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textIn 48 hours California will execute the wrong man! by PHH
We must stop this!...
Posted: Sun, Feb 8, 2004 10:31pm PST
textUniversity Ordered to Turn Over Records on Anti-War Activists by portside
In addition to records about who attended the forum, the subpoena orders the university to divulge all records relating to the local chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, a New York-based legal activist organization that sponsored the forum....
Posted: Sun, Feb 8, 2004 8:04pm PST
textNew York flips as penguins come out in Central Park by gdian
As gays go, Roy and Silo are not unusual. They cohabit, are affectionate in public and have been inseparable for years. Only their species marks them out. The New York pair are chinstrap penguins...
Posted: Sun, Feb 8, 2004 9:47am PST
textFood not Lawns; Prepare 4 oil collapse by clover and rhizobium
Peak oil is declining, we are heading 4 petroleum collapse. After Iraq's oil wells dry out, Syria will be targeted in the "war on terror". After the oil collapse, people will need alternative means of survival. Growing food in urban gardens on wasted space like lawns and parking lots would help people survive the food shortage.....
Posted: Thu, Feb 5, 2004 9:41pm PST
textSeattle General Strike Anniversary + Seattle IMC shut down by Seattle IMC
February 6th is the 85th Anniversary of a successful General Strike in Seattle in 1919, one of the major cities in the United States where this has been successful. Here is a great account of what happened, how the citizens lived during that time, and the great independent newspapers that were printed. It's very inspiring...
Posted: Thu, Feb 5, 2004 9:04pm PST
textSewage sludge: Fertilizer or public menace? by Mike Mosedale
The application of sludge to farmland--a practice that dramatically increased over the past decade thanks to aggressive promotion by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency--has come under heavy attack of late....
Posted: Thu, Feb 5, 2004 11:09am PST
text2/4 Haiti Update by AHP
1. An open letter to Caricom by Randall Robinson (The Jamaica Gleaner) 2. The end of nationhood, by John Maxwell (The Jamaica Observer) 3. Travel Safety Report by Pax Christi USA Haiti Task Force, February 3, 2004...
Posted: Wed, Feb 4, 2004 4:39pm PST
textOhio governor poised to sign "super DOMA" by adv
Gov. Bob Taft, who received thousands of phone calls, letters, and e-mails for and against a far-reaching "super" defense of marriage act, plans to sign a bill enacting the ban. The house voted 72-22 on Tuesday in favor of accepting senate changes to the bill and sending the legislation--considered one of the country's strictest same-sex marriage bans--to Taft, who will sign it, spokesman Orest Holubec said. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Bill Seitz, a Cincinnati Republican, puts into ...
Posted: Wed, Feb 4, 2004 12:49pm PST
textMassachusetts Court: Gay Civil Unions Not Enough by po
Standing by its ruling from November, the Massachusetts high court ruled on Wednesday that civil unions for same-sex couples are not a viable alternative to full civil marriage in the eyes of the state Constitution....
Posted: Wed, Feb 4, 2004 11:07am PST
textCBS and the Hypocritic Oath by Liberez L'Ours
Scathing comments concerning CBS and its refusal to air's commercial yet happily airing other items of questionable taste....
Posted: Mon, Feb 2, 2004 11:58am PST
textInterview with Ambassador Joseph Wilson by Geov Parrish
A democracy well worth taking back" Interview with Joseph Wilson, former ambassador who debunked story of Iraq’s having purchased yellow cake uranium from Africa...
Posted: Mon, Feb 2, 2004 8:54am PST
textPeril In UFCW Strike by Mike Griffin
Mike Griffin, a unionist from the War Zone in Decatur, Ilinois reports on the lessons of the present grocery struggle and the role of the AFL-CIO leadership in past struggles....
Posted: Sun, Feb 1, 2004 8:37pm PST
textDiss queers to appease fundi prejudices? by Tortuga Bi LIBERTY
Refuting religious arguments which justify anti-queer bigotry....
Posted: Sun, Feb 1, 2004 6:47pm PST
textIs there justice in America? by Fred Bauer
The case of Kevin Cooper...
Posted: Sun, Feb 1, 2004 6:15pm PST
textOrganic Opponents Develop "Earth Friendly" Seal by Elaine Lipson
The Center for Global Food Issues, a Churchville, Va.-based project of the Hudson Institute, has announced that it is developing an “Earth Friendly, Farm Friendly” seal for dairy farmers and processors using high-production conventional agriculture practices....
Posted: Sun, Feb 1, 2004 11:42am PST
textFCC snoops Free Radio Olympia by Attilla the Troll
FCC agents show up on the doorstep...
Posted: Sat, Jan 31, 2004 9:38pm PST
textNational Immigration Forum: CLEAR Update by NIF
1) CLEAR Act and Homeland Security Enhancement Act: State of play 2) New advocacy materials on the Web 3) New contact for information and ideas...
Posted: Sat, Jan 31, 2004 2:14pm PST
textNational Student Group Demands Protection of Students' Civil Rights by ssdp
Washington, DC - Students across the nation are outraged over the Berkeley County School District's response to a lawsuit filed by Stratford High School students and their families....
Posted: Sat, Jan 31, 2004 12:33pm PST
imageBuffalo Field Campaign Update 1/29/04
by repost
Yesterday morning we woke at 5am, gathered in the cabin for a warm breakfast, and headed into the field to find the buffalo. Earlier in the week we'd watched a herd of 18 follow the Madison River out of the park, cross highway 191, and graze on the ecologically-rich flats below the Madison Bluffs....
Posted: Thu, Jan 29, 2004 1:02pm PST
textMother Country of Protectionism by Edelbert Richter
"The free trade lie says trade is a motor of development.. This is hypocritical because a radical market opening is demanded from developing countries while industrial countries only open their markets very restrictedly for agirucltural products and textiles from the South.."...
Posted: Thu, Jan 29, 2004 5:57am PST
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