Police State
Police State
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textWhat andrew jackson feared is bearing fruits by Andrew Jackson!
Bank Veto Message, July 10, 1832...
Posted: Wed, Oct 9, 2002 3:43pm PDT
textOakland Animal Shelter Abusing its Animals! by Laura Beck
The Oakland Animal Shelter is blatantly abusing the animals it presumably protects....
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 5:59pm PDT
textFlashpoints Oct 4: 'Freedom'.. Oakland police.. Queer activists.. Forum on Peace by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio Oct 4, 2002: -new book, 'FREEDOM', a history of black America in photograghs and essays; w author Manning Marable.. -Oakland Riders police scandal; w civil rights attorney, Van Jones -Not In Our Name demonstrations around the country this Sunday.....
Posted: Sun, Oct 6, 2002 2:52am PDT
textThe Ugly Truth: A Theory Into A Possible Police Cover-up by janedoe187x4
Did the Vallejo Police Department supply a suspected mass murderer with the knife used to kill a 5-year old child and was there a subsequent police cover-up?...
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 12:11pm PDT
textwhat can we do about terrorism? by citizen7
Remove the desperation, give them some hope, and support for terrorism will evaporate. At that point bin Laden will be forced to abandon terrorism (as has Arafat) or be treated like a common criminal. Either way, he and his money cease to be a threat. We CAN have security ... or we can have revenge. We cannot have both....
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 12:39am PDT
Let them know what you think abouttheir actions against legal protesters....
Posted: Sat, Sep 28, 2002 11:48am PDT
textNew police violence photos (by Latuff) by Latuff
Copyright-free for educational/informative purposes....
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 8:05am PDT
textAnother DEA Terrorist raid on sick & dying by aztc
Posted: Wed, Sep 25, 2002 8:18am PDT
textFederal Crackdown on California Medical Marijuana Sparks Criticism, Protest by Heidi Lypps
The month of September has seen a dramatic escalation of the War on Drugs in California, with DEA raids on two leading medical marijuana dispensaries....
Posted: Tue, Sep 17, 2002 1:35pm PDT
textCountertactics Needed (take 2) by hmm
"...we cannot let this challenging tactic work anymore. there must be some countertactics we can think of & enact to stop this, because to me, it's getting very obvious when one of them shows him/herself...any HELPFUL feedback much appreciated. this movement is phenomenal and it must survive..."...
Posted: Sun, Sep 15, 2002 3:52pm PDT
textthe ONLY GOOD COP IS A DEAD COP by 207
one little question?...
Posted: Sun, Sep 15, 2002 5:58am PDT
textOakland Youth Against Iraq War and Police at Home by anarchoreposter
Hundreds of youth from the Bay Area will gather to speak out against sending troops to Iraq and adding 100 more cops to the Oakland police force....
Posted: Fri, Sep 13, 2002 2:30pm PDT
textEMERGENCY!!! MOVE Organization Under Attack! by Hans Bennett by Hans Bennett
We have a real emergency on our hands here in Philadelphia. Today, the Camden County Court denied MOVE’s restraining order on John Gilbride (the biological father of 6 year old Zack Africa) and upheld Pennsylvania Judge New’s decision to give Gilbride partial custody (without the mother, Alberta Africa’s supervision). This is very bad news....
Posted: Mon, Sep 9, 2002 11:07pm PDT
textPeople become police because- by David Arthur Johnston
Posted: Wed, Sep 4, 2002 11:01am PDT
text All Governments Preserve Themselves by Holding the Individual Down. by H. L.
H. L. Mencken quote....
Posted: Tue, Sep 3, 2002 10:57am PDT
text When Only Cops Have Guns, It's Called A Police State! by maney
Quote by Thomas Jefferson and ?....
Posted: Tue, Sep 3, 2002 10:44am PDT
text Americans Today Must Obey 30 Times as many Laws... by ellen
From the book "Lost Rights" by James Bovard....
Posted: Tue, Sep 3, 2002 10:02am PDT
text Duty of Patriots: Dissent, Rebellion & Hell-raising. by Barbara
Barbara Ehrenreich quote....
Posted: Tue, Sep 3, 2002 9:47am PDT
textAt $1 Each, Police Cars With Corporate Logos Are A Deal For Florida Town by Catharine Skipp, The Washington Post
In these days of budget-cutting and creative financing, a Florida Panhandle town commission has voted to purchase 15 police cruisers for only $ 15 -- resplendent with corporate sponsors....
Posted: Mon, Sep 2, 2002 8:05pm PDT
textThe Golden rRule applies to EVERYONE HERE! by k
Nobdy is exempt from the Golden Rule! Not even God Fearing Christians and Jewish Zionists!...
Posted: Fri, Aug 30, 2002 11:50am PDT
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