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Newsitem List

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textMeasure H will fund Police 4x more than fixing roads by Becky Johnson
This 1/4 cent sales tax increase proposal is hawked as a measure to repair potholes and damaged roads. But only 9% is earmarked for Public Works while 37% will go to the best-paid department in the City of Santa Cruz: the police...
Posted: Sun, Nov 5, 2006 11:57am PST
imageThe District 10 Community Speaks with its Candidates
by Lindsay Robinson/PoorNewsNetwork
Poverty Scholars and residents of District 10 meet and question their candidates at POOR Magazine's Community Newsroom...
Posted: Sun, Nov 5, 2006 11:10am PST
textViet American Votes May Swing San Jose Election by New American Media (reposted)
Ten days before the runoff election for mayor in San Jose, between Vice Mayor Cindy Chavez and Councilmember Chuck Reed, both registered democrats, the race is too close to call....
Posted: Sun, Nov 5, 2006 10:01am PST
imageIs it Possible to have Fair and Accurate Elections in Fresno?
Some insights into electronic voting and the voting process in Fresno County.
by Mike Rhodes
Some insights into electronic voting and the voting process in Fresno County....
Posted: Sat, Nov 4, 2006 6:59pm PST
textSF: Vote this Weekend at City Hall; P&F & Green are peace parties by }
Openly anti-abortion, pro-war Democrats are being proudly supported by the Democratic Party in this year's congressional elections, guaranteeing no change if the Democrats become the majority in Congress. That is why it is always best to vote your conscience, either Red or Green, if you want peace, abortion rights, no death penalty and much more....
Posted: Fri, Nov 3, 2006 11:42pm PST
textGreen Party Election Recommendations! by Green Party of Alameda County
Here are the Green Party of Alameda County recommendations for the election. (For the S.F. Green Party local recommendations, please see: )...
Posted: Fri, Nov 3, 2006 5:10pm PST
imageCrashing the Party
by Carol Brouillet
Congressional Candidate Carol Brouillet describes the challenges she and other 9-11 Truth, Impeachment, Peace candidates experience trying to get their message out to the public....
Posted: Fri, Nov 3, 2006 9:54am PST
textWebb, Tester and Angelides: The Best and Worst Campaigns of 2006 by Randy Shaw, Beyond Chron (reposted)
Thanks to,, and, political junkies can now closely assess the campaign strategies of key state and national races. When Virginia Senator George Allen uses a racial slur, or his staff assaults a Webb campaign volunteer, the event can be seen on the Internet within hours. These and other sites also enable us to get activists’ up to the minute campaign reports, rather than having news about breaking campaign events filtered and distorted by the media. Based on m...
Posted: Fri, Nov 3, 2006 7:00am PST
imageBerkeley Against ELECTION LIES from Chamber of Commerce (save Kriss and Dona...) PHOTOS
by Local Resident who Cares
Outrageous election lies funded by Berkeley's Chamber of Commerce were protested Wednesday, November 2, 2006 in front of old City Hall in Berkeley, CA at Noon. The Chamber has put forth numerous well-funded hit pieces for developer-friendly candidates, in an effort to unseat two of the nation's most progressive city council candidates. The agenda of the Chamber, based on what this reporter has learned, appears to be at the very least: evictions for development; police abuses for cultura...
Posted: Thu, Nov 2, 2006 6:36pm PST
videoII. IMPEACHMENT CARNIVAL OF HORRORS - Krissy Keefer, Carol Wolman & Peter Phillips (video/quicktime 35.2MB) by Bill Carpenter
IMPEACH BUSH/CHENEY held an Impeachment Carnival of Horrors outside Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's office in San Francisco on Oct. 31st and delivered petitions with 12,000+ names demanding that Pelosi take the lead in having the House of Representatives impeach George W. Bush. Krissy Keefer is the Green Party's nominee against Pelosi; Carol Wolman is running for the House in District One as a nonpartisan write-in candidate; and, Peter Phillips leads Project Censored at Sonoma State University....
Posted: Thu, Nov 2, 2006 4:44pm PST
textYellow button on California voting machines permits multiple votes by Bradblog
"Just push the yellow button and you can vote as many times as you want," Tom Courbat, an Election Integrity advocate from Riverside County, California informed The BRAD BLOG tonight. Not that we're in any mood to report more such stories, but this seems to be a big one. A very big one....
