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imageGrozny and Baghdad: disturbing parallels
by Tristan Ewins
Grozny and Baghdad: disturbing parallels. What awaits Coalition troops and Iraqi citizens in Baghdad?...
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 1:47am PST
text17 civilians killed in airstikes on Basra by Al Jazeera
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 1:25am PST
image4/5 Oakland Demo -- 4 photos by Peter
by Peter Maiden
10,000 demonstrated in Oakland April 5 against the invasion of Iraq, behind the banner of the Coalition for Peace and Justice....
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 1:21am PST
documentLetter to Bush: Print Stamp and Mail
by 4peace
This is the first in a series of print, fold, and mail anti-war actions to the Bush Administration. They aren't heavy on the philosophy, they are just a simple attempt to show a the ideals common to all....
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 1:21am PST
textUS Bombs Own Convoy in N Iraq by war_sucks
US forces have bombed a convoy of American special forces and Kurdish civilians in northern Iraq...
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 1:08am PST
imageGeorge Bush: Called by God - April 5th Oakland Peace Rally
by Eric Wagner
George Bush: Called by God - April 5th Oakland Peace Rally...
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 12:44am PST
imageThe Liberty League -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally and March
by Eric Wagner
The Liberty League -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally and March...
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 12:13am PST
imagePeace Girl and World Weary Boy -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally and March
by Eric Wagner
Peace Girl and World Weary Boy -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally and March...
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 12:08am PST
imageMother Earth -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally and March
by Eric Wagner
Mother Earth -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally and March...
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 12:06am PST
imageBlessed Are the Peacemakers -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally and March
by Eric Wagner
Blessed Are the Peacemakers -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally and March...
Posted: Sun, Apr 6, 2003 12:04am PST
textMore Collateral Damage and other stuff you wont find in US media from un-in-bed-ed sources by Leslie H. Spaiser
More collected images of the war mostly from Arab press. You won't see these on US TV or in the US media....
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 11:43pm PST
textMedia hiding carnage against Iraqi people by Joseph Sobran
April 3, 2003...
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 11:33pm PST
imageBelafonte calls war for "a few, sick, powerful people" at Oakland rally
by Camille Sauvé
Approximately 10,000 marched in Oakland on Saturday to say no to war. Fiery speeches by Harry Belafonte excite the crowd....
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 10:59pm PST
imageDoes anyone know this photographer?
by aniie
Do you know this photographer? Have seen him at two rallies going through the crowd photographing the leaders of various groups....
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 10:36pm PST
200-300 US soldiers killed during the battle to restore Saddam International Airport Iraq says everything okay in Baghdad, Iraqis restored Saddam International Airport...
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 10:24pm PST
textSurprise at Iraqi People's Resistance by Socialist
One indication of the profound arrogance, ignorance and stupidity of the Nazi USA government is their claim of surprise at the resistance of the Iraqi people to the Nazi USA's invasion of their country, the bombing of their homes and the massacre of their people....
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 10:09pm PST
textNEVER AGAIN? Protest Song? by Dean Mason
While I certainly have strong feelings about the present war in Iraq, it was never my intention to slam anyone with a song I wrote after 911. Racism, bigotry, hate...all things that bother me deeply. It's unfortunate to be accused of those very things....
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 10:04pm PST
by diniz
international dangerous terrorists...
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 9:40pm PST
imagePowell Prevails Over Rumsfeld: Bad Guy Chalabi Wont Succeed Hussein!
by Vince
What can be said of Chalabi? Actually a lot has been said. He's a millionaire capitalist, an embezzler, and atrocity exhibiter, who while chronicling the many crimes of Saddam Hussein not once brought up the harm and deaths caused by U.S Sanctions. It would be nice if the carpet baggers were kept completely away from an interim government....
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 9:29pm PST
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