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Newsitem List

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textTeamsters Dump Turtles to Pass Bush Energy Plan by Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Jason Mark, clean vehicles program director with the Union of Concerned Scientists, discusses the environmental consequences of the Bush energy policy and the labor/industry coalition that lobbied to pass the president's bill(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At
Posted: Sun, Aug 12, 2001 6:23am PDT
text40-Day Fast Launced to Protest 11 Years of Iraq Sanctions by Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with former U.N. Under-Secretary General Denis Halliday, who had been in charge of Iraq's oil for food program until he resigned his post in protest of the sanctions in 1998. Halliday explains why he and others continue to work for an end to the economic sanctions against Iraq....
Posted: Sun, Aug 12, 2001 5:50am PDT
textTerry Greenblatt of leading Israeli women's peace group, Bat Shalom, speaks by Jaguar Johnny
Terry Greenblatt of leading Israel women's peace group, Bat Shalom, speaks out at a recent Jewish Film Festival in San Francisco Bay Area.. KPFA Flashpoints Radio.. (16 min)...
Posted: Sun, Aug 12, 2001 1:40am PDT
textFreebies at Pot Picnic by undercurrents
Free the weed direct action in Britain...
Posted: Sat, Aug 11, 2001 9:56am PDT
textFlashpoints Radio Aug 10: NATO schemes; Bethlehem: fear and joy woven fine; KPFA by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio August 10, 2001 (link to scrollable audio in 'full story' text below) - NATO scheming to occupy Macedonia; US behind the Albanian terrorist attacks (10 min) - Marlene Tobias of the Break the Silence Mural and Art Project LIVE *for a few more hours anyway* in beseiged Bethlehem. (22 min) - KPFA Local Advisory Board news and announcements, call for two citizen representatives, how to apply (22 min)...
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 10:27pm PDT
textHomes Not Jails is Back! by HNJ-SF
Homes Not Jails action this Sunday. Squat, Reclaim Housing, Permanent Autonomous Zones...
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 4:52pm PDT
Racism in the (good ole) USA I can see like a bullet right through the heart of the USA like an accident in slow motion raise the rent and move the dirt out of town...
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 3:25pm PDT
textANOTHER Open Letter to Mayor Willie Brown by Stuart G Reynolds (via COH-SF)
We stayed at the St Francis Hotel on Union Square and were appalled by the numbers of homeless people forced to beg in the streets only a block or so away. I live and work just outside of London so am no stranger to the problems of homelessness. However, San Francisco's problem is so much worse than London's or for that matter many other large cities in Europe or the US....
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 12:15pm PDT - Italian site shut down and brought back to life!!! by xxx, the italian website representing the netstrike movement was shut down by italian police, only to come up moments later!...
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 12:06pm PDT
textChinese-Immigrants Organize in New York Area for Wages-Rights-Other Gains by Paul Hays
Chinese Staff&Workers Association.
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 11:02am PDT
text"Chemical Modus II" by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" DEaf Messenger
More revelatory information on the modus operandi that has enabled the lawless ones to thrive. Why don't you send it to Ithaca newswires to prove that you are getting this stuff out there....
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 10:47am PDT
textLet's Insure Pregnant Women Now by Susan Abbott-Rogge, RN, NP, serves as the Cal
Attached is an Op-ed supporting the current legislation issue that would make health insurance available to all pregnant women....
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 10:40am PDT
textJews arrested by gestapo police by Hah Emmet
Jews arrested by police...
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 7:05am PDT
textUS Trained Italian Police for G8 by Justice
The US trained the Italian police in brutality for the G8 conference. The USA is now the world's Nazi Germany. See
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 4:33am PDT
textThe List To Lobby Task Force / Save 3% Cap On Rents by Lynda Carson
Registered Voters United, May Save the 3% Cap On Annual Rent Increases In Oakland. Act Now!...
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 4:06am PDT
textThe Anarcho-Syndicalist Answer to Corporate Globalization by Brian Oliver Sheppard
Anarcho-syndicalism is the point at which the anarchist and raical labor movements intersect....
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 2:41am PDT
Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 2:22am PDT
textExclusive Special Report! by Lissa Kahiamoe
Assasination Plot Hatched Against Hawaiian King...
Posted: Thu, Aug 9, 2001 11:43pm PDT
textCareerists and Reformists Try to Purge Radical Greens by Glenn Goldman
Know the organization(s) that you are involved with. Observe their internal processes. If you are anti-authoritarian, do you observe a tendency for top-down decision making? Is there an ongoing debate within the organization about making it less oppressive to people of color, women, sexual minorities, etc.? On a personal basis, do people treat each other with love and respect, or is there agressive politicking to push personal or private agendas?...
Posted: Thu, Aug 9, 2001 11:24pm PDT
textFlashpoints Radio Aug 9: Tensions escalate in MidEast: Amy Goodman gets pressure by Jaguar Jupiter
KPFA Flashpoints Radio August 9, 2001 (link to scrollable audio in 'full story' text below) - from Jerusalem: a suicide bomber.. penetrates to the very heart of Jewish West Jerusalem.. kills himself and 15 others.. some cry out for vengence, "Death to the Arabs".. more beginning to ask "Where is all this violence leading us? (32 min) - More firings at WBAI, interview w Amy Goodman (22 min)...
Posted: Thu, Aug 9, 2001 10:51pm PDT
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