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Global Justice
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textAristide calls for resistance after six killed in Haiti violence by repost
PORT-AU-PRINCE : Exiled Haitian president Jean Bertrand Aristide called on his supporters to peacefully resist foreign occupation a day after gunmen opened fire on an opposition rally, killing at least six people, including a journalist, and wounding 34 more...
Posted: Mon, Mar 8, 2004 1:38pm PST
textA Shot Off the Bow: Haitian Democracy be Damned! by Counterpunch (repost)
We have seen in Haiti what happens when a democracy goes against the interests and ideology of the Bush administration. For all their talk of democracy (the only surviving rationale for the war on Iraq), we now know what we ought to have known all along: America's support is contingent on cooperation in free trade policies; democracy be damned!...
Posted: Mon, Mar 8, 2004 1:28pm PST
textSouth Africa Cannot Back the Removal of Aristide by allAfrica
Foreign Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma has issued a statement, saying "the South African government joins Caricom leaders in expressing deep concern regarding developments and circumstances that led to the departure of a democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, from office ... The slow response of the UN Security Council to pleas for assistance by the government of Haiti ... remains a matter of serious concern ... SA stands ready to support all efforts by Caricom to hel...
Posted: Mon, Mar 8, 2004 1:27pm PST
textAristide Plans to Sue U.S., France for Kidnap -Lawyer by repost
PARIS (Reuters) - Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide plans to sue the United States and France for allegedly kidnapping him, one of his lawyers said on Monday....
Posted: Mon, Mar 8, 2004 1:22pm PST
textTranscript of Democracy Now's Interview with Aristide by Democracy Now
At approximately 7:20 am EST, Democracy Now! managed to reach exiled Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide by cell phone in the Central African Republic. His comments represent the most extensive English-language interview Aristide has given since he was removed from office and his country....
Posted: Mon, Mar 8, 2004 9:56am PST
textSept: Globalization and the Env'tal Justice Movement: by Dr Simon Batterbury
Globalization and the Environmental Justice Movement: An ASLE/UAS Symposium September 23-25, 2004, Tucson, AZ (Call for Papers by May 31)...
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 11:39pm PST
textFour Haitians and Spanish journalist die in anti-Aristide protests by
Five people were killed and more than thirty were injured as thousands of Haitians demonstrated against Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the ousted president, in Port-au-Prince yesterday....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 9:06pm PST
textStop CAFTA, Stop the FTAA! by Global Exchange
In the face of growing opposition from developing countries in multinational forums such as CAFTA and the FTAA, the Bush administration is now turning to an emphasis on bilateral trade deals in an effort to bully our smaller Central American trade partners into accepting painful concessions on trade....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 2:40pm PST
textHAITI ACTION ALERT: Aristide Under Lock & Key, U.S. Delegation Says by ANSWER
"We were stopped at the gates by a guard who contacted a Central African Republic official inside the building. A representative of the Central African Republic came out to speak with us," Ives reported. "We asked to go in to visit President Aristide and were told we could not. We asked if he could come out to see us, and we were told no. We asked if we could send in a note or our phone number, and we were told no. The official then told us that he had spoken with the Minister ...
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 1:02pm PST
textStop CAFTA, Stop the FTAA! by Global Exchange
In the face of growing opposition from developing countries in multinational forums such as CAFTA and the FTAA, the Bush administration is now turning to an emphasis on bilateral trade deals in an effort to bully our smaller Central American trade partners into accepting painful concessions on trade....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 12:17pm PST
textU.S. and France Kiss and Make Up, Haitian Democracy Dies by Press Action
Leave it to the New York Times to turn the bloody overthrow of a democratically elected President into a veritable love story. In an article published on March 3 entitled "U.S. and France Set Aside Differences in Effort to Resolve Haiti Conflict" the newspaper of record reported that "the joint diplomacy over Haiti is a dramatic example of how the longtime allies can set aside differences, find common ground, play to their strengths and even operate in an atmosphere of trust.&q...
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 11:47am PST
textHAITI: Washington was behind `coup’ says Aristide by Green Left
“The Haitian constitution is working”, US President George Bush told the media on March 1. It might seem an odd way to describe a country overrun by armed thugs and, now, foreign troops, and whose elected president has been kidnapped and spirited away. But what Bush meant was that the Haitian constitution is now working to the benefit of Washington's elite....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 11:45am PST
textHaiti: Washington's Tar Baby by Jamaica Observer
Aristide is not the first Haitian leader to have been kidnapped by the US. In 1915, they arrested and exiled (to Jamaica) Dr Rosalvo Bobo, who was not only a noted physician but also the leader of the Haitian majority party, and was scheduled to be formally elected as president by the Haitian Parliament....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 11:43am PST
textBefore fall of Aristide, Haiti hit by aid cutoff by Globe
WASHINGTON -- For three years, the US government, the European Union, and international banks have blocked $500 million in aid to Haiti's government, ravaging the economy of a nation already twice as poor as any in the Western Hemisphere....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 11:41am PST
textBush Must Go by Christ Knows, PhD
This is an article about expressed views by half the country. Thanks Be To God!...
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 10:35am PST
textRevealed: Shocking new evidence of the dangers of GM crops by
Genetically modified strains have contaminated two-thirds of all crops in US...
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 10:11am PST
textNational Conference of Black Lawyers Blasts Kidnapping of Aristide by
NCBL stands firmly in support of President Aristide, and we offer our full support to those courageous members of the Congressional Black Caucus and others who have dared to defy the U.S. political establishment and expose the lies of the Bush Administration and its lackeys in the corporate mass media....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 10:08am PST
text3/6 AHP News on Haiti by Michelle Karshan
Guy Philippe’s rebels are still armed; supporters of the platform and Lavalas supporters are getting ready to demonstrate...
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 10:03am PST
textHAITI: Another US foreign policy tragedy by Jamaica Gleaner
THE UNITED States has registered yet another foreign policy tragedy in a long series of such episodes in the world, particularly in the Latin American region, long considered its sphere of influence....
Posted: Sat, Mar 6, 2004 11:02pm PST
textDefeat for Democracy: Haiti and the US by Axis Of Logic
PRESIDENT Jean-Bertrand Aristide's exile from Haiti represents a defeat for democracy and a victory for the island's brutal elite, supported by the US Republican right....
Posted: Sat, Mar 6, 2004 10:59pm PST
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