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textIsrael's Image Problem by Linda Heard
In an attempt to soften the brutal reality for the gradually awakening American public, two U.S. Jewish groups--the American Jewish Committee and Israel 21C--have paid for an ad campaign set to air on 100 American cable television networks. [And guess who's paying for it, You.]...
Posted: Wed, Oct 9, 2002 7:53pm PDT
textFisk: What the US President wants us to forget by leaf
Remember to use the word "terror". Use it about Saddam Hussein, use it about Osama bin Laden, use it about Yasser Arafat, use it about anyone who opposes Israel or America. Bush used it in his speech yesterday, 30 times in half an hour – that's one "terrorism" a minute....
Posted: Wed, Oct 9, 2002 12:32am PDT
textFlashpoints Oct 8: Case against war; South Africa against Israel apartheid; ILWU by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio Oct 8, 2002: -Robert Knight and the Knight Report (5 min) -The Case Against War, w Professor Stephen Zunes (14 min) -South African anti-apartheid veterans target Israel (15 min) -Bush invokes Taft Hartley against West Coast ILWU (17 min)...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 11:26pm PDT
textThe Democrats have wimped out, the Republicans are in neocons' pocket-it's up to us now by Justin Raimondo
There are two main cheerleading sections for the conquest of Iraq, and for a concise description of the forces at work here I would check out Bill Moyers interviewing Ron Paul: "I think there's a lot of influence behind the scenes for this war dealing with oil interests (and this would influence both sides of the aisle) and, as much as people want to admit it, I really think that Israel and our support for Israel has an influence in our overall policy." Those who haven't been ...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 10:03pm PDT
textAIPAC Summit Protest by dc repost
According to, Israeli political action committees in the United States have spent $41.3 million dollars lobbying since 1990, while Pro-palestinian groups have spent under $300 thousand in the same time period....
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 11:56pm PDT
textIsrael Shoots Missle Into Crowd, Machineguns Hospital, 14 Dead, 100 by Spice
Another Day In The Mideast. Israel ("The Brave Little Democracy") shoots missles into crowd and machineguns crowd waiting in front of hospital. 14 dead (so far), over 100 wounded, many of whom are expected to die....
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 2:24pm PDT
textTwelve dead in Gaza raid by hggkjhg
Palestinian sources say an Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip, during which a hospital was hit, has left 12 Palestinians dead....
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 7:05am PDT
textArafat the Hunted: Low Point of Powerlessness by Edward Said
Israel's army, air force and navy, heavily subsidised by the United States, have been wreaking havoc on the totally defenceless civilian population of the occupied West Bank and Gaza strip. The Palestinians have been at the mercy of armed settlers who have been stealing their land and an army that has killed Palestinians by the thousands. And still Sharon makes the case that Israel is struggling to survive against Palestinian terrorism. Is there anything more grotesque than this claim......
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 12:53am PDT
textIsraeli [i.e. US] missile explodes in Gaza crowd by Associated Press
The Israeli missile strike came at the end of the four-hour incursion. It wasn't clear what the target was. Residents said people came out into the streets around 4:30 a.m. when they heard the tanks pulling out, but two [US built and paid for] Israeli helicopters remained overhead, and one of them fired the missile....
Posted: Sun, Oct 6, 2002 10:55pm PDT
textThe Palestinians Are No Longer Alone by John Pilger
The Palestinians are no longer alone; Israel, despite the craven intimidation of some of its supporters, has ceased to be immune from truthful media criticism [in Britain]....
Posted: Sun, Oct 6, 2002 8:59pm PDT
audioVIDEO: Jerusalem: An Occupation Set in Stone (video/x-pn-realvideo-meta 0.1KB) by FSTV
Since the Israeli government annexed East Jerusalem in 1967, it has persued a deliberate policy to limit the Palestinian population in the city, while at the same time seeking to increase the Jewish population, all against international law....
Posted: Sun, Oct 6, 2002 2:24am PDT
textYawn, Just Another Palestinian Kid Killed By Israel for Throwing Stones by Ralpho
Just more of the same (it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY!) Palestian Kids make poor Israeli Snipers kill them by Throwing stones at their tanks. WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS!!!! (stones can hurt, and imagine mental anquish of the poor nervous young Israeli snipers)....
Posted: Sat, Oct 5, 2002 7:32pm PDT
textLessons Learned by Ian Urbina
Why East Timor is the key to ending the Israeli occupation....
Posted: Sat, Oct 5, 2002 8:05am PDT
text10/10: General Strike in Israel by Socialist
A general strike is scheduled to take place in Israel commencing on a small scale on Oct 10 and broadening thereafter. The Zionist government cannot deliver both guns and butter....
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 7:23pm PDT
textIsrael Censors all Video and Photography taken in the Occupied Territories by Paul O’ Connor
Israel censors all images coming out of the territories. What you see on TV (assuming the media does not self-censor) has passed through Israeli military censors. This story chronicles one person's attempts to smuggle videotape of the siege on the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem out of Israel. Unfortunately, the person who has been holding on to the footage (23 hours worth) was so paranoid of Israeli agents that he could not be convinced that this person was not an agent. The footage ...
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 6:04pm PDT
textAnti-Israeli Voices Silenced In Congress by Joseph
Article in JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) about the silencing of anti-Israeli voices in congress....
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 3:42pm PDT
imageThe Intifada in Numbers
by citizen7
More than 1,914 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers, settlers or police since September 2000. Also counted among these are those who died as a direct result of the Israeli occupation....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 11:03pm PDT
textIsraeli Soldiers kill thirteen year old boy in full view of ISM activists by Nablus ISM
These daily occurrences would not stand the light of day if it were reported by the media -- who don't say a word about the daily killings and torture of Palestinians but freak out when an Israeli is injured or killed....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 11:00pm PDT
textWake up and Smell The Occupation by By Sam Bahour
As many Palestinians are anxiously waiting for the US to gallop across the Atlantic on a white horse to solve our woes, I prefer to appeal to my Israeli neighbors to wake up and smell the occupation, for their sake and for ours....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 10:35pm PDT
textTHE LIE MACHINE– It's working overtime to push us into war with Iraq by Justin Raimondo
An all-important aspect of the War Party's tactics is the launching of a smear campaign, designed to attribute "anti-Semitism" to any and all manifestations of antiwar sentiment. It then becomes the intellectual equivalent of Kristallnacht to say aloud what geography and common sense tell us: that this war, if not in America's best interests, is certainly of great benefit to Israel. Alex Cockburn has recently been slimed in this manner; Buchanan and Taki have been smeared with the s...
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 10:31pm PDT
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