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Global Justice
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Newsitem List

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textGeorge "WMD-Weasel of Mass Deception" wimps out on N. Korea by DLi
After North Korea defiantly told the Commander Chickenhawk-in-Chief & his Cabal of mad C.O.W.s(Coalition of Oily Warmongers) that it has nukes and intends to use them, if the Washington Terrorists dares to invade the DPRK, the wimpie White House Village Idiot--with his Imperail Army suffering over 50,000 evacuees from the Iraquagmire--was forced to mumble some humble-pie mutterings about getting N. Korea back to the negotiating table......
Posted: Thu, Feb 10, 2005 12:41pm PST
textNew Roseville Food Not Bombs by community
a new chapter of Food Not Bombs started yesterday in Placer County....
Posted: Thu, Feb 10, 2005 12:04pm PST
textChronicle of Actions Against Global Capitalism by Pete Rocket
A short descriptions of actions against blood-sucking capitalist parasites....
Posted: Thu, Feb 10, 2005 2:59am PST
textNoam Chomsky discusses Bush and Strategies to Control the 'Beast' by Noam Chomsky Znet
Imperial Presidency: Strategies to Control the Great Beast By Noam Chomsky It goes without saying that what happens in the U.S. has an enormous impact on the rest of the world-and conversely: what happens in the rest of the world cannot fail to have an impact on the U.S., in several ways. First, it sets constraints on what even the most powerful state can do. Second, it influences the domestic U.S. component of "the second superpower," as the New York Times ruefully describ...
Posted: Wed, Feb 9, 2005 6:03pm PST
textWalMart to close store rather than allow unionization by repost
Wal-Mart to close store over union threat. Retail giant shuttering Quebec location due to labor demands....
Posted: Wed, Feb 9, 2005 4:30pm PST
imageReaching For the Sky, South of the Slot
by Marc Norton
Sometimes the Hearst Corporation's Chronicle actually has some interesting tidbits, though you might have to dig for them. Consider the last paragraph of an article in Friday's business section, trumpeting the summer opening of a new luxury hotel at Third and Mission: "It used to be, in San Francisco, if you weren't behaving, you'd be told, 'You're going to end up on the corner of Third and Mission,'" said the new hotel's general manager. "Now, if you're at Third and Mission, y...
Posted: Wed, Feb 9, 2005 8:45am PST
text3/13: Anti-imperialist contingent at St. Patrick's Day Parade in San Francisco by IRSCNA
The Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America's San Francisco Bay Area chapter will again be participating in the San Francisco St. Patrick's Day Parade and is once again organising an Anti-Imperialist Contingent as part of its participation....
Posted: Tue, Feb 8, 2005 6:21pm PST
textBob Black attack on Ward Churchill by Bob Black (repost)
Mega long slam of Ward Churchill by Bob Black...
Posted: Tue, Feb 8, 2005 1:41am PST
textDAAA Collective Benefit Show by DAAA Collective
Benifit Show for DAAA Collective on Feb. 26th, Turlock CA....
Posted: Tue, Feb 8, 2005 12:04am PST
textThe myth of capitalist efficiency by PWW (reposted)
The Great Depression shattered the myth that capitalism—a for-profit market economy—constituted a fail-safe, efficient system of economic organization. Before the Great Crash and the free fall of the world economies (excepting the Soviet Union), orthodoxy insisted that the marketplace was a rational, self-correcting mechanism, that markets might stumble, but in the long run they would deliver the most efficient distribution of goods and services....
Posted: Mon, Feb 7, 2005 9:58pm PST
textWorld Conscience as a Superpower by Hilary Wainwright
A revolution in thinking against mechanical models of action and knowledge has occurred in the past 30 years..The new thinking about knowledge and society understands non-linear, non-instrumental and non-rational dimensions....
Posted: Mon, Feb 7, 2005 8:25am PST
text Ghosts of G8 haunt Genoa by BBC (reposted)
More than 70 Italian police officers, many of them senior commanders, are about to go on trial accused of orchestrating a campaign of police brutality at the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001 and then organising a huge cover-up....
Posted: Sun, Feb 6, 2005 5:31pm PST
text"A Subtle Form of Hypocrisy" by Lydia Kruger
Between 1980 and 2003, $1.8 trillion in interests alone flowed from the South to the North. the heavy debts of developing countries more than tripled inthis time period....
Posted: Sat, Feb 5, 2005 11:13am PST
textChiapas Events in Sacramento, Davis and Santa Rosa by Dan Bacher
Don't miss the Chiapas Support Committee Northern California Tour with Ramon Penate Diaz and Miguel Pickard!...
Posted: Sat, Feb 5, 2005 10:24am PST
text Protesters hold Nigeria oil plant by BBC (reposted)
Hundreds of men and women have invaded an oil installation operated by Chevron Texaco in Nigeria's Delta region....
Posted: Fri, Feb 4, 2005 11:16pm PST
imageMake Poverty History Rally
by miasmic
On February 3, 2005, thousands of people gathered in Trafalgar Square in London to demand the elimination of world poverty from the G7. Nelson Mandela delivered the keynote speech adjacent from the South African embassy, the site of anti-apartheid demonstrations during Mr. Mandela’s imprisonment....
Posted: Fri, Feb 4, 2005 5:48pm PST
textChiapas Support Calendar of Events by Zapatista solidaridad
Ramon Peñate Díaz, La Red de Defensores Comunitarios por los Derechos Humanos (the Network of Community Defenders for Human Rights), Chiapas, Mexico And Miguel Pickard, Center for Economic and Political Research for Community Action (CIEPAC), Chiapas, Mexico will be talking at these events.....
Posted: Fri, Feb 4, 2005 4:47pm PST
imageDay of Coordinated Action Against Mountain Top Removal: Help
by Roadkill Unites Us
This is a call out to all those who want to help get active in mountain top removal...There is a coordinated day of action nati0onally taking place on Bebruary 10th. Get wild! Get active!...
Posted: Fri, Feb 4, 2005 8:08am PST
textThe FTA and Peru: Description and Analysis by Tierra Insurgente
This is an analysis of the FTA and its implication in Peru....
Posted: Thu, Feb 3, 2005 1:01pm PST
textWhy America does not win hearts by Dr M S Jillani
It is almost three years since some American outfits started the quest for the reasons behind United States' unpopularity all over the world. Global polls were held to determine the degree of dislike in various parts of the globe. The results must have surprised many in Washington: it wasn't just the Muslims -- even the Europeans did not trust their ally....
Posted: Thu, Feb 3, 2005 6:37am PST
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