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Newsitem List

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textPalestine: Another "generous offer" mythology in the works? by Electronic Intifada (repost)
In peace-making, as in law, business, and other areas of life, the devil is in the details. The crux of the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians is not over a Palestinian state. The "quartet" of the Middle East Road Map — Europe, Russia, the United Nations, and the United States — all agree that a Palestinian state must emerge. Even Ariel Sharon himself, the father of the settlements and a fervent proponent of the Greater Land of Israel ideology, has come to understand the...
Posted: Mon, Apr 18, 2005 12:16pm PDT
text Sharon considers withdrawal delay by reposted
Israeli PM Ariel Sharon says he is considering a three-week delay to plans to withdraw from the Gaza Strip because of Jewish religious considerations....
Posted: Mon, Apr 18, 2005 12:09pm PDT
textIsrael resumes use of naked screening by Aljazeera (reposted)
Israeli occupation forces in the southern Gaza Strip have resumed a controversial method of screening Palestinians travelling through the Rafah border crossing....
Posted: Mon, Apr 18, 2005 12:04pm PDT
imageJerusalem Area Settlement Expansion
by a l c h y m e d i a
Real Video, 23 minutes...
Posted: Sun, Apr 17, 2005 10:51pm PDT
textRemember The Prisoners by ISM
1. National Day for Prisoners by Mandela institute 2. No way to raise terrorists by Henry 3. Living and working with people under occupation By Hanna from IWPS 4. Settlers from Eli attack farmers from AsSawiya by IWPS 5. Israeli Army Attacks 14 Year old child in Bil'in...
Posted: Sun, Apr 17, 2005 2:23pm PDT
textHope by ISM
1. Bil'in Protest against the Wall - Two Internationals Arrested 2. Hope for the future by Kim 3. Palestinian stories by Mary 4. Fida from Rafah by L 5. Qawawis log book entries 26 March 2005 – present 6. Another Settler Attack in Yanoun by Hanna and Anna from IWPS...
Posted: Sat, Apr 16, 2005 8:43pm PDT
textIs a new Intifada coming? by Al-Ahram Weekly (reposted)
Sharon continues to thwart Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts while extremists vow to storm the second most sacred site of Islam, writes Khaled Amayreh in the West Bank...
Posted: Fri, Apr 15, 2005 6:42am PDT
textRewarding Atrocities, ISM Update by International Solidarity Movement
1. ISM Evaluation 2. More Poison 3. ACTION ALERT – IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! 4. International Day of Action Against Caterpillar: Bil'in 13 April 2005 5. Bil'in Demonstrates against the Annexation Wall...
Posted: Fri, Apr 15, 2005 12:39am PDT
audioisraeli War Crimes (audio/mpeg 6.3MB) by Tierra Insurgente / Intifada Al Ard
This is a summary of israeli War Crimes committed in Palestine fo rthe week ending 13 April 2005. 6mins (english)...
Posted: Thu, Apr 14, 2005 9:37am PDT
textQueer Afternoon For Palestine! by Heads Up Collective
Queer Art Meets Palestinian Art – A Queer Afternoon at Made In Palestine. Your friends in the Heads Up Collective would like to encourage you to attend this event, organized by our fellow Justice In Palestine Coalition member organization, QUIT (Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism)....
Posted: Wed, Apr 13, 2005 5:31pm PDT
textSharon Defies Bush by Juan Cole (reposted)
The AP headline gets it right: Sharon dismisses Bush Warning on Settlement Expansion....
Posted: Tue, Apr 12, 2005 2:53pm PDT
textIsraeli Journalist Amira Hass Reflects on Reporting Under Occupation by Democracy Now (reposted)
Amira Hass, the only Israeli journalist living in the Occupied Territories, joins us in our firehouse studio to discuss the current withdrawal from Gaza and expansion of settlements in the West Bank, the "apartheid system" in Israel and life in the "prison" of the Occupied Territories....
Posted: Tue, Apr 12, 2005 2:49pm PDT
imagepictures from made in palestine
by eli
pictures from the art show "made in palestine"...
Posted: Mon, Apr 11, 2005 1:38pm PDT
textIsraeli occupation forces raid Nablus by Aljazeera (reposted)
Israeli occupation troops have made an incursion into the centre of Nablus in the north of the West Bank....
Posted: Sun, Apr 10, 2005 11:27pm PDT
textIsraeli War Crimes by Tierra Insurgente / Intifada Al Ard
Another israeli War Crime in Palestine....
Posted: Sun, Apr 10, 2005 9:34pm PDT
textToday in Palestine by Tierra Insurgente / Intifada Al Ard
This is a summary of the news about Palestine....
Posted: Sun, Apr 10, 2005 8:52pm PDT
textStruggling to be self-reliant in Jenin by Live from Palestine (reposted)
Why are so many children born with mental and physical disabilities in Jenin? It is this question the staff of the Local Committee for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (LCORD) set out to answer after more than a decade of working with such children and their families....
Posted: Sun, Apr 10, 2005 5:27pm PDT
textIsraeli human rights groups condemn Sharon government’s Gaza policies by wsws (reposted)
Two prominent Israeli human rights organisations, B’tselem and HaMoked, issued a report March 29 that provided a detailed critique of the Sharon government’s ongoing oppression of the Palestinian population in Gaza. The 98-page document, titled “One Big Prison: freedom of movement to and from the Gaza Strip on the eve of the disengagement plan,” noted that there has been no significant improvement in the living conditions of Gaza residents despite the partial cessation of hostilities between ...
Posted: Sun, Apr 10, 2005 5:26pm PDT
textIsraeli troops kill Palestinian teenagers by Al Jazeera (repost)
Israeli occupation troops have fired at a group of Palestinian youths in the southern Gaza Strip, killing three teenagers....
Posted: Sat, Apr 9, 2005 10:16am PDT
imageApril 13: International Day of Action Against Caterpillar
by Stop CAT Coalition
Human Rights Groups to Demand Investigation of Israeli war crimes at Caterpillar Corporation's Annual Meeting in Chicago on April 13 - Simultaneous protests scheduled for dozens of cities around the world....
Posted: Sat, Apr 9, 2005 7:42am PDT
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