Posted: Thu, Nov 2, 2006 1:20pm PST
textRepublicans in Last-Minute Push to Elect Rob Black by Paul Hogarth, Beyond Chron (reposted)
In danger of losing control of Congress, Republicans nationwide are warning that if Democrats win, “San Francisco values” will govern the country. But that hasn’t stopped them from getting involved in San Francisco politics – as part of Karl Rove’s infamous “72 Hour Strategy” to get out the Republican vote. The Republican Party has stepped into the District 6 Supervisors’ race, and has sent a mailing to Party members urging the defeat of Chris Daly – while promoting challengers Rob Black and ...
Posted: Thu, Nov 2, 2006 8:50am PST
textCode Pink Action Alert: by Dan Bacher
Code Pink is working hard to get out the peace vote - and is outraged about a quote in the Sacramento Bee by a Charlie Brown campaign representative that "Code Pink does not belong in the 4th District." Here's what you can do, courtesy of this action alert from Code Pink:...
Posted: Wed, Nov 1, 2006 8:45pm PST
textBattle for Democracy in District 6 by Christina Aanestad
San Francisco District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly is being challenged for his seat on the board. Daly, a former housing rights activist was elected to the board of supervisors in 2000 and re-elected in 2002. He has been a champion for affordable housing in district 6. Rob Black, a former aide to Supervisor Michaela Alioto-Pier is running on a conservative platform, supporting tenancy in commons and home ownership. Daly has accused wealthy interests downtown of illegally funding campaign atta...
Posted: Wed, Nov 1, 2006 6:44pm PST
videoI. IMPEACHMENT CARNIVAL OF HORRORS - The Raging Grannies (video/quicktime 29.8MB) by Bill Carpenter
IMPEACH BUSH/CHENEY held an Impeachment Carnival of Horrors outside Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's office in San Francisco on Oct. 31st and delivered petitions with 12,000+ names demanding that Pelosi take the lead in having the House of Representatives impeach George W. Bush. The Raging Grannies were there. Three-minute QT 7 movie. 30MB....
Posted: Wed, Nov 1, 2006 10:30am PST
textRepublicans on the Run: Education and Anti-War Rally Nov. 1 noon by Dan Bacher
Bill Durston will speak at the education and anti-war rally at CSU Sacramento on Wednesday, Nov. 1, 12 noon....
Posted: Tue, Oct 31, 2006 11:04am PST
textBerkeley Race Reveals Similar Tactics Used Against Daly by Paul Hogarth, Beyond Chron (reposted)
In San Francisco and Berkeley, progressive incumbents are under siege by heavily-funded campaigns for being “soft on crime.” In San Francisco, Supervisor Chris Daly has been barraged with hit-pieces by the Police Officers Association and challenger Rob Black. In Berkeley, City Councilman Kriss Worthington is on the receiving end of the most expensive campaign in that city’s history. Like Black, Worthington’s challenger (George Beier) has blamed the incumbent for a high crime rate in the Distr...
Posted: Tue, Oct 31, 2006 7:22am PST
textNov 1: John Nichols Speaks on by Jon Garfield
John Nichols discusses his new book, "The Genius of Impeachment: The Founders’ Cure for Royalism" - Wednesday, November 1st at 7 PM, New College Cultural Center 766 Valencia St., San Francisco. FREE!...
Posted: Mon, Oct 30, 2006 1:24pm PST
textDistrict 6 Supervisors Race Goes Down to Wire by Randy Shaw, Beyond Chron (reposted)
For the first time since San Francisco reinstated district elections in 2000, an incumbent supervisor is not assured of victory a week before Election Day. Since downtown businesses, BOMA, the Plumbers Union, the Police Officers Association, and other opponents of Supervisor Chris Daly have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on mailers attacking him, Daly’s negatives have been raised enough to put his once-certain re-election in doubt. In a district where only 13,000 residents cast ballot...
Posted: Mon, Oct 30, 2006 6:19am PST
textLeave No District Behind: S.F. Progressives Should Run for Every Seat by Paul Hogarth, Beyond Chron (reposted)
In the October 19th edition of Beyond Chron, I explained that Democrats will probably take back Congress this year because, unlike in the past, they have aggressively fielded candidates in almost every district. Initially criticized as foolish and a waste of resources, Howard Dean’s “Fifty State Strategy” has been such a success that, along with the national climate, Republicans now have to defend their seats in places like Idaho. In the final weeks before Election Day, San Francisco progress...
Posted: Fri, Oct 27, 2006 7:54am PDT
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