote (which will be in the Assembly Health Committee)....
Posted: Tue, Apr 19, 2005 10:25am PDT
imageI wouldn’t have made it through school without them
by Tiny/PoorNewsNetwork
The Betty Shabazz Family Resource Center at City College of San Francisco provides free child care for low-income single parents who are students and needs the communities’ help to stay open...
Posted: Sun, Apr 17, 2005 3:38pm PDT
textProposed Tenderloin Housing Clinic Cut Amounts to Attack on Renters, Immigrants by Beyond Chron (reposted)
For the past twenty years, renters in San Francisco knew that if they faced wrongful eviction, they could turn to the Tenderloin Housing Clinic (THC) for free legal help. Yet now, Mayor Gavin Newsom wants to launch another salvo at low-income and working class people by cutting in half funding for this aid. Should this proposed cut become a reality, vulnerable tenants throughout San Francisco, including monolingual Spanish speakers, will suffer....
Posted: Fri, Apr 15, 2005 6:49am PDT
textStealing Our Low-Income Housing by Lynda Carson
HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson Is Making It Impossible For The Nation's Housing Authorities To Offer Public Housing!...
Posted: Mon, Apr 11, 2005 8:02pm PDT
audioMike Farrell at the 24-Hour Read-In in Salinas (audio/mpeg 5.8MB) by ~Bradley
On April 1, Mike Farrell shared some of his feelings about the closing of the Salinas Libraries during the 24-Hour Read-In which took place at the Cesar Chavez Library in Salinas. Mike also read some of his favorite quotes and passages from books. We hear words from great authors and activists such as Cesar Chavez and John Steinbeck as well as Maya Angelou on the life and death of Ossie Davis. Mike also read important words about racism and dissent written by Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court ...
Posted: Mon, Apr 11, 2005 6:32pm PDT
audioPeter Kwiek of the Salinas Action League speaks about Saving our Libraries (audio/mpeg 4.1MB) by ~Bradley
On April 1, I spoke with Peter Kwiek of the Salinas Action League. Peter has been a core activist in the struggle to Save the Libraries in Salinas. (9 minutes)...
Posted: Mon, Apr 11, 2005 12:10pm PDT
text4/10 7:30 a.m. Sunday Helicopters Terrorize Downtown SF by Beagle
At 7:30 a.m., Sunday morning, April 10, 2005, loud, noisy helicopters hovered illegally low over the Union Square-Tenderloin-Nob Hill workingclass apartment area for about an hour, disturbing the peace and threatening lives. This must be stopped now....
Posted: Sun, Apr 10, 2005 9:09am PDT
Posted: Thu, Apr 7, 2005 10:54pm PDT
textAction Alert: Support Parking Fees and Fines to Fund Muni; Survey Reminder by Rescue Muni
As you probably know, the Municipal Transportation Agency Board recently passed the MTA's 2006 budget that closed an approximately $55 million budget gap with a combination of fare increases, parking fees and fines, and service cuts....
Posted: Wed, Apr 6, 2005 9:18pm PDT
textNewsom/Alioto-Pier Condo-Conversion Plan Defeated by Beyond Chron (reposted)
Tenants achieved a major victory today as the Board of Supervisors voted down legislation that would have allowed hundreds of owners of “tenancies in commons” (TIC’s) to convert their homes into condominiums. Despite massive mobilization amongst TIC owners and real estate speculators in support of the plan, the Newsom-backed legislation couldn’t overcome concerns that it could spark a new wave of evictions across the City....
Posted: Wed, Apr 6, 2005 5:49pm PDT
textNewsom Slashes Funding for Ellis Act Eviction Defense by Beyond Chron (reposted)
As Mayor Newsom pushes legislation to increase condo conversions and Ellis Act evictions, his Administration is also moving to deny legal representation to low-income tenants facing speculator evictions under Ellis. The Mayor’s Office has proposed a 40% cut in CDBG funding for the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, the legal organization providing nearly all of the free legal representation in San Francisco for those facing Ellis evictions. The Mayor appears to be retaliating against the Clinic’s vig...
Posted: Mon, Apr 4, 2005 10:45am PDT
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