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Newsitem List

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textWhy is the Indymedia network ignoring the call for a 9.11 investigation? by portland indymedia editorial team
despite a severe paucity of evidence for the "official story" of what happened on 9.11, as presented by the defense industry-owned corporate media and an unelected governement, there has been little coverage of the call for an independent 9.11 investigation on the indymedia network. why?...
Posted: Fri, May 3, 2002 12:02pm PDT
From the book "101 THings to Do Til the Revolution" by Claire Wolfe....
Posted: Fri, May 3, 2002 10:04am PDT
textT-Rex on the Embarcadero by alison
A huge blow-up T-Rex in downtown San Francisco protests the cutting of old growth forests....
Posted: Fri, May 3, 2002 10:00am PDT
textTony Blair shuts up... by SNIPE
Tony Blair : Game Over?...
Posted: Fri, May 3, 2002 9:51am PDT
textAIDS Activists' Charges Dismissed by MIchael Petrelis
AIDS Activists' Charges Dismissed...
Posted: Fri, May 3, 2002 8:01am PDT
imageWhere is my MTV?! (cartoon by Latuff)
by Latuff
United States has fucked my life since I was a least they gimme MTV!!!...
Posted: Fri, May 3, 2002 7:35am PDT
textIsrael Shamir Supports LePen, Attacks Jews in General by Tim Hall
Included in the post below: the anti-Zionist Israeli journalist Israel Shamir's 4-23-02 article supporting the French fascist LePen and condemning Jewish people as a whole, an answer by Tim Hall, editor of Struggle magazine, Shamir's reply to his critics, and Hall's answer to this reply. These materials discuss important issues at this critical moment for Palestine and the solidarity movement....
Posted: Fri, May 3, 2002 1:03am PDT
textNew Site Launch: by Brian Salter
Based on hundreds of hours of research, has been launched to provide a resource for those who wish to hear a fair and comprehensive argument of the case for prior knowledge and government complicity in 9/11, as well as discussion of other issues related to the continuing "War on Terrorism"....
Posted: Fri, May 3, 2002 12:30am PDT
textThe Jenin Massacre Gallery by Storm Bear Williams
We keep hearing the comforting stories on the nightly news, assuring us that no massacre occurred in Jenin. The U.N. murmurs in soft, loving tones in an effort to convince us that no massacre ever happened and it was all Palestinian propaganda. Sadly, the photos tell a different story....
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 9:46pm PDT
textIN MEMORIAM: GEN. ALEXANDER LEBED, 1950-2002 by Srdja Trifkovic
"Russia doesn't have an army anymore. It has only toy soldiers, formations of boys with no capacity."...
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 9:24pm PDT
imageSatellite pictures will tell the truth at Jenin
by brightpathvideo
A consumer version of spy satellites can be found at Military satellites have thousands of times the resolving power as these consumer versions. Someone knows what really happened at Jenin....
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 9:23pm PDT
textThe Shortwave Report 5/3/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! by Dan Roberts
A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.5MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Cuba, and Germany....
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 6:48pm PDT
imageA Prayer to Mark the National Day of Prayer
by Deivid's Thang
Oh Great White Blonde Jesus™. . . forsaken bohemian shepherd of fishy bearded men, twice slapped cheeky pacifist, mystic carpenter terrorist, one-time "enemy of the state," behold the End Time’s degeneracy of your legend! Rub a dub dub! You are as much a tool of the rabid packs of Politico-Wolves that plague America today as you were to the Roman variation in your own time.... For the rest of this solemn prayer feel free to visit
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 6:35pm PDT
textActivist’s Home is Invaded by Police on May 1st by by Harpo - CMI BRASIL
The home of the activist named A. S. (name initials) was invaded this morning by four Civil Police officers. The accusation: an anonymous tip left at their “0800” phone line stating that he had in his possession arms and drugs....
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 5:56pm PDT
videoMusic Video from RTS Berkeley 4/30/02 (video/x-pn-realvideo 842.5KB) by Dan Mattson
5.5 minute Music Video from Reclaim the Streets, Berkeley, 4/30/02. MayPole and Fire Dance at College and Ashby....
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 5:36pm PDT
text5/7 Rally & Direct Action for Palestine by eye be em
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 5:36pm PDT
textHistory of Israel from an anarchist perspective by fifth estate
History of Israel from an anarchist perspective...
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 5:13pm PDT
textAngry He/She Frogs Seek Legal Suit by Deivid's Thang
According to recent geographical surveys amphibious, hermaphroditic communities are inexplicably on the rise throughout many US states. These strange new creatures are turning up everywhere. On every other lily pad letting rest a mutational multitude of male and female genitalia packed between only two frog legs, and no one at the EPA seems to know why.... For the rest of this article feel free to visit . Thank you & enjoy....
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 4:58pm PDT
imageNew Israel national flag (by Latuff)
by Latuff
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle for independence....
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 4:58pm PDT
imageRebels shoot down jet?
by The Manila Times/Yahoo
The F-5 was participating in the joint military exercises with U.S. counterpart dubbed "Balikatan" when it exploded in mid-air and showering the ground with its debris....
Posted: Thu, May 2, 2002 3:38pm PDT
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