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Police State
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Newsitem List

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imageUCB Tree-sitters dig in
by Limb
UCB completes barbed-wire fence. Two sets of fences enclose the tree-sitters. UCPD Arresting supporters who hand up supplies. Bright & noisy gas-generator powered lights illuminate grove all night long. UCB seeking to cut branches over sidewalk to further isolate tree-sitters. 1 video, "Grove after dark" - 15 seconds...
Posted: Mon, Nov 19, 2007 8:12pm PST
textEric McDavid - Hunger Strike, Day 10 by Sacramento Prisoner Support
Eric is still being denied vegan food and proper medical care......
Posted: Sun, Nov 18, 2007 10:45pm PST
textJoin Harry Belafonte-Call for an end to child incarceration! by Jakada Imani, Books Not Bars (list)
Every year, the nation's largest network of parents of incarcerated children meets to determine the agenda for the coming year. This year, the Families for Books Not Bars Conference is joining forces with "The Gathering," a national movement spearheaded by Harry Belafonte dedicated to ending child incarceration. It takes place in Oakland this weekend, November 17 and 18....
Posted: Sat, Nov 17, 2007 8:24pm PST
imageGrowing Threat of Martial Law Radio Show with Frank Morales, Nov. 19, 7-9 pm
by Carol Brouillet
Local activist, Carol Brouillet, will interview Frank Morales, a leader in the New York 9/11 Truth Movement and an award winning journalist whose area of expertise is the militarization of the police and preparations for military rule in the US....
Posted: Sat, Nov 17, 2007 3:46pm PST
imageSuicide City
by Sara Olson
This is Sara Olson’s latest article about life on the other side of the prison walls. It is about the reason why there is such a high suicide rate in prisons....
Posted: Sat, Nov 17, 2007 1:58pm PST
textEric McDavid - Day 6 of Hunger Strike - Your Help Needed! by Sacramento Prisoner Support
The jail is still denying Eric vegan food and adequate medical care......
Posted: Wed, Nov 14, 2007 6:15am PST
textEric McDavid - Day 5 of Hunger Strike by Sacramento Prisoner Support
Eric demands vegan food for future vegan prisoners.......
Posted: Tue, Nov 13, 2007 12:43am PST
textEric is Now on Hunger Strike - Your Help Needed! by Sac Prisoner Support from Saturday
The doctor (a different doctor than the one he saw earlier in the day) took his vitals and acknowledged that he had pericarditis in the spring. She asked him if this felt like the same thing, and Eric said that it did....
Posted: Mon, Nov 12, 2007 5:47pm PST
textCoonerty Watch on the Sidewalk Downtown and Sleeping Ban Debate on Community TV Sunday by Robert Norse
Balloting on SCPD Racial/Class Profiling Continues Downtown Today in Front of the Bookshop Santa Cruz at 2 PM at 1520 Pacific Avenue. Tonight at 7 PM on Community TV's Voices from the Village Live! Louis La Fortune hosts a discussion (debate?) on the Santa Cruz City Sleeping Ban (MC 6.36.010a) between Vice-Mayor Ryan Coonerty, ACLU attorney Don Zimmerman, and Sleeping Ban Lawsuit lawyer Kate Wells on Channel 27....
Posted: Sun, Nov 11, 2007 5:43am PST
calendarJustice for Gary King Jr.- Protest at City Hall by
Oakland City Hall (Frank Ogawa Plaza)...
Event Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2007 3:00pm PST
Posted: Sat, Nov 10, 2007 1:03pm PST
textJustice4GaryKingJr. weekly protest every Thursday downtown Oakland, city Hall ! by mesha MOnge-Irizarry
On September 20 2007, while thousands marched in Jena, Gary King Jr., innocent Black Youth, 20, was taseredm tortured and shot twoce in the back by officer Patrick Gonzalez, while Gary Jr. horrified friends watched powerlessly, yet another case of "mistaken identity"...
Posted: Sat, Nov 10, 2007 2:07am PST
textSome thoughts about Halloween next year. by [Just Thinking Out Loud]
The weekly SF queer papers are full of Castro Merchant Types (a Queer Nation of Shopkeepers?), gloating about their dominance of "the community"... when really, they just relied on threats of police brutality to scare hundreds of thousands of revelers away from "their" property. So hot. Oh, sure, they're going to "let" us party next year. Promises, promises, and from politicians at that. You know, we used to chant, "Whose effin streets?" Well, the results are in....
Posted: Sat, Nov 10, 2007 12:00am PST
imageVictims of Violence at LRDP Resistance Protest
by ~Bradley
Photographs of people victimized by police brutality during the protest against UCSC's Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) on November 7th. The first nine photos show the eyes of people attacked with pepper spray. The tenth image is of the bloody gash on top of a young women's head who reports she was tackled by at least one cop. She suffered a concussion from the incident. The last four photos are banners from the rally and march....
Posted: Fri, Nov 9, 2007 4:39pm PST
textPress Release: Police Attempt to Infiltrate Tree-sit by
Thursday night police attempted to spy on the UCSC tree-sit and were foiled when protesters learned of their plans. A student saw a man in his early 20's get out of a police car and get on a bike heading towards the tree-sit. The student then called friends at the tree-sit, who confronted the man and asked him to leave....
Posted: Fri, Nov 9, 2007 4:10pm PST
imagecop watch: Brian Hughes at LRDP Protest
by be aware
UCSC Police Officer Brian Hughes was photographed acting overly violent in yet another UCSC protest. Seen here, in a photo by Phil Carter (City on a Hill Press), Hughes has his arm around the neck of a protester....
Posted: Thu, Nov 8, 2007 11:18pm PST
videoCop Watch Downtown Santa Cruz. November (video/x-ms-wmv 8.6MB) by Tim Rumford
Cop Watch of arrests of any individual on the mall, homeless citations, instances of selective enforcement, police misconduct e, destruction of property. etc....
Posted: Thu, Nov 8, 2007 9:01pm PST
imagePolice Brutalizing UCSC Students
by --
Police pepper-spray and club student demonstrators on November 7 2007...
Posted: Thu, Nov 8, 2007 3:39pm PST
imageShame on Dianne Feinstein!
by Jes Richardson (e-mail repost)
In an e-mail, Jes Richardson of Code Pink and the Gandhi Peace Brigade explains how he was arrested for yelling "Shame!" at San Francisco's Senator Dianne Feinstein who helped comfirm Michael Mukasey, George W. Bish's pick to be U.S. Attorney General....
Posted: Thu, Nov 8, 2007 1:59pm PST
textOne Arrested, as Activists Occupy Trees to Oppose UCSC Expansion by LRDP Resistance
Tree-sitters take to redwoods at site of proposed Biomedical Sciences building. Press Conference Wednesday , Nov.7, 2007, 10am Science Hill parking lot #121...
Posted: Wed, Nov 7, 2007 9:15am PST
document2007 Holiday Appeal for Class-War Prisoners (12/2)
by Partisan Defense Committee
22nd annual Holiday Appeal supports political prisoners Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier, Jamal Hart, Hugo Pinell, Chuck Africa, Michael Africa, Debbie Africa, Janet Africa, Janine Africa, Delbert Africa, Eddie Africa, Phil Africa, Jaan Laaman, Thomas Manning, Ed Poindexter, Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa....
Posted: Sat, Nov 3, 2007 3:19pm PDT
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