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Newsitem List

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Elizabeth Creeley of the Bay Area Coalition For Our Reproductive Rights (BACORR) provides commentary on the polical struggle for women's reproductive rights. (8 minutes)...
Posted: Sat, Feb 25, 2006 7:20pm PST
textMarch 12th - Make Peace On The Beach With Us! by CODEPINK
Add your voice to the global call and join us in Los Angeles on March 12th....
Posted: Sat, Feb 25, 2006 11:59am PST
textToday at 6 in SF: Pushed to the Altar: Marriage, Poverty, & Politic by looks like a good one
6pm, The Women's Building, 3543 18th St., San Francisco. $5-$10 suggested donation, no one turned away for lack of funds. For information call 510/444-2700...
Posted: Wed, Feb 22, 2006 5:24pm PST
text3/10-12: "RAW" ... a celebration of International Women's Day by via list
RAW will challenge and inspire you to discover your authentic self as powerful female performers and artists peel back the layers of their identities....
Posted: Wed, Feb 22, 2006 3:33pm PST
imageWomen as Social Warriors IV: Prevenir y Protejer (2/2)
by from cjtc
Latinas and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Thursday, February 2, 2006 College 9 & 10 Multipurpose Room 6:00 PM-9:00 PM...
Posted: Wed, Feb 1, 2006 12:25pm PST
textBreast cancer meeting fails people of Hunters Point, San Francisco, Marin County by Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award Winner
I spent most of the day, Saturday, Jan. 21, at the single meeting this year of the Bay Area Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Center. The coverup continues....
Posted: Sat, Jan 28, 2006 9:01am PST
audioBACORR Rally at Fisherman's Wharf on anniverary of Roe vs Wade (audio/mpeg 8.2MB) by Rubble
Reproductive Rights activists rally and speak out after the San Francisco march in a small park at Fisherman's Wharf, while protestors with "Women Deserve Better" signs continued to clog the streets in the tourist district....
Posted: Sun, Jan 22, 2006 9:57pm PST
audioReproductive Rights Activists Confront "Walk For Life" March (audio/mpeg 5.3MB) by Rubble
Chants from the streets as counter protesters stand up against anti-abortion visitors....
Posted: Sun, Jan 22, 2006 9:26pm PST
audio"Walk For Life" Rally in San Francisco against Roe vs. Wade (audio/mpeg 7.3MB) by Rubble
audio excerpts of pro-life rally at Justine Herman Plaza on Saturday, January 21st draws thousands...
Posted: Sun, Jan 22, 2006 9:08pm PST
audioCounter Protest to "Walk For Life" on aniversary of Roe vs. Wade (audio/mpeg 11.2MB) by Rubble
Pro-choice activists speak out on reproductive rights and other related topics at Pier 7 on the Embarcadero in San Francisco on Saturday, January 21 to protest the heavily funded national "Walk For Life" rally against abortion rights (12 minutes)...
Posted: Sun, Jan 22, 2006 8:46pm PST
textCodePINK's Sorry State of the Union SPEAK-OUT!! by sam joi
Speak-out while bush speaks sorry - the only way to stomach his address is with a bunch of like-minded folks & a few trademark CodePINK activities! We promise, the viewing of the State of the Union Address will never be more empowering or thought-provoking as sharing it with CodePINKers! Join us 5:00 at Union Square Sports Bar in San Francisco...
Posted: Sun, Jan 22, 2006 6:45pm PST
text1/06 SF feminists fall into trap set by rightwingers by qfp
Wanna march on the same day as anti-choice demonstrators? Okay -- but march AWAY from the right-wingers, NOT toward them! Better yet, hold a concert in a park....
Posted: Sun, Jan 22, 2006 9:53am PST
textJan 24: Film: "The Last Abortion Clinic" & Panel Disussion on Abortion Access by Jon Garfield
Jan 24 at 7pm: Abortion Access in California Today - Film: "The Last Abortion Clinic" and panel discussion. Tuesday, January 24th, 7 - 9 pm, New College Theater, 766 Valencia St., San Francisco...
Posted: Sat, Jan 21, 2006 11:31pm PST
imageCode Pink Takes The Street, Delay's Anti Choice March
by Steve Brown
Code Pink made a brilliant tactical move by taking the street in front of the Anti's march , causing the cops to hold back the marchers for some time. They were able to walk a signifigant distance unopposed while the cops tried to get their act together, but finally wildly careening motorcycle cops descended on them and got them out of the street....
Posted: Sat, Jan 21, 2006 11:24pm PST
imageCandlelight Roe Vigil, Dolores Park, SF
by greentea
Photos and text about the candlelight vigil celebrating the 33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade...
Posted: Sat, Jan 21, 2006 10:14pm PST
imageWomen's rights defenders counter anti-choice crusaders
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
About 500 defenders of women's rights attempted to counter a mobilization of nearly 10,000 anti-choice crusaders in San Francisco today....
Posted: Sat, Jan 21, 2006 9:48pm PST
textBreaking News Reports from 1/21 Pro-choice March by editors
this goes latest to earliest...
Posted: Sat, Jan 21, 2006 7:59pm PST
imagePro-Choice Demonstrators Counter Anti-Abortion March
by Felix
Hundreds of pro-choice demonstrators confronted an anti-abortion "march for life" in San Francisco. The "Antis" were ecstatic and predicting the overturn of Roe v. Wade with the nomination of Judge Alito to the Supreme Court....
Posted: Sat, Jan 21, 2006 6:21pm PST
imageWomen’s Rights activists vs. Walk for "Life"
by Frank
Here are still more photos from January 21, 2006, roughly from 12pm to 2pm....
Posted: Sat, Jan 21, 2006 6:06pm PST
imageWalk for Life March and Pro-Choice Countermarch, SF 21 Jan 2006.
by dave wahl
Walk for Life March/Pro-Choice Countermarch--San Francisco 21 Jan 2006....
Posted: Sat, Jan 21, 2006 5:45pm PST
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